11-28-2020, 01:33 PM
(11-28-2020, 12:47 AM)Louisabell Wrote: Glow - I stand corrected. Maybe a better phrase is "being conscientious of reserving one's energy".I also think it's a culture thing. I have to say that I percieve the US as having a very strong work culture. Things are more laid back down here in Oz, but we still have a derogatory term for the same thing, which is bludging, or being a bludger.
I can’t speak for other parts of the world.
I guess I should have said in North America and the UK lazy is derogatory.
I think you are right about the culture thing. Material productivity is king and queen here, so much hustle, and side hustle, then hustle at home, to infinity.

I have finally figured out how priceless peace is and stillness. It took physical catylist of getting adrenal fatigue working 12 hour days 6-7 days a week. To force me to stop, and rest. Then over 6-7 years finally experience peace in that stillness vs guilt of nonproductivity.

That’s wonderful it’s more laid back where you are.
It seems to be moving in the opposite direction here.
I have heard it called an addiction to busyness.
We are actually considering moving to the east coast( Canada) because like where you are the people are more laid back.