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i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +---- Forum: Transition to Fourth Density (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +---- Thread: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again (/showthread.php?tid=1977) |
i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-18-2010 a lot of collected thoughts in this one, be warned - its not as organized and neatly laid out. very very probably even a goodly percentage of them incorrect. i am just thinking aloud. =================== the development of the events follows similar pattern to the efforts before. wanderers come, and bring various stuff, ranging from philosophies to technology. the plan is to 'enable' entities, and therefore make them able to pursue choices/selection and avert the past mistakes from repetition. but, all of those stuff lack a major understanding - as long as underlying issues remain same, you cant build stuff on top of them. you remember our discussions regarding 200 year old wanderer wave, socialism and capitalism whatnot. what seems to be happening seems to be the same : wanderers bring philosophies/energy or technology. some relaxation and progress and freedom ensues, but, because 'everything is let be', in ignorance of the danger of enabling the negatively oriented entity with technology, everything devolves back into control of them. and the resulting situation is much more advanced in technology and system, but, equally or more hierarchical and controlling than before. see now, there are attacks on internet and its freedom. this is the most dangerous thing to the established elite. ironically, internet/i.t. seems to be the place where a lot of wanderers had concentrated into, its development. it had major development from 15 years ago up till now. mega. and, coincidentally, a lot of former hippies participated in its creation. lets see, hippies came, the summer of love was attempted, but, the establishment deteriorated it by using the media and means they had in their hands. and maybe internet was a failover plan, to counter this. a medium in which messages could spread unhampered and people would see what was what. and that had gotten initiated in the wake of that failure. the waning of hippie movement, and the dash of i.t. almost coincide, more or less in 70s. maybe it was a simultaneous plan, i dont know. maybe it was meant to be there regardless, to enable messages dissemination and networking/unification. it was designed in true blue fashion - unpreventable, irrepressible. much like qualities of the blue ray. and those who created it, had to have mastery of blue ray, in order to be able to actually work with indigo ray that is the ray of vision and creation. also, blue is wisdom and knowledge, so one needed to know things to be able to do things. ok. so these entities were 6d entities. no surprise there, we are already told by Ra that, there had been 60+ million wanderers circa 1980, and majority of them were from Ra. and it was a recent trend, then. meaning there came more as time went on. so these two bits of information actually coincide. but there is a catch. indigo is the ray of balancing wisdom and love, with love again. and love, is susceptible to possessive influences of orange ray. one would think that, 6d entities would have hard time balancing either part of that ray. ie, wisdom side, or love side. if positive, probably love side, and they would be open to possessive influences of orange, because they are again working with love. then again one would say that indigo energy, like green, may be open to possessive influences of orange ray, and then maybe, in a way ineffectual in the face of blockage from other selves, like green is. http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=41&ss=1#24 all the attempts that have been made on this planet, have devolved and fizzled both in physical and astral, to the orange ray of ownership blockages before. so, the 200 year old wave has brought the ideals of freedom and so on, also technology that has enabled the masses to live easier, but, both of these have been devolved into a system of ownership, and the resulting situation has been made even worse (people work much more for much less nowadays, and one has to work hard even to survive, with little time left in unhealthy cities). so now we live in a corporate hierarchy world, where few hold the power at top through a system of ownerships and wealth, and politically through placed/supported henchmen in power, legislating for them. so, freedoms and liberties are under attack from both fronts. and now back to the hippie revolution and internet again. hippie revolution was an ideological and energetical, much like the age of enlightenment and freedom revolution in 19th century. and the following internet advance was much like the scientific age followed the age of enlightenment, because it was a technological enabling, and also it directly followed an ideological/energetic effort by coming right after the hippie revolution. so, these two incidents, have similar patterns. hippie revolution changed the world some indeed, but, much of it fizzled into the consumer society, and a measure of it even became commercialized and integrated into the system itself. you may even find some of the freely sharing hippies of that day, running merchandise chains today, profiting, being 'green' and 'donating' to some 'charities'. and the established elite through corporate media has been able to portray the remaining ones as eccentrics, outcasts, lunatics, and then also push their ideals to side recesses of the ideological world. there is a thriving spiritual literature, but it is still on sidelines in mainstream, and on internet, it is treated as something having a lunatic factor in it. pretty much masses are kept away from this. dont need to tell you how the ideals that hippie revolution at least helped into full fruition, like human rights and so on, have been reverted back in the last 10 years with 'war on terror' nonsense. and now again there is the technological part of the effort left finally : internet. it is quite dangerous, because it is free. it is quite enabling, because it is uncontrolled. so they are making attempts on this and trying to get it under the same corporate control chain like the rest of social life. there is acta, that pushes for censorship behind copyright excuse. there are even bans for ordinary users in the text. it almost flopped, thanks to resistance from some groups (pirate parties) in europe. then there are various laws and rules they are trying to put on for controlling internet in different countries. america being the most bastardly one. coica, dmca, this that. and there is the real major threat, the anti net neutrality attempt by megacorporations. they are wanting to be allowed to entirely control the network they are using. ie, at&t as a service provider wants to be able to decide who sees what on their network. if they are allowed to kill network neutrality, there will be no need for laws for censorship, acta, coica, etc, because the megacorporations who control internet mains will be able to make the internet act exactly like cable tv. for example, all they need to do will be to just ask bring4th to pay up for each visitor that is allowed to see the website from their own network. and it will be legal. dont you like something ? ask more money from them. if they dont pay, cut people from seeing that website. some countries are not so hollow in regard to this. a lot of countries in europe are not moving in lockstep. and since acta also failed, they are now trying to have u.n. control internet. as a last resort. wikileaks, all the stuff we are talking, conspiracy theories, this that, anything that is harmful to the establishment, will be able to be cut off or blackened out for majority of populations, if any of these attempts succeed. even if they dont succeed, they will still push them. if they fail entirely, they will still attempt to censor people privately, like how at&t, comcast etc is trying to do, saying 'this is our property' . if it is not banned and they are not prosecuted for that, they will just do it. ........................ so, it is another incident in which the enabling technological effect of an apparent attempt, is left to fizzle in the hands of the negative influences of an orange ray ownership blockage social structure. the ones on top, through ownership, can control everything. EVEN if the other entities are allowed to 'own' too. its basically like going to a negative home ground, and playing a match there. there are negatively oriented control mechanisms, and all the enabling technological advances the wanderers are giving, are just ending up strengthening the negative control schemes even more in the end, through mechanism of ownership. the energetic part of the effort, had succeeded, apparently, as what we are told by quo in regard to the yellow ray needs, and the need to remove population of the planet because of yellow ray depletion being averted. so far, so good. at least the progress for the planet, physically, will be rather smooth, no catastrophes, no die outs. this is the good part. but it has been only possible because immense energies were transferred to the planet in the form of wanderers incarnating, a percentage of them actively engaging in spiritual work (Earth healing), and heaven knows how huge a population of disincarnate, different dimension entities and planetary aid coming from out of the planet. this much -> only the catastrophic need has been averted. another indicator to how the energies fizzle and get wasted, while trying to supplement an orange ray blockage, without removing the blockage first. (in a greater sense, if you take the planetary society as an entity with chakras). then again, it may be a grand scale lesson in wisdom to the entities incarnating and working on this planet. that they cant build anything, on a blocked chakra. the blocked chakra of this societal consciousness is orange, and the blockage is in the form of ownership/possession and a hierarchy of control with supplementing yellow ray negative influences. the physical part of the social life is as thus. so, at this state, when the green vibration settles in 1 year or so, it will be a quite odd situation, in which the population, despite being rather neutral to positive in core, will be still forced to act as if their orange rays were blocked with ownership to live in the physical reality of the society. that is a queer state of affairs. quite an odd one. and it will happen in a situation in which, the entities will not yet have any means to remedy/escape the negative hierarchical ownership mechanism of the society. if it remains that way (and i dont see any way in which it can be changed in just one year or a few), the time of full transition of the time/space of the planetary society (and the planet) into 4d positive may really take 150 to 400 years like Ra said. due to the difficulties in society and energetic situations this will affect. this wikileaks, may have been another probable attempt or a failover plan, or, another sequential stage in a grand plan. it basically puts out how rotten and skewed the system is, with all its corporate elitist hierarchy and corrupted political system. but, even if they are exposed as such (with censorship being averted), it doesnt seem to be doing much effect in physical life. maybe it did a great effect in astral plane. (a lot of people felt a lot of things, if you look at the wikileaks thread, me being one of them) but, there seems not much happening in physical plane. people have to go to work, and work in a hierarchy to pay their livelihood and their loved ones, the day after they see a revelation in a wikileaks document, and realize how skewed and rotten the system is. this lies in the basis. that hasnt been changed, that was not attempted to be changed. and instead it was tried to be drown in a huge wave of love, and, giving (technology). what are your thoughts on this ? ===================== it seems to me, infinite intelligence, on a grand scale, is teaching this creation, or the creation in this locale (solar system and whichever planetary populations were incarnated into this planet) that 'you cant just let everything be and hope it will work out' (except in the VERY long run). RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Monica - 12-18-2010 I have experienced this pattern numerous times. 15 years ago, I belonged to a group of visionaries who had the key to human health as well as environmental healing. We really believe we would save the planet. We failed. Miserably. I was devastated. Totally devastated! I slid into a negative state of mind. After all, what was the point? We had FAILED. Yes, FAILED. If we, who has such purity of vision as well as the mechanical means to grow our vision exponentially, had failed, then what hope was there? I returned to an office job, and to depression over not being able to do anything constructive for the planet. Then, a few years ago, when the neocons (cheney et al) stole the election the 2nd time, I became very discouraged and fearful. I truly feared for my future and that of my child's. It was a dark and lonely season for me. Apparently, the dark side had won! Then, I once again rekindled hope, this time triggered by a visionary politician who sincerely wanted to end the wars. I again became hopeful, when we seemed to have a chance at changing the political landscape. I was encouraged! I worked diligently, with a team of like-minded visionaries, putting aside our differences, in favor of restoring peace on the planet. I put aside work, money, even family to some degree, in pursuit of this greater vision of healing the Earth. That too failed. Once again, I was devastated! To feed my fears, I was offered the delicacy of the concentration camp theory. Of course we'd all be rounded up and made into slaves! And the world would become an Armageddon-like reality. I was tempted to fear these images, momentarily. But, fortunately, I caught myself, and I refused to give them power! All the prophecied deadlines came and went. Predictions of doom and gloom were proven false. Meanwhile, with no fanfare, I was given an opportunity to help others, in ways I had never imagined! Witnessing people getting off their deathbeds and out of wheelchairs, relieved from depression, horrible pain and other ailments, became a daily occurrence. And my personal life has continued to transform, with family issues rising to the surface, where they can be expressed and healed. Suddenly, I find myself living my dream. Not a dream of wealth. I have no wealth. Not a dream of any particular, preplanned scenario, for I had learned that that doesn't work. But a dream of helping others...of making a difference in the world...NOT on a grand scale, as the hippies tried to do...NOT on a sudden, grand, instantly transformative timetable, as my previous associations had attempted....but in subtle, oh so SUBTLE ways, that somehow slip thru the cracks...somehow go by unnoticed...PEOPLE are being helped, healed, in profound ways....and then, guess what, they in turn are passing it forward! The bad guys haven't won. The good guys are still out there, in the field, doing their work. They're just undercover. There isn't just a Plan B or Plan C. We have it all planned out, all the way to Plan Z, if necessary. Empires don't matter. Not even the internet matters, though it may seem to matter right now, as it can be a very important tool. Never lose sight of the fact that it is individual PEOPLE who matter. When a single person is healed, that person can touch others...who touches others...who touches others... The POWER OF ONE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1R42DSM3ms RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-18-2010 tho it may sound pessimistic, the thought train i have expressed is not a kind of 'feeling down and losing in the wake of negative/evil'. my distress is much more due to the possibility that, the entities who have repeated this particular pattern of enabling entities earlier than their time with technology or philosophy/energy, is repeating it yet again, unwisely, banging their head against a wall another time. