The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Printable Version +- Bring4th ( +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies ( +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters ( +--- Thread: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! (/showthread.php?tid=2636) |
The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - zack231 - 05-04-2011 The Law of One has changed my life forever in unimaginable ways although I have always, there is more than most people think. But this is not what I wanted to talk about what I want to talk about is the loneliness I feel knowing how much of an illusion it all is and knowing the truth of the munipultive government there is so much going on in the world. But people just seem to be oblivious to it all they would rather watch something about just bieber, shows about beauty, next top model, soap operas, mindless movies, play ultra violent video games, get brainwashed by the lies of the government the list could go on for infinity I swear, and I am just fed up I try to talk them about these things mainly about what the government does behind thier backs but they don't want to listen they just switch off. I absolutely hate racism especially how our western civilization seems to think other countries are the evil ones and that all Muslims are terrorists! I hate it.. If only they realized that the American government kills thousands of innocent children every day in countries like afganistan and Iraq in illegal wars just so they can have power of them and steal their countries freedom and oil.. If only they could know this.... But they don't they would rather sit around and watch the latest scandal on tv the latest break up.... Society is meant to be free but people arnt allowed to have a voice anymore, most don't care or even contemplate that we are floating through space that we are 1 billions of other planets in our galaxy and that there are an infinite number of galaxiesout there and that our galaxy is so large it would take 250,000 years to cross it going at the speed of light. That some Scientists actually believe that the universe somehow from nothing and by pure luck formed galaxies which started suns and planets which would rotate around the sun and there is gravity so things stay grounded when on a planet, it's all so perfect yet most still believe it's all luck!!!what is wrong with the world...many still ask are we alone in the universe many support the believe that we might be !! Yes the infinite universe and galaxies and planets all began and we are the only ones in the the entire universe who became intelligent!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE! How could anyone in there right mind even think that..what a waste of space to have one intelligent race by luck pop up and no where else. I recently saw on an interview with actors from the new movie Paul about the comedy of the grey alien, and when they were asked do they believe in extra terrestrials they said " no I heard it was a myth" I honestly from the bottom of my heart heart feel sorry for how distorted alot of people in society have become. I often dream and wish I grew up on another planet and think of how distorted another third density civililisation would think we are and how scared they would be in our world, they would be in utter disbelief in the structure of our world.... Sorry for this rant but had to speak my mind, I write down what I was feeling right after I said to my mum why do people work everyday of their lives and waste their time with it and she replied "because that is how life is" I was so angry but contained it and walked off and this is why inwrote this, thanks if anyone actually read all this then I trully bless you for you are a beautiful person in a dark world. I just wish the world would wake up and understand that there is so much more and that we are truly one. Love to all who read this RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Meerie - 05-04-2011 I can relate to how you feel... but in the end it is a free will planet and people choose how to occupy their time, be it with watching soap operas or playing video games or whatever. (I must admit I enjoy mindless soap operas too.. at least some of them ) And don't forget the veil is so thick, it is quite easy to get lost here. Maybe you will like the following quotation by Einstein: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former". RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Ankh - 05-04-2011 (05-04-2011, 08:43 AM)zack231 Wrote: I just wish the world would wake up and understand that there is so much more and that we are truly one. And that's why you are here, you beautiful soul! Love and light RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Confused - 05-04-2011 (05-04-2011, 08:43 AM)zack231 Wrote: lol if anyone actually read all this then I trully bless you for you are a beautiful person in a dark world. I read it, I completely read it So I receive your blessings in love and humility. Thank you for a heart-felt post, z231 RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Crown - 05-04-2011 Iv'e read your post and i want to say that the time is coming. People are slowly starting to "wake up". RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - 3DMonkey - 05-04-2011 I thought Paul was hilarious. I wouldn't even know what to think of it if it weren't made for me ( the believer that is). Although, I did get a creepy feeling like it was made specifically for me. I had watched Mac and Me for the first time a few weeks before the movie. Also, I have been suggesting to persons for eight or so years to see Lorenzo's Oil. I have not met a person