01-29-2021, 12:40 AM
This is rather unusual interchange from 22 NOV 1992 which speaks to music and to ....well, you'll see.
Quote:Carla: I have one about the trumpet. I would like to know about the functioning, or how to get it to really work.
I am Q’uo, and we may speak in general upon this subject, my sister. We thank you for this opportunity. When one has opened the channel to useful work with entities of the inner planes which move into the energy web of your planet and yourself, one has basically established a way of being of service as a tuned instrument. When an instrument is played it is not the instrument alone which must be excellent. The excellence of the instrument being assured, then there is the allowing of the best possible, shall we say, contracted or focused line or channel between the two and through the instrument so that the most compelling music may be played.
In working with the energies which make the trumpet move, the voices speak, the (sounds like “aports”) appear, and the other materialization phenomena which you are familiar with, the instrument which you are must be activated in a certain way. This is like unto the polishing of the inner surface of a reed, for instance, so that the energy moving through this reed may come forth or materialize in the manifested world with unabated vigor or energy. Any, shall we say, rough spots, any blockings, any ways in which the inner surface is not smooth will baffle and frustrate the energy or breath moving through it and add limit [to] the materialization phenomenon.
There is a kind of energy which allows the materialization phenomena to occur, and this lively energy is one with each is familiar. However, it is not this energy which moves the trumpet. This lively energy is expended in poising the self without let or hindrance, without any reserve in such a way that the spirit moving through you, as the instrument, may use that generated potential for materialization in a crystallized and finely focused way. It is as though your personal, deeply felt commitment and substantive energy given to this liveliness of will may be seen as a broad spectrum potential which the breath of spirit moving through your vortex of self may pick up more and more powerfully the less tightly you personally are holding onto this energy.
We might refer the mind to the Zen parable this instrument has within its experience of the archer who spends his entire concentration upon the focusing perfectly the visualization of the target, but does not at any point while drawing the bow and releasing it open the eyes to look at the physical target. The careful medium’s focus of attention is upon this static, permanent ideal of bow, of the powerful drawing of the bow, and of the releasing of the arrow, not when the personal will suggests but when the breath of spirit creates that choice.
Thusly, we suggest the encouragement of generation of this deep desire and this lively will, and then the utter and focused surrender of this and all gifts and talents to the one infinite Creator, that the breath of spirit may move through you in such a crystallized way that the personal energies become universal. In a way, it is the same objectification of deep emotions of which we spoke in talking of relationships, honoring the ability of the self to become capable of carrying those communications or attitudes which may benefit all people, and then surrendering this to the highest and best spiritual contact which is within your energies and which comes to you from that portion of the Creator, shall we say, which embodies for you your highest service.