10-30-2021, 01:47 AM

again - yes and no.
just because a third density adept was able to get in contact with intelligent infinity and penetrate the veil of forgetting does not mean he/she become sixth density entity. we can not bypass grades in our evolution of going back to the One Infinite Creator. as Q'uo said "it is inappropriate to move more quickly than one's feet may walk". densities are there for a reason. even though for a Wanderer third density experience may be just a lesson of a higher density learning process, this learning is happening precisely because there is the dense veil and heavy chemical body which give 100 times more intense catalyst.
in my really humble opinion, even if one is a Wanderer, it can be detracting to think one can ponder sixth density lessons being incarnated as a third density being. think of it most Wanderes are not even Jesus-like, all forgiving and being capable of "miracles". Jehoshua was fourth density Wanderer. and yet most people believe whatever their rational mind whispers them. most spiritual traditions say it is indispensable to be able to quiet your rational mind, to halt the endless train of thoughts and remain in inner stillness and quiescense, because that undistracted state is the essential foundation for spiritual development. Q'uo stress the same. so whatever true insights about true nature of things we get they don't come from reasoning, reading books or other logic-based intellectual efforts. that is why thinking about higher densities experiences by means of our third density thought process yield no true understanding) i don't think veil gives advantage to STS beings. it may look that way from an STS point of view, but the fruits of third density learning are reaped not in this life. in a way, the less we know - the more we learn while here. it is our Choice what to believe and to have faith or not.