03-03-2021, 04:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2021, 05:35 PM by LeiwoUnion.)
I have a small take on what I've done regarding this. It also doesn't require much 'advancement' as the method is easy to understand by most people, and can be built on as one becomes more aware. The best thing is that it can be taught even to the sleepiest of the sleepers in the guise of 'positive thinking' which is usually more approachable form for many (do you remember Ra's 3D experience?). Most of us are aware of the benefits of 'positive thinking' but fail to come up with anything practical that also doesn't sound delusional, so people usually are receptive to this teaching. We all know the phrase 'the moment contains love' from Ra's 'first exercise' for general development. This while being almost absolute, as all is Love, can be rather hard to grasp by our (very) distorted and narrow point of view. In my expanded (and a bit distorted towards 3D) version of this exercise 'the moment contains many sources/aspects/layers of love'. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, one can consciously stop and make a realization in mind that 'the moment contains love'. Then what is it that comes to your mind first? Then second, and third and so on. Ra was/is bad with our numbers but to be honest, we love our numbers, don't we; and lists. So keep on going deeper and deeper into the things that contain love at certain variations/colorizations/intensities/complexities etc. You'll begin to see that they are actually the same thing(s) all the time but in differently ordered series depending on our current 'point of view distortion'. Take out the 3D (or other D's too but especially 3D) and all there is left is love. That is why veiled 3D is so powerful in providing catalyst, as it is so thick with experience that we just cannot see the universal truths without extremely deep conscious awareness and some blind faith. In this sense, the veil was a genius move; kudos to that logos or the aspect of All that came up with it. Too bad it cannot really be fully appreciated until the, I guess, higher self stage at late 6D (?); maybe 7D. In my view it is obvious that even Ra at their level carry their veil affected experience with them and it has an effect, still, in everything they do (while 'the choice' has no longer developmental meaning, it still causes bias that could be called personality). That is who we are until all individualistic distortions are dissolved in the unity of 7D regardless of the entity's level of awareness about the Law of One. Eh, I got carried away, so anyway back to the topic at hand.
An example of one possible 'train of thought'. The scene: I'm walking my dogs with my son in nearby forest.
- 'the moment contains love' - I'm with my son, and I love him deeply - I love my dogs, too - I love the nature - I love forest strolls - I especially love trees - etc. usually many 'I love's' come first - I see my son, I feel his love too, of many things - I can hear a happy family playing in their yard nearby - while annoying and making me crazy sometimes, I can feel the love in the dogs when they're let to do their antics - I can almost physically feel the love radiating from the trees; to the soil, to the clean air, to other trees, to us enjoying being - snow is melting, the expectation of spring hangs in the air - birds, birds have begun their song - the smell of forest soil - I heard a loud movement of some machinery far away, it reminds me of my enjoyment of all things mechanical, of tinkering, of fixing - I saw water flowing down the slope, there is some primal, ancient love/desire in the way water finds its way downwards - dogs*** sticks out from the now melting snow; I see beyond the surface, all the minerals, biological matter waiting in the stasis of winter to be returned to the circle of Earth life - my son walked over said dogs***, flustered and angry, I showed him the way, we hugged, the good feelings still linger - I got water in my shoe; it was time to return home anyway, and I'm grateful for this reminder/catalyst that lunch must be waiting already - the glare of the Sun greets us between the branches of the trees, it is magnificent how something so obvious, almost taken as granted, is Love in its purest form; The Creator greeting a creator; I am truly happy and joyous to live in this moment containing love - I sneeze uncontrollably; love overload.. again.. 3D bodies are so strange.
In mind this can take just few seconds, if done in a meditative way. Sometimes it's fun to let the conscious mind step in and contemplate on these observations. Then the train of thought usually lasts a bit longer, but it is useful (or essential even?) to teach the conscious mind of these universal concepts that you deep down might realize and understand, but have hard time translating into your 3D brain. I hope this explanation didn't come out too convoluted.
An example of one possible 'train of thought'. The scene: I'm walking my dogs with my son in nearby forest.
- 'the moment contains love' - I'm with my son, and I love him deeply - I love my dogs, too - I love the nature - I love forest strolls - I especially love trees - etc. usually many 'I love's' come first - I see my son, I feel his love too, of many things - I can hear a happy family playing in their yard nearby - while annoying and making me crazy sometimes, I can feel the love in the dogs when they're let to do their antics - I can almost physically feel the love radiating from the trees; to the soil, to the clean air, to other trees, to us enjoying being - snow is melting, the expectation of spring hangs in the air - birds, birds have begun their song - the smell of forest soil - I heard a loud movement of some machinery far away, it reminds me of my enjoyment of all things mechanical, of tinkering, of fixing - I saw water flowing down the slope, there is some primal, ancient love/desire in the way water finds its way downwards - dogs*** sticks out from the now melting snow; I see beyond the surface, all the minerals, biological matter waiting in the stasis of winter to be returned to the circle of Earth life - my son walked over said dogs***, flustered and angry, I showed him the way, we hugged, the good feelings still linger - I got water in my shoe; it was time to return home anyway, and I'm grateful for this reminder/catalyst that lunch must be waiting already - the glare of the Sun greets us between the branches of the trees, it is magnificent how something so obvious, almost taken as granted, is Love in its purest form; The Creator greeting a creator; I am truly happy and joyous to live in this moment containing love - I sneeze uncontrollably; love overload.. again.. 3D bodies are so strange.
In mind this can take just few seconds, if done in a meditative way. Sometimes it's fun to let the conscious mind step in and contemplate on these observations. Then the train of thought usually lasts a bit longer, but it is useful (or essential even?) to teach the conscious mind of these universal concepts that you deep down might realize and understand, but have hard time translating into your 3D brain. I hope this explanation didn't come out too convoluted.