Many ways, few simple practical example:
- Give / help in fullest sincerity, by expecting nothing in return.
- Say thank you, even to those who expressed hatred towards you.
- Be grateful for all of the events that you have experienced and you're now experiencing.
- Be happy for others, even if their happiness does not correlate with yours (ie: losing a match, a competition, your girlfriend / boyfriend found a better match other than you etc..)
- Be humble
- Give / help in fullest sincerity, by expecting nothing in return.
- Say thank you, even to those who expressed hatred towards you.
- Be grateful for all of the events that you have experienced and you're now experiencing.
- Be happy for others, even if their happiness does not correlate with yours (ie: losing a match, a competition, your girlfriend / boyfriend found a better match other than you etc..)
- Be humble