04-02-2021, 05:49 PM
The "Law of One" is everywhere, (you cannot see the wood for the trees, (metaphors within metaphors)). A Buddha's saying, "When you stop looking for it, you will find it". Perhaps if everybody stopped looking for it, and accepted it, AS IT IS. Then it is in front of you all the time. The biggest mistake that people make about Spirituality, (in its many forms), is that we put it on a pedestal, as if it was something unobtainable. Or, there is a barrier between the Physical Self, and the Spiritual Self, (the delusion). When we accept that Spiritual is our natural nature, except most people, (by habit), observe from the gross physical nature. Observe Spirituality in Everything. Are cats and dogs not Spiritual Beings? Only on a lower level of evolution and Spiritual Awareness. If we treat EVERYTHING from that observation, then there is an acceptance of, (or within), the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. The more Science and Philosophical videos I watch on YouTube, and an ever-growing consensus that everything is unified, (in everything), all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle fits together. If you want to see the perfect example, observe Humanity as a single entity, not as different Cultures and Religion. All Religion is ONE. No matter what is the Philosophical belief. The ONE is the underlying essence permeating all forms of Spirituality. Once you discover the essence, then it is the beginning of Understanding. Once you have achieved the Understanding, the ONE appears as the THING that is binding it all together. Stop looking and just Be, AS IT IS.