(03-30-2021, 04:30 AM)STAR-ONE Wrote: My posts are ringing wrong in your language, I think I will stop posting because it is causing too much confusion for you !
Don't worry about me, it's just a discussion. If someone misunderstands you, you can take the oppertunity to refine the language, or just ignore.
I have thought alot about this conundrum of ships coming, and even had a very specific lucid dream about it (I normally don't have this type of dream) that was very detailed like a video game or sci-fi epic. Basically the UFOs were hunting us and I realized at some point that there was no escape or hiding, so I 'accepted' being taken abord. I was put into a surgical pod where all my flesh was removed (like being split in half and taking off a one piece costume) and inserted/merged into a mechanical suit (mech warrior). It was gory and disturbing yet I felt no fear, was actually like a curiosity. It was obviously a ploy to assimilate but at the same time it didn't because my spirit was strong, so only the body was destroyed.
So while I couldn't flee, and I knew these were not good guys, I basically gave permission and the results were obviously not ideal lol.
My feeling is this is like the vax thread, some will instinctively know, others will be left with the choice, and some are simply already destined. That being said it's still good to bring up, as the more background people have on the possibilities, the better their choices will be.