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Crimson - 12-18-2010 (12-18-2010, 03:31 AM)unity100 Wrote: tho it may sound pessimistic, the thought train i have expressed is not a kind of 'feeling down and losing in the wake of negative/evil'. Regarding wikileaks: I think the actual feeling of a wave of positive energy was very real and I think this is what made the difference in the overall situation and the weakened response of the elite via newspapers specially. Even though I think Assange is genuine I basically agree with this article's tale: http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22389 Overall, the impact was so strong nonetheless, that it showed an elite less powerful (to me) than many thought. Green ray influence? I tend to think so. This brings another important point: What does FULL green ray activation really mean? A full activation to me means incompatibility with negativity. How can this planet support negativity if it is green activated (FULLY)? How can any type of harvest occur? We are told the process is automatic. Remnants of yellow ray does not mean that the same negativity will occur. to me it is a contradiction. The negative entities also want to be harvested (as soon as possible I might add). Moreover, 3d is electrically incompatible with 4d. So it seems it is more than just defining densities by ray color. http://lawofone.info/results.php?search_string=electrically&search_type=phrase&ss=1&sc=1 I understand about everything being in "potentiality" but we are talking about (very soon) this planet being fully activated. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - turtledude23 - 12-18-2010 unity those are some pretty awesome parallels you drew between hippie revolution and the internet and the enlightenment, and corporations and government having an orange ray desire to posses things. but I think the problem is STS people throwing the world off its course. most people dont want to posses things for themselves as much as CEOs and politcians do, but because a small group of people want that possessiveness and then convince us that their system of allowing it (free market) is a good thing then people don't really have much choice about how orange ray their society is, unless if the masses had the will power to band together and demand a new system of government thats a good balance between free marker and socialism and an education system that teaches citizens to be, for lack of a better word, morality police. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Monica - 12-19-2010 (12-18-2010, 03:31 AM)unity100 Wrote: tho it may sound pessimistic, the thought train i have expressed is not a kind of 'feeling down and losing in the wake of negative/evil'. Thanks for the clarification! I understand and most definitely share your concerns. At the same time, I don't know what else to do, but to remain hopeful. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Protonexus - 12-19-2010 We are all here as a multi-incarnational process of transforming the consciousness of this planet and it is a full success. It is not however so neat or efficient or fair from the perspective of the potential we know as the thoughtform of idealism. It was not until the conscious convergence of 1987 that the critical mass for removing old energy patterns was achieved - this is a direct result of everything done previously to raise the consensus vibration. Before this turning point the ideals of the wanderers and channelers were not applicable to the collective mind of human beings. It took significant effort to manifest this decision to cast history aside, there are always errors and miscalculations on the part of individuals, especially when religion is being nullified. Essentially tradition is being neutralized, this is the key to those thoughtforms of instantaneous revelation and karmic release to be realized. These thoughtforms are not failures, neither are the individuals - they are valid and purposeful thoughtforms and potential futures that require the correct precision and space/time for manifestation. Do not regard these plans as failures only that consensus failed to accept them at a particular juncture. The manifestation is the key, gentle subtle expansion and contraction of water obliterates all obstacles eventually - and so does a torrent of approptiate mass. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-19-2010 (12-19-2010, 08:18 PM)Protonexus Wrote: it is a full success. what does full success even mean. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - BrownEye - 12-19-2010 (12-18-2010, 03:21 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: The good guys are still out there, in the field, doing their work. Yep yep. All I can say about this wall of text, history always repeats itself. Now that I think of it, it's like a school right? Grades you have to pass? Well each year the same classes take place, you just happen to go to the next one. I think that graphical version Terrence McKenna showed is fairly descriptive. History repeating itself to the end of the age, then a new age begins. When this upcoming age begins, I will be at one of those Mayan pyramids WOOHOO! RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Protonexus - 12-20-2010 (12-19-2010, 08:45 PM)unity100 Wrote:(12-19-2010, 08:18 PM)Protonexus Wrote: it is a full success. In this instance it is a colloquialism intended to convey that the divine plan for the development of Earth via its co-creators can not fail. Failure is not an option outside of the linear mind. Any movement in a direction that leads to even a single human being becoming aware is a full success. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Monica - 12-20-2010 (12-19-2010, 11:30 PM)Pickle Wrote: Now that I think of it, it's like a school right? Grades you have to pass? Well each year the same classes take place, you just happen to go to the next one. Pickle, you just said something very profound! WHAT IF, 3D Earth is like a 3rd grade classroom, in a school, that has a steady flow of students arriving and leaving...At the end of each school year (in this case 75,000 years) those who passed the grade with at least a C, get to move on to 4th grade, but there are always some who failed...and, EVEN IF ALL the students passed, there are always NEW students transferring from other schools? In that case, even if all the students passed, there would still be a 3rd grade! Ra told us how the various races of 3D entities were brought here, to complete their 3D work. But I don't recall Don ever asking if there have been any NEW 3D souls who arrived later. WHAT IF there has been an influx of new souls, who are just passing thru? Who might not even be anywhere near ready to graduate? What if, even after 3D reality ceases on this planet, the same patterns, mechanics as unity100 calls them, continue on some other 3D planet? What if that mechanic can't die out completely, as long as there is a new influx of souls who might need those experiences? UNTIL which time we, upon returning to our home densities, report back that the whole mechanism wasn't efficient...and then maybe some modifications can be made. But in the meantime, what if multiple possible realities are unfolding at the same time? Look around. You will find that some people are awakening, processing catalyst very rapidly, and becoming more peaceful and joyful...while, at the same time, others are reinforcing their hatred and bigotry...polarizing IS happening! Sometimes, when I look around at people I know, I marvel that they could be living on the same planet! I know some people who are clearly choosing 4D, while others seem to be reverting back to the stone age. (This based on my limited perceptions of course.) Earth seems to be accommodating various choices at this nexus. