Humans being other-selves is only part of this story. There are other life forms.
Tribalism, which is an underlying influence of racism and separation, derives from the 2D world, where herd integrity promotes survival. Those closer to 2D mentality, whether from a point in evolution or a choice to stay unconscious, will cling to tribal behavior, because they are operating from the instinct to survive in the physical world.
Seeing people as other-selves is a first giant step. But another step after that is the recognition that all life forms are other-selves. A glimpse into that awakening would be when people have pets. Ra says that pets can become harvestable to 3D from being individuated by the love the pets receive from their owners. But reciprocally, the pets teach the people that animals—at least certain animals they have become attached to—are other-selves.
Pets being recognized as other-selves is a step toward the realization that all life matters, not just human life. And that would be a step toward integrating the concept that all is one.
So one might see compassion as available when the energy of a being isn't used up with survival. This happens in various ways, and eventually, the catalyst being offered makes its way into the consciousness of that being, and that begins the process of becoming aware of choice. Once a being comprehends that there is a choice, not just the response (reacting) to a harsh environment, other feelings have a chance of being recognized.
Tribalism, which is an underlying influence of racism and separation, derives from the 2D world, where herd integrity promotes survival. Those closer to 2D mentality, whether from a point in evolution or a choice to stay unconscious, will cling to tribal behavior, because they are operating from the instinct to survive in the physical world.
Seeing people as other-selves is a first giant step. But another step after that is the recognition that all life forms are other-selves. A glimpse into that awakening would be when people have pets. Ra says that pets can become harvestable to 3D from being individuated by the love the pets receive from their owners. But reciprocally, the pets teach the people that animals—at least certain animals they have become attached to—are other-selves.
Pets being recognized as other-selves is a step toward the realization that all life matters, not just human life. And that would be a step toward integrating the concept that all is one.
So one might see compassion as available when the energy of a being isn't used up with survival. This happens in various ways, and eventually, the catalyst being offered makes its way into the consciousness of that being, and that begins the process of becoming aware of choice. Once a being comprehends that there is a choice, not just the response (reacting) to a harsh environment, other feelings have a chance of being recognized.