Admittedly, I'm envious of all of you who've had primarily or only good trips on drugs. On the harder drugs I nearly always have bad trips :-/... In the order I tried them:
Marijuana: Smoked it from when I was 16 till I was 19 and a half irregularly but not infrequently. On pot my feelings of unbelongingness, social awkwardness, self-rejection, fear, depression, and anger all are emphasized and used to be made to completely engulf me. Whatever the emotion I was experiencing at the time, it was all that I knew and terrified me. More recently I've learned to control my thoughts and think myself into better and better states of being, but I stay away from pot so I don't know what it'd be like......... A little bit goes a very long way for me.
Alcohol: A favorite, always loved it First drink when I turned 17, still drinking these days whenever I feel like it.
MDMA (Ecstasy): First tried it when I was 17 with the guys I originally smoked pot with and drank with... The first few times I tried it nothing happened, for what reason I dunno! At raves I've had both good and bad trips on it. Bad trips (I'm fairly sure I was having a depressive episode) are horrible . At a rave I sat in the stands for 6 hours in the same seat without moving more than to adjust my position with my head in my hands terrified of being caught by the police, terrified of being judged by others, and in general in a very very bad state of being. On a good x trip, it's great! Dancing, light shows, talking, seeing, hearing, everything feels amazing, and if I could guarantee I'd get a good trip I might try it again, but x always triggers depression for days after the trip, which isn't worth it to me, and I've decided to be sober (except alcohol I guess) for personal reasons
Mushrooms: 5 Bad trips, 1 good trip. Bad trips are freaky and the feel depends on what mood the trip is, but being on a psychedelic and being in a fearful state isn't fun in general. The good trip was awesome. I kicked back in my bed and thought about spiritual and deep life stuff while listening to some good ol' Infected Mushroom Many deep insights!
Alcohol/Vicodin: This ones dangerous, watch out for mixing pills with alcohol. But it's pretty fun as long as you don't overdo it.
Alcohol (high dose)/Vicodin (medium dose)/Mushrooms (low dose)/Marijuana (medium dose) Cocktail: Fun as hell, honestly I don't remember much about it. Because of the amounts I took the drugs in, it was basically like a alcohol/pot crossfade with some additional relaxation and sight/hearing distortion.
Salvia: 75% bad trips, 25% good trips... My bad trips were indescribably scary, my good trips were pretty cool but nothing spectacular. One trip that stands out to me felt like the trip lasted for eternity and the tree in front of me was devouring/draining me in an energy-type way.
Marijuana/Salvia: Bad trip on pot made worse (yea I dunno why I did it either) by salvia... Don't remember much about it but it isn't something I'd opt for again!
Dextromethorphan: Over the counter cough medicine as mentioned before, the effective dose is 15mg for a cough. I took 475mg at 3:00pm and between 5:00pm and 6:30pm finished another 475mg... Very scary trip, scared my friend half to death and he was sober! My vision split into 8 images per eye and my eyes unaligned and stayed that way for hours, we almost went to the emergency room. In the heated room I would get too cold, so I'd go outside in the dead of night and get too hot and do that repeatedly, there's more but I'm tired and feel like going to bed! Mostly scary. One of my favorite experiences happened on dxm though, my friend and I were sitting on our dock listening to the water splash and watching the sunset, and time stood still as I saw the most beautiful scene I've ever seen. Rainbow-colored clouds, diamonds of light dancing on the moving water, deep green trees and the general ambiance of what I was feeling is one of my best experiences of this lifetime. Amazing.
LSD (1 hit) /MDMA (1 pill)/Speed (very low dose)/Pot (very high dose)/Nicotine (moderate dose) Cocktail: It was mostly a bad trip, though I remember a lot of being fairly level-headed for being on several drugs at once. I had two interesting experiences on this: The first was very bad; it was about the Lucifer social memory complex who are supposedly doing their service for us 3d Earthly humans. Basically I was paralyzed with fear and had to use absolutely all my will power and knowledge of light work and mind power to help myself out. Immediately following thatpart of the trip, I talked with 7th density guardians and found out I had made harvest; that part was amazing. Every cell in me flooded with intense love for everyone and everything for about a minute. It was one of the best minutes of my life!
Vicodin: I got addicted to it so I've had to stop, but it feels pretty cool. Basically for me my inhibitions get very low, I become very relaxed, my sense of touch becomes very sensitive and pleasurable, I open up to people, and I keep my head (actually it's like being sober in this respect).
There are several other threads on this site in which I've written about my experiences with drugs so I won't go into detail here, but I've overcome a quasi-addiction to drugs. I used them to cover emotional pain I didn't want to deal with and when things get "bad" (like a fight or something) these days, I still get urges to do any available drug - usually caffeine or alcohol. These urges I quell!
Of course I'm probably an exception to the rule with drugs... Having been very insecure, very full of self-rejection and self-hatred, always having practiced being down on myself, supressing/repressing a lot of anger, creating anger out of completely imaginary scenarios that greatly affected my actions in real life, and having clinical depression made for bad experiences on drugs. I've had my share of good trips on drugs, and I think that if you're more okay with yourself than I used to be, or if you love yourself, or are even just alright or average (in your own eyes, I'm not trying to be mean. You are deeply loved, appreciated and cherished ), you'll have a good time on drugs. I agree with Derek, make sure to research the drugs you want to try on, and always make sure you're being safe about them and have a comfortable set and setting. Fun, safety, and best wishes
Peace Love Unity Respect
Marijuana: Smoked it from when I was 16 till I was 19 and a half irregularly but not infrequently. On pot my feelings of unbelongingness, social awkwardness, self-rejection, fear, depression, and anger all are emphasized and used to be made to completely engulf me. Whatever the emotion I was experiencing at the time, it was all that I knew and terrified me. More recently I've learned to control my thoughts and think myself into better and better states of being, but I stay away from pot so I don't know what it'd be like......... A little bit goes a very long way for me.