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-20-2010 (12-20-2010, 12:54 AM)Protonexus Wrote:(12-19-2010, 08:45 PM)unity100 Wrote:(12-19-2010, 08:18 PM)Protonexus Wrote: it is a full success. so, because failure is not an option outside of 'linear mind' (whatever that is), maldek have gone into cinders, mars became uninhabitable, and earth's axis was tilted ? i suppose because failure is not an option outside the linear mind, that the guardians have implemented a strict quarantine of this planet. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Protonexus - 12-20-2010 (12-20-2010, 01:44 AM)unity100 Wrote:(12-20-2010, 12:54 AM)Protonexus Wrote:(12-19-2010, 08:45 PM)unity100 Wrote:(12-19-2010, 08:18 PM)Protonexus Wrote: it is a full success. Would the conditions we presently enjoy exist if not for what has occured upon the time arc? Mars is not inhabitable for the time being, not by entities that are easily recognizable as life from a human perspective. Could there be purpose behind what you are putting forward as mistakes or failures. These are short term events. Everything that occurs in space/time is the result of a probability vortex and the co-creators that steer it. This destruction you have pointed out is what has made way for new life, there is no avoiding that, it is a matter of choices to how this will manifest. Linear mind imagines lines when they are arcs with potential to radically shift. There is no beginning or end, no if its not this it must be that logic, no exact dates. This is the rut of human thinking. The guardians are still learning and there is no failure in this. A human being regards the life of its vessel as primary, however the guardians regard the lessons learned and experiences recorded. If there is no longer the conditions for a culture to develop what is the other option? There are no bad guys, there are those who have to understand the energies that lead them to self serving behavior and it is their gift to do so even if it takes 10000 years. The oldest and most powerful "bad guys" on this planet are the ones fueling the "good" with catalyst and are bringing themselves down. They are tired of this setting and have explored the options Earth holds for them, it is the second tier or ascendent "bad guys" who want what the first tier has gotten bored with that are causing a lot of issues. Transmutation is the key, it is the way to render fear ineffective. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - BrownEye - 12-20-2010 (12-20-2010, 01:15 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Ra told us how the various races of 3D entities were brought here, to complete their 3D work. But I don't recall Don ever asking if there have been any NEW 3D souls who arrived later. WHAT IF there has been an influx of new souls, who are just passing thru? Who might not even be anywhere near ready to graduate? RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-20-2010 (12-20-2010, 02:12 AM)Protonexus Wrote: Would the conditions we presently enjoy exist if not for what has occured upon the time arc? that has no relevance to the context. if, entire creation is destroyed due to mishap, then, at that point in time, the conditions that the existence will be enjoying will have existed if not for what has occurred upon the time arc. Quote:Mars is not inhabitable for the time being, not by entities that are easily recognizable as life from a human perspective. mars is not habitable to the entities 3d and higher, as Ra tells us. it also doesnt support 2 d life. Quote:Could there be purpose behind what you are putting forward as mistakes or failures. These are short term events. Everything that occurs in space/time is the result of a probability vortex and the co-creators that steer it. This destruction you have pointed out is what has made way for new life, there is no avoiding that, it is a matter of choices to how this will manifest. again, if the existence got blasted in an existential-level catastrophe, then, at the point where time arcs coalesces into merger in 7d, then it would also 'have a point'. because everything balances in 7d, something else would happen in another creation to balance the explosion of this one. that doesnt mean that what has happened is right. actually, it just means that in the end, a balance was achieved. but the balance is way more coarse than what a balance should be - because, one creation was destroyed, another had to fill in whatever hole it left in the overall balance. ra says us the more balanced an entity is, the less the need for experiencing parallel timelines. that means, parallel timelines, and their experience, is not something that is good. it means, an entity is much more balanced and octave-end level, if it needs to experience less timelines. balance is the entire meaning of 7d, which is octave end, and gateway to infinity. Quote:Linear mind imagines lines when they are arcs with potential to radically shift. There is no beginning or end, no if its not this it must be that logic, no exact dates. This is the rut of human thinking. there is nothing called 'linear mind'. there is mind. mind, body, spirit are things that do not change with time/space, density, dimension. they are found in 1d, they are found in 8d. if you are referring to the capabilities of the significator, as the manifesting entity, its capacities depend on how much it has liberated itself from the clutches of societal mind, and what kind of vibration and understanding it is able to manifest. Quote:The guardians are still learning and there is no failure in this. if there is learning, than that means there are failures and mistakes. else, there would be no learning. Quote:A human being regards the life of its vessel as primary, however the guardians regard the lessons learned and experiences recorded. If there is no longer the conditions for a culture to develop what is the other option? it is great to see that you are able to speak in the name of guardians. however, apparently, the vessels of the human beings were also important to the guardians. because, a strict quarantine was implemented to prevent another mass-scale extinction again. Quote: They are tired of this setting and have explored the options Earth holds for them, it is the second tier or ascendent "bad guys" who want what the first tier has gotten bored with that are causing a lot of issues. Transmutation is the key, it is the way to render fear ineffective. it doesnt like you are discussing, or co-thinking, but preaching. what 'transmutation' is the key to. what does it even mean ? RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Ankh - 12-20-2010 (12-20-2010, 04:57 AM)unity100 Wrote: again, if the existence got blasted in an existential-level catastrophe, then, at the point where time arcs coalesces into merger in 7d, then it would also 'have a point'. This is human understanding of it. And this is quite advanced. Indeed that misstakes have been made and been added to a learning process. And that's how we perceive it. There is no learning without misstakes. Imagine then the consciousness each of us have here and level of it's expansion after the death of the physical body. Further expansion of that consciousness when we fuse with a social memory complex of any kind. Think further of the consciousness that a 7D memory complex has. Then 8D. Imagine further the consciousness of the Creator. In this picture there are no misstakes. However, there are boundaries. The loss of a single spirit is not acceptable to the Infinite One. Why do you worry about planet flopping again? Do you think that we here and now can do something about it, what would it then be? And if it would be the case, it would still not be seen as a misstake in the eyes of the One. As we gain experience by living here and now, the One gain the experience through All. Our existens is certainly not unprotected/unguarded. The One didn't create all of this and then got unconscious. