(03-09-2022, 06:11 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: Freedom is not free. Freedom has to be fought for and at a price.
I don't know whether this is acceptable in the sense of Spiritual Awakening, except I am watching it in practice.
There are interesting actual channelings around this question:
https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2022/0302 Wrote:Q’uo:
This is a difficult topic for us to speak to in a clear sense because the attitudes of bellicosity, as they present themselves and manifest upon your planet, are quite unfamiliar to us. Bellicosity has been a, shall we say, hallmark of third density for many members of the Confederation. Yet the level of technology and violence and destruction capable through the manifestation of bellicosity on your planet and other planets within your solar system, in what you would call the past, are much greater than we have personally experienced.
https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2022/0309 Wrote:Q’uo:
We are Q'uo, and we are aware of the query, my brother. We would begin addressing this interesting and complicated situation by first offering somewhat of a disclaimer, in that the battle described by those of Ra in this passage is a unique dynamic that plays out within realms and upon levels that are beyond the full grasp of the third-density being. There is a certain cosmological context to what has been described as a battle of thought that cannot be applied to the veiled existence of the third-density entity in a, shall we say, one-to-one fashion. Thus, we offer a response to this query in the hopes that there is some extrapolation to be made for the third-density entity, but caution any who reads or hears these words that these are unique circumstances that a third-density entity is unlikely to experience.
We first address the notion that the Confederation as a whole, which includes entities of primarily the fourth, fifth, and sixth densities, realizes that, to allow the crusaders of the Orion empire to carry out their self-proclaimed duty or calling to bring what they view as order and meaning to the universe—but may be seen in a positive context as enslavement and an infringement upon free will—that for the Confederation to allow this dynamic to unfold would result in, from the viewpoint of the Law of One and of the One Creator, an imbalance and an infringement upon the energetic cycles of the Creator.
Thus, the Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator, tapping into a certain grasp of these dynamics thanks to the guidance of what you know as the Council of Saturn, is able to move and interact in certain ways that may seem, from a certain perspective, antithetical to the overall goal of service to others and service to the Creator by participating in what is described as a battle. This task is given to those of the fourth density, for the higher densities of fifth and sixth density have a broader view of this—we correct this instrument—of these mechanisms at play that allows them to see how the Creator's will may unfold in both the actions of the [positive] fourth-density entities and the actions of the Orion empire. Thus, these higher densities do not participate in such a battle, but do not discourage or refrain from allowing the fourth-density entities to take up their own arms of thought in order to protect and serve through the act of defense, as you have called it.
The primary difference between this thought-battle and what you may experience in third density known as war, and the concept of bellicosity, is an attitude available to those of fourth density that allows these entities to see the Creator within those whom they are defending against. And thus, the actions that they take are based primarily within the green ray of universal love—that love being manifested as protection against enslavement and the preservation of free will.
This attitude is an incredibly difficult attitude to manifest within the third density, for the veil [is intended to] prevent an entity, who may take up defensive attitudes, from recognizing the presence of the Creator in any situation. The mechanisms of survival and tribalism are primary aspects of the catalyst that you experience within the third density. And in a moment at which one's life is threatened or one's loved ones are threatened, the Creator and thoughts of the Creator are generally outside of the reach of an individual, who instead feels a swell of survival. And an act that, in the end, may be based upon love of another, in the moment is undertaken with an attitude of separation that may be manifested as anger, as fear, or as even thoughts of revenge and retribution.
In the third and fourth it is "normal" that you have to "fight" for your freedom and free will.
Later on it is "possible" to do this as a thought-battle ...