06-19-2020, 09:23 AM
hey great central sun,
yea im good at visualizing and yea i do what you have mentioned when i meditate.
unfourtnately this is exactly the opposite as to what im trying to achieve. it temporarily removes my troubles but its a quick fix.
in my opinion there are two times of meditation
anything below alpha is like trance and very relaxing.
anything above gamma is hyper focus. basically your vibration starts increasing, literally. this is what we all want. there have been studies which have proven monks who are in the gamma rave and above all the time even when they are not meditating. they have reached enlightenment and science has proven it.
here is a good video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10J6crRacZg
ive been trying to meditate with that kind of focus but its very hard to keep it for more than a dozen seconds and not fall into trance(its very tempting). im working on it and i believe willpower to be very important for it and a strong why. i also believe that this kind of focusing meditation can help one develop strong willpower which in my opinion is key to all spiritual development.
if one falls into a hole people can throw you a rope but it is you who has to climb up that rope. maybe there is no rope at all so you will have to climb out of it yourself which makes willpower even more important.
yea im good at visualizing and yea i do what you have mentioned when i meditate.
unfourtnately this is exactly the opposite as to what im trying to achieve. it temporarily removes my troubles but its a quick fix.
in my opinion there are two times of meditation
anything below alpha is like trance and very relaxing.
anything above gamma is hyper focus. basically your vibration starts increasing, literally. this is what we all want. there have been studies which have proven monks who are in the gamma rave and above all the time even when they are not meditating. they have reached enlightenment and science has proven it.
here is a good video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10J6crRacZg
ive been trying to meditate with that kind of focus but its very hard to keep it for more than a dozen seconds and not fall into trance(its very tempting). im working on it and i believe willpower to be very important for it and a strong why. i also believe that this kind of focusing meditation can help one develop strong willpower which in my opinion is key to all spiritual development.
if one falls into a hole people can throw you a rope but it is you who has to climb up that rope. maybe there is no rope at all so you will have to climb out of it yourself which makes willpower even more important.