01-21-2021, 12:40 AM
Geez, you make it sound complicated. Okay, well, maybe it is so?
2D critters have m/b complexes. Spiritually speaking, they're usually working on a group-spirit level, not as individuated spirits. This changes as they step up into 3D where the entity begins exploring the world of the individuated spirit. However, the body vehicle thing remains an m/b complex, but it's hosting a spirit thing. Ra refers to this in various places, sometimes advising a posture of gratitude for that hosting service, so to speak.
I'm not sure what the spirit does all day, after all, it doesn't eat breakfast, nor go for a walk, etc. I expect it takes in the experiences of the m/b and, in particular, learns to interact on a spiritual level when such occasions arise. It may eventually to some degree become active on its own, independent of the m/b, or it may just hang out, or....? In any event, it's trying to exercise itself and find its way in the world, just as a body or a mind will do. I wonder what yours is doing now? <smile>