02-15-2011, 02:58 PM
(02-15-2011, 02:24 PM)unity100 Wrote: 'people' can elect their government, getting elected takes huge amounts of funds for election. in short, people can elect whichever rich enough guy has the funds, or supported by the rich.
This is due to the nature of the public though. There is nothing stopping people from electing Ron Paul. Society chooses to only consider candidates who are supported by the party system.
Also this is an America-centric perspective. Small parties in Canada have been created and within 1 election cycle are significantly effecting the debate.
Quote:people, on the other hand, have no choice of not supporting corporations. they are living in a corporate structure themselves.
What's wrong with a corporation? It's just a method of organizing a bunch of people together to do something. Why is this collective ownership model evil? Why can't a corporation be used to do good things if the shareholders choose for it to do so?
Many corporations now put clauses in their charters about profit not being the sole motive.
Quote:even if you choose not to work for any corporation, or not to employ anyone in your small business, you will still be an underdog, a tribute payer to bigger corporations through all kinds of things - from infrastructure to power bill, to your materials, expenses anything.
This has nothing to do with corporations but rather the current distribution of resources. Some people have been given ownership of massive natural resources like oil which is a bit ridiculous but the public could change this in a day if they chose to, using their elected government.
Quote:but, EVERYthing is tied to ownership of money or funds. you can do only as much as you have it. the less you have, the less your options are.
Even in a free-energy world we would still need money. Money is just an exchange medium. If there is free energy then the limiting resource will be human intelligence. You'll still need to get your hair cut and you'll want to make sure the person who cuts your hair is able to get what he wants (maybe he wants to take a vacation to Mars) and in order for him to get that he needs someone to pilot the spaceship, etc.
Money is an organizer. The current money system is a bit broken because private interests are issuing the money but the public enacted that through elected officials (President Wilson in the case of USA) and could take it away.
Quote:ownership of anything, is an orange ray blockage. you identify an external person, entity, object, place, thought form as 'yours', identifying it as an extension of your self that is commandable by you, as if it was an addition of your bodily orange ray complex. its a demeaning, reduction of whatever you are 'owning'.
There is a feeling of ownership and then there is the organizing principle of ownership. It's society agreeing that certain people are in charge of certain resources because if everyone was in charge of every resource it could be chaos. If I build some space vehicle in my space garage in 4D, are people just going to come into my house and take it because there is no ownership? That would be ridiculous. I could relinquish my feeling of owning the vehicle and rather feel that the Infinite Create owns the vehicle but this doesn't mean there would be no property rights. Property rights don't have to be a blockage.
Quote:yes. vote for the other corporate supported candidate, or buy from the other corporation. it is a choice. if you forget that all megacorporations are tied to each other through networks of shareholdership, or even proxy corporations and holdings.
A corporation is just a collection of people exerting their will. A megacorporation is just more people. I don't see why this is inherently bad. Are you arguing for communism? Communism fails not because of human nature but because it's impossible to organize a system like that.
Quote:and the money you send to africans wont reach any africans, because it will be swallowed by warlords who are employed by diamond corporations which are using them to ensure that their exclusive status or monopolies do not jeopardized.
This is an oversimplification. There are some charities that are able to help. There is always something you can do for others using your money. Sure, some ways are better than other ways. But you're missing the point.
Quote:any hierarchical social structure that gives more control to those higher in the ranks, in service of themselves, is a sts structure.
What if the CEO is using the corporation to serve others? He's not forcing anyone to join his company. There is a hierarchy to organize the work - divided responsibility. But the entire hierarchy can still be devoted to serving others. Most corporations now put service to the community as a very high priority and they emphasize the concept of win-win where both parties in every deal they make will feel happy with the exchange and both parties will win from it.
Quote:any higher entity from a positive higher dimension, owning a 'corporation', and asking for profit for what service it provides.
I have no trouble imagining this. Those higher entities need to eat too don't they? I believe in charity work but not all work should be charity work. In the higher dimensions there may be no money but there will be an equivalent construct used to organize social groups - I think it's actually spiritual energy itself.
Quote:jesus of nazareth having people work for him, and amassing the profit.
Some people hoard profit on Earth out of a pathological desire to hoard. But most don't. Even most CEOs don't actually hoard - they reinvest their money or they spend it - circulating it back to other people.
It's impossible to imagine Jesus owning a corporation because that wasn't his thing. Just because Jesus didn't do it though doesn't make it evil. Jesus didn't do a lot of things - he didn't have sex, he didn't ride a horse, he didn't play the banjo. That doesn't make these things evil.
Quote:15 people owning the entire output of a group of 5,000 people.
You're describing slavery - a former economic system. Not the current economic system. That's an over simplification of the economy.
First of all, those 5000 people voluntarily entered into a relationship with the 15. Those 5000 people got something out of it - they got paid, they enjoyed their work, and they got to do a service for others in the form of their labour. Most of the output actually went to the people who utilized the stuff they made. So if the employee is making tacos, the output actually goes to the customer, not the 15 major shareholders.
Secondly, most corporations are owned by millions of people.
Those 15 do not own "all" the output of 5000. That's just not true in any sense. That would be slavery.
Quote:'premature' ?
there have been only 150 harvests in second cycle.
in this cycle, things got even worse, because according to what Ra says, isolation is no longer possible. the 150 who were harvested in 2nd cycle, had the privilege of being able to live in isolated fashion.
And now we have a zillion wanderers who are increasing the harvest. I think the wanderer effect is working.