(09-10-2020, 03:09 PM)taylor Wrote: Hello everyone,
I am new to this forum, as well as to The Law of One. I am still progressing through the books/sessions and have a lot to learn!!
One question that remains in the back of my mind while reading the text is:
If this is an experiment put on by the One Creator in order to learn more about him/her/it-self, and the Third Density (what we're in now) is all about Free Will and making the "correct" choice of "Service-to-Others," why do we have contact with entities of a higher density that are assisting/informing us to making the "correct" choice?
To me, and please correct me if I'm wrong, it seems like that removes (at least some) of the Free Will and Self-Discovery that the experiment was intended to reveal about the One Creator.
Thanks in advance for any replies. I look forward to learning/discussing this topic and The Law of One in general.
Iamraw does not deem STO to be the correct choice. The Law of One does not judge or bias itself as it is a non duality view point. Meaning, it is not duality. The Divine is the combination of all, including STS with STO. Both are imbalanced. The STo towards too much love and acceptance, and STS too much towards conflict and power.
This "imbalance" is the surprise created by the free will experiment, which is something Source wants to experience. Source got bored, went into a Deep Sleep, bifurcated its essence into all Creation, thus we are all Children of God, even the children of devils. Each fragment, can fragment further, like a fractal, growing farther from creation source, but also probing and exploring farther the limits of what can be, without Source guidance.
As for your second part of the question, the War of Light and Darkness has been going on in what humans call the universe or galaxies, for quite some time on. Multiple "planets" have been extinguished and killed, in the process.
Earth is the final bastion and fortress of the dark, because it is a strategic nexus point in the temporal timeline. It is why STO says Earth is the "most difficult". They do not make this difficulty for themselves, any more than Source creates bottlenecks for its own experiment.
STS plays the part of "OPFOR". The opposition. Without an opposition, this movie game we call life, would be boring. From our perspective and that of STO, it would be easier and better for cultivation, but from the perspective of Source, it needs experience, stimulation, DRAMA, because that is new. For eternal entities, "new things" are important. Humans do the same thing. They grow via challenges. They intentionally create challenges by increasing the difficulty settings in games. They watch movies knowing people in it will die, hoping to see a good ending. Or a sad ending. Or whatever.
As for what makes the dark, the dark, that you will have to think about and ask more questions.
This multi player massive game server is now nearing its end and procedures to close it by starting the FINAL ARC is proceeding as planned. Earth is bottlenecking the divine plans of numerous civilizations, including the elder/root 12/24. This means the multiverse cannot regather to source so long as any part of it remains dark or Other or resistant/fighting. Earth is the catalyst to Refold all of Creation back into itself, so that the Source can create a new simulation, after analyzing and enjoying the fruits of this one.
There are entities out there that can create worlds, stars, realms, dimensions, entire universes. They can easily crush the dark with a single thought, but that would be worse cheating than the dark has done here on Earth with the child slave farms. These entities, that humans consider near gods or at least Kardashev 3/4 level civs... are mere fragments of the power of the elder civilizations. The elder civilizations or Guardians, are mere fragments themselves, of the power of the Administrator of this Fractal Experience. And the Administrator is merely a backup plan by Source, to ensure that things return to Source, so that things don't endlessly loop on and on and on, that the movie game finally ends.