yet who has seen it, and BAM! they make a reference to it. What?! My wife and I just looked at each other and were like "How does an obscure reference like that make it to a fresh movie as this is? Must be made for me " to quote the movie- "You can't win with these people." RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Brittany - 05-04-2011 All I can say is to focus on the people you *can* affect. You can be of service to everyone simply be letting love radiate in all your actions, but some people are obviously going to be more responsive to your individual efforts than others. There are some people who are just not at the point on their life path where they are ready to deal with the more complex nuances of spiritual growth. To spend all your time trying to make them understand it like trying to feed a 2-week-old baby a full slab of ribs. Way more effort and mess than it's worth. Save the ribs for people who know how to enjoy them. When I began my path there were some connections I just had to cut. It isn't that I hate these people or won't help them if they ask, but getting them to a point where we could agree on anything was like trying to drag a donkey somewhere it doesn't want to go. It just isn't going to happen. And as I let them be, I began finding other people who were more than eager to share my path. Like attracts like and all of that. And, in time, some of those impossible people noticed how good I was doing and started coming around a bit themselves, all on their own. I also stopped watching TV for the most part. Like you, I find most of it intolerable, but there's nothing keeping me from turning it off. As Carla says, "The world is full of cactus, but you don't have to sit on it." RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Ankh - 05-04-2011 lol, ahktu!!! They probably kicked you out from the Orion because you were too humorous for their taste! RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Brittany - 05-04-2011 That's what it was. I made them smile and they hated it. XD RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Unbound - 05-06-2011 Without going to sleep there would be no one to wake up. RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - kycahi - 05-06-2011 (05-04-2011, 08:43 AM)zack231 Wrote: I often dream and wish I grew up on another planet and think of how distorted another third density civililisation would think we are and how scared they would be in our world, they would be in utter disbelief in the structure of our world... This is where we disagree, zack. I choose to believe that we live on a beautiful planet populated by all manner of people who are tossing catalysts back and forth as fast as possible. It's an amazing freak show and I love all the freaks. Even you . Other 3D worlds are probably boring by comparison. I remember decades ago when this one was boring. I would not want to go back. RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - zenmaster - 05-07-2011 Just seeing a lot of threads pop up related to finger pointing. "Those reverting to orange ray, and we may add these are many upon your plane at this time, are those who feel the vibrations of true color green and, therefore, respond by rejecting governmental and societal activities as such and seek once more the self." RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - zack231 - 05-11-2011 (05-07-2011, 10:57 AM)zenmaster Wrote: Just seeing a lot of threads pop up related to finger pointing. "Those reverting to orange ray, and we may add these are many upon your plane at this time, are those who feel the vibrations of true color green and, therefore, respond by rejecting governmental and societal activities as such and seek once more the self." I remember this from the books but I dont understand it is it a good thing or a bad thing. What I am trying to say is is Ra ponting to this is service to self thing or service to others? RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - kycahi - 05-11-2011 That is a super excellent question, zack. In the U.S. these days, many people new to politics are urging a radical departure from current thinking about the role of the federal government, saying stay out of everybody's lives, tax a lot less and return to minimal services. I choose to interpret this as a greenish philosophy, although perhaps not fully formed. You can say that by freeing people from so much government thinking for the self lets self grow toward more personal decision-making. OTOH many people are mired into such personal despair that they need a hand up. Without government assistance, argue some, these people will only get into worse conditions. Those arguing for this assistance are acting greenish too. Some people arguing for less government, IMHO, are not saying this out loud but thinking that society must let the worst-off people suffer and die rather than spend taxpayer money to keep them around. In fact, they think, humans on a personal/local level will step forward and do better for those sufferers than any government program, and they will receive the best assistance for getting lives in order and become productive and useful. That also seems greenish. Ra seems to have left up to each of us to determine our greenish path. Let's say that a lot of Earth residents, after lifetimes of 3D bumbling around, are about to Choose or recently Chose STO. The next steps are to take some kind of action, but what kind? Thus the different-looking, nearly opposite-looking methods of implementing STO. My literal interpretation of Ra is that if 3Ders revert to orange-ish without having integrated sufficient yellowish experiences, they would tend toward STS. Ra did not, IMHO, imply