(06-14-2021, 08:24 PM)Patrick Wrote: Harvested yes. Harvested to 4D, not necessarily. We can be harvested and planted into another 3D planet.
We all walks the steps of light, even those not incarnated.
Yes - there is a much more differentiated channeling from Saturday Meditation February 6, 2016 for this case:
Quote:You ask what is the progress of the harvest for this planet and its population at this time, for many have been the predictions of this great event throughout the history of your planet. Indeed, the one known as Jesus the Christ said that there were those among his group that would see the harvest. The harvest is that which begins first in those minds and especially in those hearts that are prepared to welcome and enjoy the vibrations of love and understanding. Thus, there are many who have been able to harvest themselves into the fourth density positive over the last few thousand of your years, and they, at this time, are preparing to welcome their brothers and sisters of the greater population of planet earth that will be harvested at the, shall we say, striking of the hour, on the infinite clock of destiny.
We are aware that you have information that suggests there is a great span of time in your measure that may be the potential experience of the last of the third density and the complete experience of the fourth density. This time measurement, reaching upwards to six and seven hundred of your years, is still a possibility, though there are factors of free will of the great masses of peoples upon your planet to consider.
There are, at this time, many entities and group such as this group that work to increase the harvest in a geometric fashion. You are aware of the concept of the doubling which those of Ra spoke of. When there is one who seeks, that is enough to be the cornerstone; when there are two that seek the One in a successful manner approaching harvestability, there is the doubling; and the third continues to double and so forth, until there is what you may call a “critical mass” reached for your planetary population.
Realize my friends that the free will of your planet is most difficult to predict for there are forces moving from ancient of days that would work against such harvest, those entities of a darker variety which seek in their own manner to be harvested by controlling the light of this harvest. And yet they shall fail, for the legions of the service-to-self entities will have only a short day where they shall reign supreme and then their day shall be over, and the light shall shine, and the harvest shall be complete. And those who seek service to others shall find a new fourth density home upon this planet, for this planet shall be a fourth-density positive planet, even with all the seeming darkness, strife, wars, control and negativity that have plagued this planet for thousands of your years.
What is interesting about those souls, those complexes of mind, body, and spirit, who grow upon this plane, is that they will have had experiences in relation to the negative focus of energy which is what we might call “up close and personal.” They will have had intimate experience in transmuting negative energies in some cases of a rather high order into a positive manifestation, and it is this experience which will give them a certain strength, a certain insight, a certain vibratory character which will be very gladly received by their brothers and sisters of other planets, of other densities, which will be then given the opportunity to explore dimensions of the creation that have previously not been available for close inspection, shall we say.
It is for this reason that it is a rather significant point to consider that your planet has a destiny and a continuity of development from the past which it has experienced in third density, to the present and to a future which most assuredly will be fourth density positive. Those souls who will be invited to come into your planetary experience from other sources—and will be so invited because there will be the availability of “slots,” shall we say, in your population which will not be able to be filled by the native third-density population, there being a lack of those harvested to fill these “slots”—these new souls will be given the honor and the duty to fill out a destiny which will involve a trajectory, or a momentum, and will involve cultural forms which have been in the process of being developed over a long period of your years.