04-13-2021, 11:19 AM
(04-13-2021, 10:44 AM)jafar Wrote: My advice is don't get too 'attached' to the figure of Elon Musk, or any other figure / avatar for that matter.
Good advice.
(04-13-2021, 10:44 AM)jafar Wrote: That guy "Sam" is a 20ish years old kid from India who are living with his mom.
I don't see any 'personal gain' he will get by 'inventing BS' about a billionaire such as Elon Musk.
I do not believe he is inventing BS. He is just channeling a negative entity without being aware of that. Like so many others...
(04-13-2021, 10:44 AM)jafar Wrote: Personally I'm worried about "Sam" more than "Elon".
Let's hope that video will not go viral.
Otherwise "Sam" will certainly came up in the radar, and become subject to many kind of 'attacks'.
Physically, mentally and spiritually.
I think Sam is too naive on what he potentially facing here, he exposed too much about his location and personal life. As even photo and date of birth is enough for 5th density being to pinpoint and locate anyone.
A channeler is already on the radar by default.
My personal information is trivial to get from the net and I am often making waves. I am targeted, but they cannot manifest any of it in the physical. Love is the great protector.
So he will not just be killed in the physical. And nothing bad will happen to him while he continues peddling their narrative anyway.
(04-13-2021, 10:44 AM)jafar Wrote: Channeller getting 'attacked' by STSes is a common and recurring pattern, throughout the history.
Nonetheless, I'm thankful to Sam (or "Ra") for putting this into my attention.
I'm previously ignorant about this kind of technology or Neuralink.
Certainly this is NOT something to ignore.
The "Ra" message there is highlighting the potential danger of Brain / Nerve Implant.
How it can be used for "mind control" in overloaded mode.
Certainly when one can control one can also 'detect' as well.
The next step after the technology is available is how to make it enforceable to the masses.
This requires governmental power...
Besides US government I'm now thinking about China and Russia who will be very keen to this kind of technology.
Yeah but they are a bit late to the party. The instreaming 4d energies and the mass awakening of many will ensure this ends well.
For example, the mass control tech is on the forefront of seekers's minds and so they are looking for it everywhere. The tech and the potential negative implications are real and this is what people are picking up on, but then the STS narrative redirects the attention and awareness away from the real deal. So that people starts seeing it in vaccines and starts working against cures instead of realizing that the cell phone we all use is where the attention should be.