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Protonexus - 12-20-2010 Dear unity100: There is no extinction if the record lives on. Transmutation is the concious conversion of the polarity of energy. There are particular limitations of the mind, that is what is referenced by the term. 23.10 Questioner: What can you tell me about the overall success of the pyramid? I understand that the pyramids were not successful in producing a rise in consciousness that was hoped for, but there must have been some success that came from them. Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to remember that we are of the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow. When one has been rescued from that sorrow to a vision of the One Creator, then there is no concept of failure. Our difficulty lay in the honor/responsibility of correcting the distortions of the Law of One which occurred during our attempts to aid these entities. The distortions are seen as responsibilities rather than failures; the few who were inspired to seek, our only reason for the attempt. Thus, we would perhaps be in the position of paradox in that as one saw an illumination, we were what you call successful, and as others became more sorrowful and confused, we were failures. These are your terms. We persist in seeking to serve. I am speaking the truth I have witnessed. The guardians are every bit a part of you as me, you can ask them yourself. The quarantine is there to further the potential of development of conscious souls within the vessel, not necessarily the vessel itself. The quarantine is enacted to protect the integrity of the entire octave of this solar system and consequent logoi. This is so because Earth is the last planet that is hospitable to a mind/body/spirit complex for third density experience. Earth's conditions are very peculiar, those of Mars, Venus, Maldek and more are all here. The memories of their origin lives on, there is no extinction. May I apologize if my tone is not appropriate for your mental gymnastics exercises. Based upon experience I find your interpretations to be needlessly limiting and argumentative. Please do not take this to imply insult, it is merely an observation. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - thefool - 12-20-2010 Even when you supposedly FAIL- So you may not get what you had wanted, like there was some goal to begin with. But one thing is certain- You will always gain experience. And experience is what matters. The conditions and circumstances would keep changing. Experience is the only key. Experience of winning is so weak if there is no taste of losing. This earth experiment is all about experience, the experience of the dark side. So once we have gone through it we would be propelled much faster and deeper into the light. Just relish anything that comes your way and learn from it and wonder why did you place it there for you... RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-20-2010 (12-20-2010, 09:54 AM)Ankh Wrote: This is human understanding of it. it isnt 'human understanding' or anything. first, there is no such separate understandings like 'human understanding' or 'alpha centauri centhropod' understanding. logic is logic. mind is mind. it has the same mechanic everywhere. the guardians that are sitting in the rings of saturn, and governing this locale of the galaxy, which are called the nine, have thought that it was not a good idea to leave the planet unguarded, and allow it to get totally destroyed like the other planets in this solar system. ra says, the higher energy field governs the lower. that means this council of nine, are at 6th density or much higher, very probably either in between 6-7, or, maybe even 7-8. so, this is their understanding too. they think that, a mass level extinction event should not happen. moreover, 60+ million wanderers from mostly 6th density have come here to prevent a need for extinction level event happening again. that makes a huge array of entities in a spectrum from early 6th, to probably mid 7th, working for an extinction level event prevention. and here we have, 3d entities on the planet saying that 'everything is okay', because, well, just 'because'. the entities which are on the verge of returning back to 'the creator' and probably seeing numerous timelines and numerous totalities in 7d, are preventing a mass extinction level event, but, the entities which are being protected from a mass level extinction event are saying that 'it is okay because, 'everything becomes ok in 7d'. well, the entities who are looking into 7d, are thinking otherwise. Quote:Imagine then the consciousness each of us have here and level of it's expansion after the death of the physical body. Further expansion of that consciousness when we fuse with a social memory complex of any kind. Think further of the consciousness that a 7D memory complex has. refer to the above block. the further consciousness that the 7d memory complex has, in this locale, does not want this planet to get destroyed. apparently, everything is not 'ok'. Quote:Then 8D. Imagine further the consciousness of the Creator. In this picture there are no misstakes. However, there are boundaries. The loss of a single spirit is not acceptable to the Infinite One. if your soul gets destroyed in the middle of a nuclear blast, there wont be any social memory complex you are fusing with. and the 7d consciousness memory complex, will not be there. this is what we understand from what Ra says regarding the nagasaki and hiroshima blasts. they say that they did not lose one fragment of the creator. apparently, fragments, souls can be totally lost. it is also absolutely contradictory that first you are saying that 'in this picture there are no mistakes' and then saying that 'the loss of a single spirit is not acceptable to the infinite one'. if there is no mistakes in 'this picture', then the loss of a single spirit or other is acceptable to the infinite one. if, the loss of a single spirit is not acceptable to the infinite one, then it means that there CAN be mistakes in a picture. Quote:Why do you worry about planet flopping again? Do you think that we here and now can do something about it, what would it then be? And if it would be the case, it would still not be seen as a misstake in the eyes of the One. As we gain experience by living here and now, the One gain the experience through All. Our existens is certainly not unprotected/unguarded. The One didn't create all of this and then got unconscious. i have expressed my viewpoint in the first post. (12-20-2010, 02:44 PM)Protonexus Wrote: Dear unity100: a nuclear war destroying a portion of souls in this planet entirely, and removing the population of the planet and putting them into a tangle of fear, and then destroying the planet is also a conscious conversion of the polarity of energy. however apparently that is not something desirable. for : Quote:I am speaking the truth I have witnessed. The guardians are every bit a part of you as me, you can ask them yourself. The quarantine is there to further the potential of development of conscious souls within the vessel, not necessarily