02-16-2011, 12:12 AM
Quote:A construct cannot be negative or positive. Only people can be.Sure they can...what is your definition/s of "constructs"..Let's see there are thought forms, ideas, astral planes, time/space vs space/time, words, emotions, even first density can acquire 3d concioussness if they have been invested enough, symbols, planets, densities...philosophies...Logos construction of "constructs"...
Quote:...If freedom is STS then send me to Orion hell.Your choice, but I'm feeling will most probably be a repeat of 3 density patterns at this point due to you probably won't have enough polarization..but who knows.
Quote:Having sovereignty over the fruits of my own labour is natural law and I won't abandon that for anything. It's not attachment - it's an unwillingness to be a slave.You are a slave and you don't even know it...just because you live in a "first world country" --by definition elitist, does not mean you are free. Some contemplation on the history of imperialism, colonialism is due here. You think you live "well" because you have a job, live in a "free" country, "vote", etc...The fact is that your country is rich most probably because of the oppression of the other ones ("second" and "third" worlds...raping raw materials and keeping their inhabitants very quiet benefiting YOU from the fruits of THEIR labor.
Quote:Communism is slavery. Corporations in the West do not have slaves. There is a form of mental enslavement in some cases - mind control - but aside from this these corporations are engaging with people on a voluntary basis.
In the present no country/social complex in 3d here on Earth has reached anything close to communism..maybe Ra in Venus...Any attempt destroyed...China just becoming a mostly state CAPITALISM.
Part of the problem is that they created the new structure with the same rewards (money) than the old system not by creating a "new man/woman". Same with the old USSR.
You are a slave man...you are probably a paycheck away from becoming homeless, your children not having any future, no moral rewards, just money...without any type of consideration in developing a philosophy of morals...nope..save your ass first...That is purest orange blocking man...congratulations...you are a slave and you don't have the faintest idea. Probably soon going to red too...
Quote:Do you consider self-employment to be choosing your master? It's not. And neither is choosing to work for a company that does good in the world and is aligned with your values. A great example is Whole Foods. They don't have slaves. They have equal partners who contract with them voluntarily on a win-win basis.
haha I hope you continue to have enough money to keep buying at "Whole Foods"...(the fruits fruit of the labor of some other poor workers sweating the whole thing just for you ---That is REAL work I'd say!) Some people cannot afford Whole Foods you know...You are just a slave to that paycheck to continue to survive.
Sad sight when you see people buying food at the dollar store..especially the elderly because little can they afford.
Since socialism was never an option really due to the most bestial attacks to prevent any seeds of it by the elite...what we are talking about here is a "socialism to come"..."equality to come" "social memory complex to come"...
Capitalism in this earth is 3d. Not even, elite is trying to make this a 2d work..
There is no other way around, socialism is the philosophical theoretical background that allows a possibility for a social memory complex...Obviously a socialism not based on money (maybe at the beginning as part of a transition) but a societal structure..complex lets say based on the new man/woman...for 4d+...
The opposite would be "Orion Hell"