(08-22-2020, 05:04 PM)Diana Wrote: ...What I can say is I think it can happen either way, though the second way is more difficult to maintain (easier to achieve in "moments")...
My whole life has been setup to show me that you are miserable, whatever your circumstances, until you decide that you're not. THEN everything changes to align. Not just with things in my life, but also what I observed in others. You could live in abundance of everything and still feel miserable and unhappy, this is actually true more often than not unfortunately. The perspective one has on life changes the whole experience even if nothing external were to change, but it's been my experience that the external does change to make things even better once you've decided that all is well always (I know that this is not the case for us while incarnated down here, but trying to believe it does help a little ).
It's like the Universe can't resist giving you everything it can just after you've decided you needed very little to be happy. I guess this looks like a cosmic farce when looking at it from a different perspective.
(08-22-2020, 05:04 PM)Diana Wrote: ...In circumstances of lack of food, shelter, companionship—I think it's possible to perceive abundance but I also think it takes a very advanced or disciplined person to do it. To maintain that perspective in the midst of famine, war, poverty, would be remarkable. I personally don't know anyone capable of that. Do you?
No. Or if I do I'm not aware that they can.
(08-22-2020, 05:04 PM)Diana Wrote: ...I think a person can have gratitude at any time, however...
That I can relate to. Lately, I have been finding myself able to say thank you to the Universe even when I am in pain, sad or when angry or other little things like that. Thank you for this life and all experiences. It gives you the bizarre feeling of wanting to laugh at your angry self. I guess a mainstream observer would think I'm going crazy.
It comes from the exercise of wanting to see Love in all moments, but yeah these are tiny things compared to the maelstrom of emotions on this planet. I would not like to be tested with this while being fired upon by mortars or while truly starving for food (or while being crucified on a cross).
(08-22-2020, 05:04 PM)Diana Wrote: ...I do not agree that all is well...
Ah ! That is good to know. This gives a much larger window for understanding.
(08-22-2020, 05:04 PM)Diana Wrote: ...The veil, according to Ra, was an experiment by this Logos. Proceeding from that assumption, it is possible it was a mistake, or not a productive thing to do on balance...
I've been interested in this very subject lately. Started this thread if you did not see it yet: Was Evil invented by mistake
(08-22-2020, 05:04 PM)Diana Wrote: ...
I only speculate. And my thoughts are subject to change at any time. I am at that place where I question the efficacy of the veil. On the other hand, it is what it is, and there is no use fighting against what is. However, questioning things is just what a thinking person does. Considering evolution on this planet in 3rd density, where would we be without the individuals who questioned the status quo (such as Copernicus)?
Speculating is the only thing we can do. The reason that sometimes I seem to "peddle" the things that I quote is only because I either experienced it myself or resonate with it so much that for me it's the same as having experienced it in this current lifetime. It's not my style to just spew stuff because it's new age or it sounds cool. Still, I do come off as arrogant more often than I'd like and I apologize for that. But that is part of the blue-ray issues I am dealing with currently. And of course, exchanges like this one helps very much in this regard.
Anyway, I believe I know what you mean and I respect that fully. The best thing that could happen to this planet is if all people started thinking critically for themselves.