(10-20-2020, 06:46 PM)Dtris Wrote: What laws are not selectively enforced? What time has slavery not existed? It still exists today, the only difference is it is illegal so underground. Saying a Amazon reviewer who is promoting an agenda that Lincoln was trying to enslave the world thru a monetary system is more reliable than an encyclopedia which made no claims whatsoever as to motive or goals, is frankly ridiculous. While there are many reasons for the war, it would have never happened it it wasn't for the abolitionist movement. The reviewer can be completely accurate in his quotes and facts, none of which make any difference to what I quoted from Brittanica, nor does the fact that slavery existed in the north in contravention of law.
Nonsense. Encylopedia Britannica (if you peel back the layers of companies) is owned by Jacqui Safra, a Billionaire banker, formerly of Republic New York Bank. To say that E.B. doesn't have an agenda, is like saying that the New York Times or MSNBC doesn't have an agenda. They are all leftist-globalist propaganda outlets.
You should also dig into who comprised Lincoln's clients when he was in private legal practice, before he became President.
Edited to add: I am not claiming that Lincoln deliberately worked for national enslavement, rather that he was manipulated into serving the interests of those who were.