10-07-2021, 11:22 AM
(10-06-2021, 03:56 PM)InfiniteOneness Wrote: Yessssssssss fellow self! Glad to see someone who hasn't been distracted by the mundane, will join this meditation for sure, truth be told, the virus is also love, so it can be spoken to, let it know you are it, and it is you, and to harm either is to harm the self. Most illness cannot sustain itself in a positive vibration. Time isn't so linear as we think, and so as long as we intend to join this together, we will all be there, even if it is in ten, or one hundred years from now, this is my opinion anyhow. Also, thank you/us so much <3 Really happy to see such a call, no division, animosity etc. Makes me want to frequent the forum a little more often. Keep shining bright light, we're grateful to share in your presence.Welcome to this thread !!
Love and light to you/us/all <3