11-26-2020, 07:36 PM
Happy Thanksgiving Silly if you are celebrating ...
There’s one more little point to what Louisabell so well described.
One of our common trait in 3D is that we are hard on ourselves anyway. Evidently we don’t like someone else pointing back to us something that we are often disliking about ourselves already.
It’s good to make peace with one item that we dislike, because as soon as we do so, it’s much easier to answer: “ You are right about this, I have known this for a while and I am working on it.” This is usually enough to stop a difficult conversation and even change it to a more positive exchange.
Don’t give up Silly on forgiving yourself, it makes us less vulnerable to the hurt we feel at what someone else tells us, whether it is true, or not true.
It’s really interesting how becoming internally peaceful and sincerely humble frees us a lot..
There’s one more little point to what Louisabell so well described.
One of our common trait in 3D is that we are hard on ourselves anyway. Evidently we don’t like someone else pointing back to us something that we are often disliking about ourselves already.
It’s good to make peace with one item that we dislike, because as soon as we do so, it’s much easier to answer: “ You are right about this, I have known this for a while and I am working on it.” This is usually enough to stop a difficult conversation and even change it to a more positive exchange.
Don’t give up Silly on forgiving yourself, it makes us less vulnerable to the hurt we feel at what someone else tells us, whether it is true, or not true.
It’s really interesting how becoming internally peaceful and sincerely humble frees us a lot..