Alcohol: A favorite, always loved it First drink when I turned 17, still drinking these days whenever I feel like it.
MDMA (Ecstasy): First tried it when I was 17 with the guys I originally smoked pot with and drank with... The first few times I tried it nothing happened, for what reason I dunno! At raves I've had both good and bad trips on it. Bad trips (I'm fairly sure I was having a depressive episode) are horrible . At a rave I sat in the stands for 6 hours in the same seat without moving more than to adjust my position with my head in my hands terrified of being caught by the police, terrified of being judged by others, and in general in a very very bad state of being. On a good x trip, it's great! Dancing, light shows, talking, seeing, hearing, everything feels amazing, and if I could guarantee I'd get a good trip I might try it again, but x always triggers depression for days after the trip, which isn't worth it to me, and I've decided to be sober (except alcohol I guess) for personal reasons
Mushrooms: 5 Bad trips, 1 good trip. Bad trips are freaky and the feel depends on what mood the trip is, but being on a psychedelic and being in a fearful state isn't fun in general. The good trip was awesome. I kicked back in my bed and thought about spiritual and deep life stuff while listening to some good ol' Infected Mushroom Many deep insights!
Alcohol/Vicodin: This ones dangerous, watch out for mixing pills with alcohol. But it's pretty fun as long as you don't overdo it.
Alcohol (high dose)/Vicodin (medium dose)/Mushrooms (low dose)/Marijuana (medium dose) Cocktail: Fun as hell, honestly I don't remember much about it. Because of the amounts I took the drugs in, it was basically like a alcohol/pot crossfade with some additional relaxation and sight/hearing distortion.
Salvia: 75% bad trips, 25% good trips... My bad trips were indescribably scary, my good trips were pretty cool but nothing spectacular. One trip that stands out to me felt like the trip lasted for eternity and the tree in front of me was devouring/draining me in an energy-type way.
Marijuana/Salvia: Bad trip on pot made worse (yea I dunno why I did it either) by salvia... Don't remember much about it but it isn't something I'd opt for again!
Dextromethorphan: Over the counter cough medicine as mentioned before, the effective dose is 15mg for a cough. I took 475mg at 3:00pm and between 5:00pm and 6:30pm finished another 475mg... Very scary trip, scared my friend half to death and he was sober! My vision split into 8 images per eye and my eyes unaligned and stayed that way for hours, we almost went to the emergency room. In the heated room I would get too cold, so I'd go outside in the dead of night and get too hot and do that repeatedly, there's more but I'm tired and feel like going to bed! Mostly scary. One of my favorite experiences happened on dxm though, my friend and I were sitting on our dock listening to the water splash and watching the sunset, and time stood still as I saw the most beautiful scene I've ever seen. Rainbow-colored clouds, diamonds of light dancing on the moving water, deep green trees and the general ambiance of what I was feeling is one of my best experiences of this lifetime. Amazing.
LSD (1 hit) /MDMA (1 pill)/Speed (very low dose)/Pot (very high dose)/Nicotine (moderate dose) Cocktail: It was mostly a bad trip, though I remember a lot of being fairly level-headed for being on several drugs at once. I had two interesting experiences on this: The first was very bad; it was about the Lucifer social memory complex who are supposedly doing their service for us 3d Earthly humans. Basically I was paralyzed with fear and had to use absolutely all my will power and knowledge of light work and mind power to help myself out. Immediately following thatpart of the trip, I talked with 7th density guardians and found out I had made harvest; that part was amazing. Every cell in me flooded with intense love for everyone and everything for about a minute. It was one of the best minutes of my life!
Vicodin: I got addicted to it so I've had to stop, but it feels pretty cool. Basically for me my inhibitions get very low, I become very relaxed, my sense of touch becomes very sensitive and pleasurable, I open up to people, and I keep my head (actually it's like being sober in this respect).
There are several other threads on this site in which I've written about my experiences with drugs so I won't go into detail here, but I've overcome a quasi-addiction to drugs. I used them to cover emotional pain I didn't want to deal with and when things get "bad" (like a fight or something) these days, I still get urges to do any available drug - usually caffeine or alcohol. These urges I quell!
Of course I'm probably an exception to the rule with drugs... Having been very insecure, very full of self-rejection and self-hatred, always having practiced being down on myself, supressing/repressing a lot of anger, creating anger out of completely imaginary scenarios that greatly affected my actions in real life, and having clinical depression made for bad experiences on drugs. I've had my share of good trips on drugs, and I think that if you're more okay with yourself than I used to be, or if you love yourself, or are even just alright or average (in your own eyes, I'm not trying to be mean. You are deeply loved, appreciated and cherished ), you'll have a good time on drugs. I agree with Derek, make sure to research the drugs you want to try on, and always make sure you're being safe about them and have a comfortable set and setting. Fun, safety, and best wishes
Peace Love Unity Respect