(09-20-2020, 12:03 PM)Patrick Wrote:
Yeah, learning to use the option of remaining silent more often, would be a great first step. I'll work on that. Baby steps !
Then I can eventually learn to more skillfully listen to and speak this inner voice, that can only be heard in slilence, that already knows the best way to say what the other needs to hear in truth.
That quiet still voice is often called holy spirit or source.
Watching tv is enough to jam it. Meditation is popular for that.
My verify process is simple. If i get an idea or action and i can figure it out, this is my own idea or download. If i cannot comprehend it, then it was holy spirit of godhead, ie source.
My direct channel and spiritual capacity feels more like a telepathic union, similar to council of saturn or kryon s melding. Whomever controls or speaks through this avatar is now variable. Sometimes it is my higher self. Other times, it is my quantum selves. Less and less, it is ymar over the years.
Counter: what is the difference netween spiritual awakening and madness?
Y: .... which one of us are you asking?