that those 3Ders made a hard Choice yet. They are dabbling with ideas to see where they might lead. If they did Choose, they can at any time switch path anyway. In these 3D existences, all are free to choose STS or STO and see where that takes them. Either choice is fine with the One. Today we are seeing weather running amok with simultaneous floods and drought, which might be resulting from global warming. In parallel, we might be seeing people going amok too, because of global greening. If we desire the biggest harvest, then we desire the most Choosing, of either path. RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - 3DMonkey - 05-11-2011 (05-11-2011, 05:05 AM)zack231 Wrote:(05-07-2011, 10:57 AM)zenmaster Wrote: Just seeing a lot of threads pop up related to finger pointing. "Those reverting to orange ray, and we may add these are many upon your plane at this time, are those who feel the vibrations of true color green and, therefore, respond by rejecting governmental and societal activities as such and seek once more the self." Neither. It is scientific explanation. I personally interpret it as conditions such as autism. I've only had a couple individuals acknowledge my interpretation. It's certainly not indicating rejection of one or another political parties, and not rejecting one or another way of commerce. RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - turtledude23 - 05-16-2011 I know how you feel zack. You are changing the world all the time by simply existing here on Earth and being yourself. STO is all about acceptance: if you accept the world around you as it is, then it will start changing. @3DM: that orange ray hermit quote applied to me for most of my life and while I was less sociable than most I'm not autistic, I don't have aspergers, I genuinely preferred being alone and thinking or daydreaming over interacting with others, before. @kycahi: I made the choice of STO while still being stuck in that no-yellow period of my life, I did things which I thought were STO but often turned out to be unhelpful to anyone/me, damaging to my growth, or even STS. So its not that you can't make the choice with a blocked chakra, you're just not going to manifest that desire as well as you could otherwise, but with a genuine desire to be STO you'll find the way eventually. RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - kycahi - 05-16-2011 (05-16-2011, 01:01 PM)turtledude23 Wrote: @3DM: that orange ray hermit quote applied to me for most of my life and while I was less sociable than most I'm not autistic, I don't have aspergers, I genuinely preferred being alone and thinking or daydreaming over interacting with others, before. The hyperintuition thread here agrees with you. I agree especially with the last sentence. Many posts in these forums label bad behavior as STS where I think those accused are dabbling with a kind of ignorant selfishness that comes from imbalance, not truly post-Choice. RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Nyu - 05-16-2011 I think the distortions of the world are designed to keep us living in fear and worrying. It is put in place by the forces that want to keep us negatively-poled. It was getting to me in a big way for a while, but I decided to stop paying so much attention to it. We can't help what the rest of the world is doing, but we don't need to get involved as it is counter-productive to our growth. Also while it is painful seeing so many others playing into it, what can we do? It's all about free will. They need to uncover their eyes for themselves. All you can do is hope some day that they will. RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - kycahi - 05-17-2011 And make yourself a beacon. Even if none asks you for help or enlightenment, you will be one more of the comfortable people, giving an example of what's possible. RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - mikesc - 05-17-2011 (05-11-2011, 05:05 AM)zack231 Wrote: is it a good thing or a bad thing? I really think this is where you are getting hung up. I don't really think it makes to think in terms of good or bad. In fact weren't we warned about how a knowledge of good and evil makes the world seem like a confusing and dangerous place? Seriously though, everyone has the right to pursue the types of experiences they desire. Everyone can choose the type of entertainment that they desire. They can choose to support a government that maintains certain games and illusions if they like those particular games and illusions. That doesn't mean that you can try to bring attention to these things or steer life in a certain direction. Just don't let it become something that has to be fixed in order for you to feel at ease? You have the right to feel good. You aren't hiding with your head in the sand. You are learning and trying to do the things that most make sense to you. You've taken responsibility for yourself and your life. That's all that can be expected of someone. Anything above and beyond that is your choice. Do what you can, if you want, but know that you don't have to bear the burdens of every person in the world. RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Infinite Unity - 03-07-2019 (05-04-2011, 12:55 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I thought Paul was hilarious. I wouldn't even know what to think of it if it weren't made for me ( the believer that is). There is only One. It was made by you, for you. RE: The distortions of this world and society are killing me! - Infinite - 03-08-2019 I know how you feel. Sometimes I wake in the morning and just says: "f*** society". It's hard live in a sleeping world but we are here to aid him. |