01-27-2011, 06:45 PM
My guess would be that lately when I am in the "wrong" direction while meditating my Higher Self jerk my leg trying to say: "Wake up! The "answer" is not there". Then there are various signs all the time, and sometimes you just don't know who is doing what. There can be a thought in a crucial situation and there is no way to know who did what - Higher Self, discarnated spirits, guardians or my "brothers and sisters" or my subconsious mind. All is Creator, so when the thought is received I thank the Entity - whomever it was. But it is frustrating many times to not know in this density, as I do have fondness of knowing who did what instead of seeing that thought as Creator. Because I want to thank that Entity personally, as thanking Creator seems in specific situations unpersonal. Anyway, the most undescribable thing that happened to me was one time when I woke up couple weeks ago and I realized that my Higher Self was there, it didn't go back to sleep/or hide/or whatever It does. It was THERE, awaken and merging with me - whatever "me" is. Then It did go to It's "sleep" or whatever that place is where It resides and while It did that I could follow It all the way. I don't want to sound arrogant or too self confident, but at least since then I can go to that place and merge with It and feel Creator/Sacred-ness in ALL.