01-27-2021, 10:54 AM
(01-26-2021, 02:16 PM)Aion Wrote:(01-26-2021, 01:53 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote:(01-25-2021, 02:16 PM)Diana Wrote:(01-25-2021, 01:17 PM)Patrick Wrote: It's just that with channeled material, it seems that requesting what is considered transient detunes the channel. I'm not sure what the rules are, but there seems to be rules governing this sort of information exchange.
That makes logical sense from more than one perspective. Anytime you veer from a particular focus, or water down that focus with related foci, it gets less "in tune" with the original focus.
I just want to add the thought that it might be more accurately put that the focus of questioning is not the main thing (as Prof. Elkins frequently was baffled in that regard without seeming to harm the connection), but it's the focus of polarity which is the main source of enlivening current which makes deep connection viable in channeling....or even in internet posting.......sometimes?............maybe?
What makes you think that? (Not disagreeing, just curious as to your reasoning.)
Patrick observes that requesting transient information detunes a channel (to some degree). Diana comments that blurring of focus makes one's work less sharp. I add that the focus of one's will to serve is possibly more central to the process than the focus of the questioning.
My comment is based on many, many sessions over the decades with psychics who seek to make contact beyond the veil, and sometimes this involves a form of channeling. I would say that the quality of a session depends on 3 particular factors: (1) the quality of the set up--i.e., of the reader's general connection to the internal "equipment" she is using to do the reading (2) the depth of the reader's will to serve and (3) the depth of the questioner's will to serve. To use again the audio analogy, in the recording studio, the quality of the recording session could be said to depend upon the quality of the equipment, the technician and the noise maker. In that situation, the equipment is a given, but the determination of the technician and the noise maker to do their best possible work (and this may be simply ingrained, not specifically conjured for the occasion) most strongly affects the quality of the outcome. The fact that the noise maker may try one tack, then another, then another while exploring which pathway leads to "flow" is not necessarily a distraction if both parties are working in sync to do their best possible work.
Returning to the topic of doing work in Spirit, I have found that the synergy between the technician and the questioner is very important for the same reasons, and that many factors can throw things off a bit, such as confused focus, unclear intentions, stage fright, etc. In both cases, I would observe, when all parties are feeling a sense of deep and meaningful engagement with the work, the result can be quite beautiful. This commitment to deep engagement is synonymous with polarity in this context, in my view.