the vessel itself. The quarantine is enacted to protect the integrity of the entire octave of this solar system and consequent logoi. This is so because Earth is the last planet that is hospitable to a mind/body/spirit complex for third density experience. are you aware that you are contradicting yourself ? you are saying that 'everything is okay in greater picture', yet, you are saying that because earth is the last planet that is hospitable to a mind body spirit complex for third density experience, the guardians, answering your query, have allowed you to 'witness a truth' in which you have discovered that they have quarantined this planet. if there are no mistakes in 'greater picture', it wouldnt matter anything if this planet was the last planet that is hospitable to 3d entities or not. the planet just could be let to be destroyed. it wasnt. you are contradicting yourself by saying what is above. Quote:Earth's conditions are very peculiar, those of Mars, Venus, Maldek and more are all here. The memories of their origin lives on, there is no extinction. oh yes. this is probably why the guardians, who you have queried, revealed to you that they quarantined earth because it was the last planet that was hospitable to 3d entities. Quote:May I apologize if my tone is not appropriate for your mental gymnastics exercises. Based upon experience I find your interpretations to be needlessly limiting and argumentative. Please do not take this to imply insult, it is merely an observation. spotting a contradiction is not a mental exercise. first you have preached that 'everything is ok, "because"', then you have said that there has been put a quarantine because earth was the last planet hospitable to 3d entities. and, moreover, you say that the guardians revealed you as such. it is beyond logical that, actually i first said that this planet was quarantined in order to prevent another catastrophe, yet, you have come up and objected to that saying that 'everyhing would be okay in the end', but then again turned around and said that guardians have told you that they have quarantined this planet because it was the last in this solar system that was hospitable to 3d entities. it appears like you dont know what you are objecting to, and then, contradicting yourself, in your objection. and then you are calling being queried on this as 'mental gymnastics'. maybe you also need to do some mental gymnastics. after all, mind/body/spirit is a complex that also has the mind complex as an inseparable part of it. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Etude in B Minor - 12-21-2010 I agree with Unity that the quarantine and possibly other interventions were needed to avert another catastrophe. However, I don't think that the plan has failed, at least with respect to the advent of the Wanderers. The purpose of the Wanderers is to lighten the planetary vibrations and to work on whatever personal balancing they needed to do. Presumably the vibration lightening has had an effect, since there was no Nostradamian or Caycean cataclysm at the turn of the century. As for each Wanderer's balancing efforts, only they can say whether it was worthwhile. Another of the stated activities of the Wanderers is to provide greater leisure for seeking. Now it is true that most have used this greater leisure to watch tv or party all night or drown their sorrows in alcohol, but a few have taken advantage of this to study spiritual matters, whether it be zen meditation, doing yoga, praising god in a charismatic christian church, or dabbling in shamanic rituals. It is for these few that the Wanderers efforts have been made, not for the majority of sleeping people who are enjoying their slumber. I would also include in the people beginning to awaken those interested in UFOs, crop circles, fringe science and conspiracy theories, as they have noticed the signs posted by higher beings indicating that there is more to life than eating and sleeping. The hippies were part of this consciousness raising. Even though a lot of their energy devolved into the drug-taking disco parties of the 70's, the mindset has continued on in freedom of expression, rock-and-roll, and the mere acceptance by society of a lot of things that were taboo before the 60's. The world hasn't gone back to the 50's way of thinking. There are still a lot of people that are asleep, but there are a lot of people that are waking up and looking for breakfast. Hopefully the harvest will be fruitful enough to satiate all of them! RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-21-2010 there is also the chance that majority of the people who are 'awakening' to spiritual stuff are either wanderers, or early 4d incarnates coming to this planet, instead of having 3d entities. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Ankh - 12-21-2010 (12-20-2010, 09:50 PM)unity100 Wrote: the guardians that are sitting in the rings of saturn, and governing this locale of the galaxy, which are called the nine, have thought that it was not a good idea to leave the planet unguarded, and allow it to get totally destroyed like the other planets in this solar system. I won't argue with you about the details. However, I am not sure what it is exactly you are upset about. Can you you spell it out? "Planet is flopping again" - that it is going to be a nuclear existintion? I wrote that in another thread, but here it comes again: Here Ra points out that they were not been given the permission to stop nuclear events: "26.21 Questioner: Could you give us an example from Hiroshima or Nagasaki of how this is done? Ra: I am Ra. Those who were destroyed, not by radiation, but by the trauma of the energy release, found not only the body/mind/spirit complex made unviable, but also a disarrangement of that unique vibratory complex you have called the spirit complex, which we understand as a mind/body/spirit complex, to be completely disarranged without possibility of re-integration. This would be the loss to the Creator of part of the Creator and thus we were given permission, not to stop the events, but to ensure the survival of the, shall we say, disembodied mind/body/spirit complex. This we did in those events which you mention, losing no spirit or portion or holograph or microcosm of the macrocosmic Infinite One." Here Ra doesn't comment the statement regarding allowing us to have a nuclear war, which resonates with the positive path, allowing full freedom. "26.23 Questioner: Then you are saying that, in general, you will allow the population of this planet to have a nuclear war and many deaths from that war, but you will be able to create a condition where these deaths will be no more traumatic than entrance to what we call the heaven worlds or the astral world due to death by a bullet or by the normal means of dying by old age. Is this correct? Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. It would be more traumatic. However, the entity would remain an entity." Therefore, the only one/s who can interact in direct way in this world are those who inhabit it, ie us." We are the only one/s that can prevent these events, but if we wont manage it, then we are going to get helped by higher densities. Ie in case these events happens, the misstakes will be evaluated, but no entity will be lost to the Infinite One. In the eyes of One there are no misstakes. Creator is consious more then we can imagine in our "human understanding". RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-21-2010 (12-21-2010, 05:20 AM)Ankh Wrote: I won't argue with you about the details. However, I am not sure what it is exactly you are upset about. Can you you spell it out? "Planet is flopping again" - that it is going to be a nuclear existintion? my initial post details what you are asking about. Quote:Ie in case these events happens, the misstakes will be evaluated, but no entity will be lost to the Infinite One. In the eyes of One there are no misstakes. i think you are not able to see the deep meaning and read in between the lines. firstly, the very fact that 6d entities are trying to prevent any soul from being entirely destroyed due to the result of a nuclear war, means that there ARE things that can be lost to the 'infinite one'. apparently, it is something that is not acceptable that, the 6d entities and the confederation they are a part of, are keeping the souls who die in a nuclear blast from being destroyed, with the permission of entities who are tasked with governing this solar system. let me iterate this again ; the only way that 'no entity is lost to the infinite one' is because of this protection. as you see, if it wasnt there, there would be things lost : http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=26&sc=1&ss=1#21 do you think that there was this kind of protection when maldek got destroyed, mars became uninhabitable, and vast swaths of northern africa and middle east had been turned into glass ? Quote:Creator is consious more then we can imagine in our "human understanding". that sounds more like a mind-easing exclamation than a logical argument. the creator you speak of has allowed maldek to be destroyed. an entire planet. the guardians in charge at this space/time continuum, have allowed that. the guardians who are in charge at THIS space/time continuum, are not allowing this planet to be destroyed. they are also allowing the confederation to prevent loss of any souls. i think you can make out a correlation in between the above. but, just in case, i will state ; it is possible that the guardians who were in charge during maldek's destruction, may have not allowed anyone to prevent the destruction of souls in nuclear blasts, during maldek's destruction, since they havent prevented the destruction of maldek. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Monica - 12-21-2010 Quote:Those who were destroyed, not by radiation, but by the trauma of the energy release, found not only the body/mind/spirit complex made unviable, but also a disarrangement of that unique vibratory complex you have called the spirit complex, which we understand as a mind/body/spirit complex, to be completely disarranged without possibility of re-integration. The past-tense word found implies that it did happen. Whereas, the next statement implies that it didn't happen Quote:This would be the loss to the Creator of part of the Creator and thus we were given permission, not to stop the events, but to ensure the survival of the, shall we say, disembodied mind/body/spirit complex. This we did in those events which you mention, losing no spirit or portion or holograph or microcosm of the macrocosmic Infinite One." The term would be sounds theoretical, as in, it would be if it happened. But the last statement is very conclusive that it didn't happen, at least not in this instance. No mention is made of other instances. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-21-2010 (12-21-2010, 07:54 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: The term would be sounds theoretical, as in, it would be if it happened. But the last statement is very conclusive that it didn't happen, at least not in this instance. No mention is made of other instances. if the below Quote:This would be the loss to the Creator of part of the Creator and thus we were given permission, not to stop the events, but to ensure the survival of the, shall we say, disembodied mind/body/spirit complex. This we did in those events which you mention, losing no spirit or portion or holograph or microcosm of the macrocosmic Infinite One." didnt happen, the below Quote:Those who were destroyed, not by radiation, but by the trauma of the energy release, found not only the body/mind/spirit complex made unviable, but also a disarrangement of that unique vibratory complex you have called the spirit complex, which we understand as a mind/body/spirit complex, to be completely disarranged without possibility of re-integration. would happen. that was prevented, by the block you placed last, and i placed second. no, it didnt happen, in nagasaki and hiroshima. but, it would happen if not intervenened. meaning : Quote:This we did in those events which you mention, losing no spirit or portion or holograph or microcosm of the macrocosmic Infinite One the 'this we did in those events which you mention' part is curious. ra doesnt say 'this is how it is done' or 'confederation prevents such loss of souls'. instead, they specifically mention 'this we did in those events which you mention'. ............. i wasnt saying that souls were lost in nagasaki and hiroshima. i was saying that, the possibility for a soul being destroyed existed, according to what we quoted regarding those two events. the reason why no souls were lost in those events, was because an intervention was made. we dont know whether interventions were made in the case of maldek, mars, atlantis and the eradication of north africa/middle east. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Monica - 12-21-2010 (12-21-2010, 05:51 AM)unity100 Wrote: that sounds more like a mind-easing exclamation than a logical argument. The idea that some souls could be lost is very overwhelming and thus it's natural to want to ease our minds, when we don't know how we could do anything about it. (12-21-2010, 05:51 AM)unity100 Wrote: the guardians who are in charge at THIS space/time continuum, are not allowing this planet to be destroyed. they are also allowing the confederation to prevent loss of any souls. Which leads me to surmise that Wanderers have more power to prevent such catastrophes than we think we do. I suspect we incarnated partially for this very reason. The question is whether we can become conscious enough to call for assistance, so that we'll have guidance as to just how we might help. (12-21-2010, 05:51 AM)unity100 Wrote: i think you can make out a correlation in between the above. but, just in case, i will state ; it is possible that the guardians who were in charge during maldek's destruction, may have not allowed anyone to prevent the destruction of souls in nuclear blasts, during maldek's destruction, since they havent prevented the destruction of maldek. I don't think we can assume that souls were lost when Maldek was destroyed. On the contrary, it is more logical to assume that souls weren't lost, since we know those souls ended up here! To ponder the thought of souls lost would be very distressing, and likely for naught, since it appears that souls weren't actually lost. Why would some souls have been lost in the blast while others weren't? Either the blast devastated the souls or it didn't. I say it didn't, since we know the souls survived and were moved to this planet. We also know that the souls were severely traumatized, and that is reason enough to do everything we can to prevent a recurrence of such a disaster. But I don't think it does any good to ponder the possibility that some souls might have been lost, because there simply isn't anything we can do about that, if it even happened at all (short of timetraveling...now there's an idea!) We don't need to consider the loss of souls to be spurred into action. The idea of such severe trauma is reason enough. Regarding the possibility of a recurrence, resulting in again severe trauma, I do share your concern. I am heartened that it has been prevented thus far. It seems likely that if it were going to happen, it would have already happened. Q'uo has indicated that people like us have averted such disasters which might otherwise have happened. There have been many cases of missiles being deactivated by UFOs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=273jcsMQu3M&playnext=1&list=PL0C4656E87BD2D921&index=33 Let's look at this logically: 1. Maldek and Mars inhabitants were transported here; thus we know that they survived. We just don't know whether they ALL survived, but it is more logical to assume they did all survive, since we know that there were survivors, than to assume that some didn't, without any evidence for the latter. 