09-09-2020, 09:12 AM
(08-29-2020, 11:37 PM)Black Dragon Wrote:(08-16-2020, 07:34 PM)Aion Wrote: The issue comes when you realize you can choose to be the spider or the fly. More interesting when you realize you are both.
What if I'd just rather be like a stegosaur or triceratops and say f*** you to the whole predator/prey dynamic...don't go out and eat others but don't just passively let myself or others I care about be eaten without a fight? If that's who I really am as a person in my heart and my principles, and I don't believe in the virtue of a system of predators and prey other than as an engine to generate misery...then am I not "good enough" to evolve in the polarity system? Am I an ignoramus in the sinkhole of indifference because I consciously cannot bring myself to conform to such a system that conflicts with my heart-centered and transcendent principles? To me, the sinkhole of indifference would be not knowing or caring there's a choice to be made. What about seeing two bad choices and consciously choosing an option that's neither?
I'm thinking maybe it's not as much a third divergent path, but more of a difference in how I define certain aspects of what it means to be STO. Out of STS and STO, I'd consider myself STO. I would like to express that in a way that does not automatically correspond to "prey" or "martyrdom". If that makes me a bit of a rebel in the eyes of the logos or whole polarity dynamic, so be it. Those are my principles, and no authority will coerce me to relinquish them to earn brownie points in some polarity game. If anything with my viewpoint or principles changes, it is of my own free will and volition, and because I've consciously seen a new perspective, not because I "have to" in order to fit some other being or system's definition of polarity progress.
Honestly, I'd rather be a symbiotic being in a win-win symbiotic system where everyone works together and doesn't "eat each other"-but if I'm forced to live in a reality where there is a predator/prey dynamic and I'm unable to fully realize that symbiotic way of life, than I'd at least rather be the stegosaur than some ravening wolf or pitiful sheep. I feel deep down that I've had enough life times as both to realize I don't want to be either.
While this is not exactly what the divine codex rules are for higher density 4th density golden ages are, but it is close enough. Earth will transition into it before 2025.