04-30-2021, 12:21 PM
Here's more material from that same session.
Quote:H: Do you have children?
Yes, we do. However, there is a difference between our methods of raising children than yours, in that children are raised by the entire clan so that each child has many older people to whom he can turn. In the event that one does not understand, there is always another. This, we find, is unlike your culture in which the child has very few chances for an understanding relationship with an older person. This is due to the difference in our vibrations, for in our vibration the truth is clear to us, and we can see the thoughts of those around us, even those from whom we are separated, as you would call it, physically by space. Thus, there is no falsehood or deception in any of our relationships; and therefore, each child seeks out those who vibrate in harmony with him without feeling that he must choose one person over another because of what you would call a blood relationship.
There is, of course, a special affection for one’s father or mother of the flesh, as you would call it, but it is nothing compared to the emphasis which you in your density put on this simple relationship. For in reality, you in your illusion have used this relationship to work out a great many lessons of love and service whereas we cannot use this relationship, for knowing the truth of love by the vibrations, seeing the thoughts of all those about you, we would not learn those lesson in any event, were our relationships restricted. Therefore, the restrictions are lifted, and we are free. However, we choose our friends within a vibration level which closely matches our own. And when our children are ready to mate, there is no question as to their suitability for each other, for their vibrations are obviously in harmony. Thus, our family life, as you would call it, is harmonious, and we are then free to serve others. And it is this freedom that has allowed us to come to you, for we have heard the call of your planet for help, for you desire to be as we—free and happy.
And yet, all that we can tell you is that that freedom is within yourself and not within the outer world, for the outer world is a distraction and a series of distractions which serve as a catalyst for your understanding. This catalyst you may ignore; you may become unhappy; you may become tired or you may consider these things within yourself, deciding what each lesson of your life might have to do with love. And when you see the love in a situation, then you have come one step closer to what you would call the kingdom of heaven. That is the place in which we dwell, for our dimension relates very closely to your heavenly vibration, as you would call it. In that vibration we live, and from that vibration we reach back to you to help, as it were, by inspiration, to help you want to be lifted up into a place in which there is peace and joy in reality and not only in dreams.
Does this answer your question?
H: Yes. Do you feel any other emotions besides love? Do you ever feel angry?
We feel an emotion besides love, but it is not anger. We feel an immense sorrow, a grief. We grieve for your peoples. You are not the first civilization that has approached annihilation on a planetary level, but there are not many of you. We grieve because you are separated, and we yearn and wish and hope that we can help you become one within yourselves, with love. We grieve as parents grieve when their children are unhappy, wanting to give them happiness but not knowing how. We grieve at your nations, that they are hostile to each other. For ours is a vibration of love, and when there is love there is sadness, sadness for those who do not know love; and this emotion we feel.
We speak only for the vibration of Hatonn. You must understand that we are one of many, many civilizations which make up the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. We are, shall we say, among them, not at the greatest of vibrations. Indeed, the one known to you as Latwii, and the one known to you as Telonn, are both of a light vibration which is much higher and much more full of joy than our own. And in their messages there could never be any grief. But we have not yet reached their wisdom, and we vibrate in love. Thus, we feel sadness, and we reach out to you in both love and sadness. And when you accept our love and your own sadness as a people diminishes slightly, then we feel great joy; and when you wish to fight among yourselves, then we are sad again.
H: Do you feel other emotions between yourselves (inaudible)?
May we say to you that it is difficult to express our thoughts through this channel on this subject, for she does not have a vocabulary suited to express the shadings of love. There are many, many different kinds of appreciation.
There are differences of opinion among us, but they are not inharmonious, for differences of opinion are simply differences in vibration and when that can be seen simply as that, it becomes simple to move an inharmonious vibration so that the person is better placed to be in harmony with those about him. You have an expression for this, which is a cliché among your peoples. We find it in this instrument’s mind. It is called, “Birds of a feather flock together.” And this is precisely what happens among our people.
Those of us who have one goal, one type of desire, spend our time pursuing it as one being. And yet, we all appreciate each other’s skills and abilities. Thus, we do not leave the vibration of love, yet our emotions vary widely as we listen to the healing of one and the music of another, or the cooking skills of another, or the poetry of another, or the ability to travel through densities and bring back beautiful stories of another.
You do not know who is speaking to you, for we do not have names. You may be having a contact with a healer Hatonn, or the singer Hatonn, or the poet Hatonn. Thus, the messages vary from time to time to a certain extent, but we are enough alike in our desire that there is similarity.
In this instrument’s mind there is a fact which perhaps helps to clarify the question. The word “snow” is one word in your language, but among those who live in the far, far north there are many, many words for snow. Thus it is with love. When you can see the variations and the shades of love, you can appreciate and feel an incredible variety of love.
H: Thank you very much for answering my question.
We are the ones to thank you, my sister, for without you we would be talking to ourselves. Is there another question?