2. If, despite it seeming illogical to assume that some didn't, when we have no reason to think that other than speculation, we conclude that some souls didn't survive, there is nothing we can do about it now. 3. We CAN do something about the here and now. 4. Ra alerted us to this possibility. This might suggest that there is value in working with other Wanderers to take action if they feel so guided. 5. We have assurance from Ra and later reassurance from Q'uo that they are assisting us in preventing such disasters. 6. We have documented evidence that UFO's have deactivated missile, numerous times. 7. Taken together, I conclude that the probable future looks very hopeful, that we won't have a repeat of what happened to Mars and Maldek. 8. However this should not give us a false security and neither should we just relax and trust that nothing like that could ever happen. It may just be that WE provide the missing piece to the puzzle; it may be that OUR actions provide the pivotal determining factor. It may be that the Creator works thru US to prevent such disasters from recurring, and if we just dismiss the concern completely, we could fail in our assigned task. 9. Thus, if any of us feel concerned about this situation, as unity100 clearly does, then it behooves us to contemplate and ask for guidance, as to how we can play our part to prevent it. It may be that unity100 has volunteered to awaken us to engage in more action than what we've been doing, because we have crucially important roles to play (rather than just assuming that someone else will take care of it). As to what those roles might be, we must each seek our own guidance to find out. 10. The possibility of a repeated disaster is indeed distressing, but being distressed won't help. Neither will burying our heads in the sand and pretending that there is zero risk. Only by confronting the very real risk, and then choosing to remain hopeful despite said risk, can we summon the power that lies within us, to create a peaceful future. Remaining hopeful and positive with eyes wide open is far, far more powerful and effective than being unconcerned with eyes shut. 11. We should all remember Q'uo's words about just how powerful each of us truly is. More than we think. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Ankh - 12-21-2010 Very well said, Monica! You said: "The question is whether we can become conscious enough to call for assistance, so that we'll have guidance as to just how we might help." It's an art to ask for that guidance. A lot of entities can answer instead of Ra/Quo pretending to be them. Do you have any suggestions? Another quote: "We should all remember Q'uo's words about just how powerful each of us truly is. More than we think." In what session is that stated? RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Crimson - 12-21-2010 (12-21-2010, 12:38 PM)Ankh Wrote: Very well said, Monica! The planet automatically goes to full activation a year earlier than the MSM states. See Ra Material also Calleman's work. The elite wants to polarize but is losing ground (see for example, wikileaks as a "they shoot themselves on the foot" maybe due to increase in green energy --many of us felt that?) Well, even if they think about nuclear blasts, they can save themselves underground (or by other means) and gain great polarization. It seems that judging by past history they do not have a problem blasting everything away if they would deem that necessary. They own many nuclear weapons specifically in the Middle East and North America. The Confederation cannot intervene unless there is a call. Law of squares is one of the "pearls" in the Ra Material. We ask for help and guidance (I believe we SPECIFICALLY address the problem in the asking since then there is no law of confusion broken). Meanwhile, the elite keeps trying to enforce negativity as is their "job". The problem seems more serious. I was very weary of causing fear with all this. If at the same time we could keep a positive attitude, that would be well...magical. Peace and Love dear Brothers and Sisters. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Protonexus - 12-21-2010 It is okay because the purpose of the guardians and the confederation entities is to damper the effects of catastrophic free will decisions. The potential exists that if not for the support system of love - souls could be lost. However they can not be due to extra-density entities choosing to serve to prevent this. The entirety of the universes is one organism biased towards the creation of life. Maldek chose to destroy their bodies and their planet, there were different conditions, now there is one planet in the solar system hospitable to life, earth is the back up system. If this planet is destroyed then developing souls would have to be relocated to another solar system requiring extensive remediation - literally the transfer from one logosphere to another. Even if we irradiate Earth, there is a back up body that can withstand higher levels. This is an ongoing process whereby it was deemed necessary to learn the experience that a civilization can destroy their own planet. This record is now part of Earth and this lesson is available to all. There is no objective dogma that can be extracted from Ra's words. All life is subjective, it is the fear that prevents us from seeking guidance, it is fear of the unknown - what logic will not prove. The guardians and confederation and other servers of the divine plan are the intervention force of the one creator. There is no seperation. Creation is subjective, objective rules and logic are distortions of the vast array of potential. As Ra stated it was fear that prevented them from assisting Maldek for a long span of space/time. Another note, the servers of this solar system are dedicated to service of lower density life. All life is mutually perpetuating. The guardians are a conglomeration of the thoughts and feelings of the multiple identities or gravitational centers of this solar system, if there is no one to serve then what purpose do they have? Are the guardians not protecting themselves as they protect other selves. Because Earth is the backup, there are far more consequences that would require balancing in both space/time and time/space than the destruction of Maldek. Also because that record is already in our collective memory there is no priority to revisit that lesson. Servers need to serve, it is their chosen task, they must inherently do so in a manner that is chosen by those whom they serve - the contradiction is that it must also serve the higher order to efficiently and rapidly develop consciousness within the conditions. Does this mean that none of it can happen, no. However focusing on such events through fear will assist in the confusion of intent and the inadvertant manifestation of said events. Remember always the power of choice and what you put your thoughts to. Once again, I invite you to seek guidance from the guardians through your higher self. RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - agatha - 12-21-2010 [quote='Crimson' pid='25223' dateline='1292963635'] [quote='Ankh' pid='25216' dateline='1292949522'] Law of squares is one of the "pearls" in the Ra Material. We ask for help and guidance (I believe we SPECIFICALLY address the problem in the asking since then there is no law of confusion broken). Carla's daily Gaia Meditation at 9:00 a.m & 9:00 p.m. would be an opportune time to specifically address this problem while utilizing the law of squares. |