If you are interested in what the navy is doing, michael salla wrote a book using thompkins work at rand.
Not sure how to summarize the info. It is basically the story of how the military industrial guys got into the dark state. Plus the air force ssp book. With both, plus other things, i pieced together what corey goode was talking about.
There is a continent of solar warden people in the us navy that eant to break the chains of the dark state. By releasing this info to the oublic when it wad protected by classification lvls. Levels the us president cannot bypass or get acccess under.
The entire 1960s to 1980s backstory of the navy and air force made sense. There were other things going on too. 3d or 4d et helping humans vs draco darks. It is really complicated.
But these sources are almost all whistleblower 3rd density physical trstimonies. They are not the telepathic contacts people used before.
For years people were talking about full disclosure. The navy patents were one of the more concrete evidence.
The air force has stargate sg1.
Then there is babylon 5.
The air force had been co opted by operation paperclip via nasa. It was through a disinfo leak through goode that they figured out they were being used as traitors against usa. They then turned into space force. Evidence 2.
Gamestop is the harbinger of the financial quantum reset.
I kind of get the sense i am one of the only people that analyze intel at this broader view level.
The earth will be ok. The humans on her are way more fragile.
Not sure how to summarize the info. It is basically the story of how the military industrial guys got into the dark state. Plus the air force ssp book. With both, plus other things, i pieced together what corey goode was talking about.
There is a continent of solar warden people in the us navy that eant to break the chains of the dark state. By releasing this info to the oublic when it wad protected by classification lvls. Levels the us president cannot bypass or get acccess under.
The entire 1960s to 1980s backstory of the navy and air force made sense. There were other things going on too. 3d or 4d et helping humans vs draco darks. It is really complicated.
But these sources are almost all whistleblower 3rd density physical trstimonies. They are not the telepathic contacts people used before.
For years people were talking about full disclosure. The navy patents were one of the more concrete evidence.
The air force has stargate sg1.
Then there is babylon 5.
The air force had been co opted by operation paperclip via nasa. It was through a disinfo leak through goode that they figured out they were being used as traitors against usa. They then turned into space force. Evidence 2.
Gamestop is the harbinger of the financial quantum reset.
I kind of get the sense i am one of the only people that analyze intel at this broader view level.
The earth will be ok. The humans on her are way more fragile.