turning the other cheek? - Printable Version

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turning the other cheek? - dexter101 - 06-17-2020

i read that it means to simply turn away and avoid a fight but sometimes in life you can't avoid a fight know how it goes
i would really know what you guys think of this?
i personally to put it mildy disagree with this. any thoughts on this? i am reminded of what montalk wrote on his website.

he says:
What about Service-to-All?
This concept was invented by those who misinterpret STS and STO as meaning predator and prey. They view “Service-to-All” or STA as being the transcendent, balanced, and neutral alternative to that dichotomy. STA is based on the misconception that Service to Others means “serving only others, while ignoring self,” such as being a doormat or ascetic who is weak and neglectful of his or her own well-being. By neglecting yourself, you handicap your future ability to do good, thereby decreasing your total positive impact and increasing imbalance, which is STS.

Properly defined, STO means serving self through serving others in a balanced way that is of maximum spiritual benefit to all. It means being neither predator nor prey. It does not mean being a doormat, nor neglecting personal well-being to the point of interfering with one’s future ability to serve, which is a shortsighted form of martyrdom. So what some define as STA is already the correct definition of STO, therefore the term STA is unnecessary. What they call STO is actually the prey component of the STS predator-prey dynamic. Therefore, instead of [STA (neutral transcendent) | STO (prey) | STS (predator)] it should be [STO (neutral transcendent) | STS (prey vs. predator)].

The difficulty with treading the STO path is that it involves maximization of energy balance and freewill in a system, and supporting this balance requires an intelligent exercise of freewill to consistently hit the sweet spot for any given situation. To balance a broomstick is hard, while letting it fall is easy. Being STS is easy because no genuine spiritual intelligence is needed to be a passive lump being preyed upon, or to give into reactive behavior and let yourself fall under Matrix influences into animalistic or demonic states.

my question simply do you hit the sweet spot for any given situation. its not like there are any instruction lying around or your higher self giving you advice. i read of people who can talk to their higher self but im not yet capable of doing so Sad
ive been struggling with this for a very long time
so whats the advice for the average human?

RE: turning the other cheek? - Minyatur - 06-17-2020

Not sure that entire text makes sense but STA is being used because the term STO does not necessarily encompass perfectly the concept of polarity. The material says it is the best definition because of our distortions towards perceiving concepts relating to philosophy in terms of ethics or activity. STA I believe brings back more to a fundamental state of energy in which you are in service for the good of all things and exist in harmony with them, while STO can easily be understood as slaving yourself into martyrdom which would entail deep blockages that would prevent a balanced polarity. To me polarity is a state of being more than actions and I prefer the description of the physical magnet or the concept of radiation/absortion. The notion of service though I believe comes from that we gain a charge through the choices that we make in our interactions with our other-selves.

The role of the 3D self is self-discovery through catalyst. There is no correct way to respond and you should be truthful with yourself, because only then can you move forward and evolve as a self. Retrospective how on you acted and what were your emotional motivations in having done so may he helpful to unveil hidden aspects of yourself you may be projecting on the other party. It is well to remind oneself that others are mirrors upon the self.

If that helps, forgiveness is what stops the wheel of karma. Anger begets anger.

RE: turning the other cheek? - AnthroHeart - 06-17-2020

Stand up for yourself if you need. That's throat chakra, blue-ray.

If you meditate and clear your energy, more love/light will come in and act as a buffer so challenges will not frazzle you like before.

RE: turning the other cheek? - unity100 - 06-17-2020

montalk seems to have it about right.

If one is interested in such things like approaching situations in a balanced manner as opposed to selfless service, the best way to do it is to start learning and observing to understand. That's the way of the blue.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Dtris - 06-17-2020

Turning the other cheek can be good advice. Standing up for yourself is also good advice. The when's and why's are what is important.

When you are caught in a situation and you are becoming angry, upset, feel attacked, confrontational, defensive, you must first be aware of those feelings in the moment. Sometimes you will feel defensive or confrontational after someone makes a valid criticism of your behavior. If you "stand up for yourself" then you are ignoring that they have a valid point because that point damaged your ego. So turning the other cheek, and accepting the criticism would be more beneficial.

If someone is insulting, pushing, or hitting you or someone else and will not stop, then standing up for yourself is right. However sometimes if you become aggressive it escalates the situation. So then it helps to be able to stand up without fighting, to disagree without arguing. This can be very difficult.

My advice for the average human (of which I am one and I am doing my best to follow this).
1) Be aware of your own reactions in the moment.
2) Remind yourself that the others are the creator, as are you.
3) Allow spontaneous expression of whatever you are feeling as long as it does not harm others.
4) Temper any expression with love and understanding.

Afterwards when you are by yourself review your actions and ask if you did ok or not. By reviewing and identifying where you might have fallen short you start creating a bias to be aware of those moments in the future. Be prepared to upset people when you start expressing yourself truthfully. Unless you say something hurtful, do not apologize. As you temper your expressions with love and understanding you will become less likely to upset people as you will be aware of their emotions and able to blend with them.

Last advice is that this is a process and everyone will need lots of time to get good at it. We certainly cannot complete it in one life and we can only strive to do better each day.

PS. Just because you cannot consciously communicate with your higher self does not mean that communication doesn't occur on other levels. Pay attention to dreams and intuition and you might start to get the messages, even if you can't hear any words.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Black Dragon - 06-18-2020

I'll have to check out more of this Montalk guy. The name's familiar, I've probably read some of his material before, but that bit about polarity is exactly what I've been trying to explain to some people, and part of my own seeking. I've referred to it as "false STO", which is basically being a martyr/doormat/prey, and makes one an accessory to the STS system of principles(or lack thereof...), which are a zero-sum way of thinking where somebody has to "lose" for somebody else to "win". True STO is more of a zero point way of thinking, a symbiotic "give AND receive" axis rather than "take OR lose".

RE: turning the other cheek? - Navaratna - 06-18-2020

You don't need to agree with every single bit of info.

WWII needed to be fought. Were we supposed to let the Germans or Japanese achieve world domination?
If China in today's age succeeded then there would be no freedom of religion. Even ideas like Lawofone would be persecuted in their idea of completely authoritarian population.

RE: turning the other cheek? - dexter101 - 06-18-2020

(06-17-2020, 03:27 PM)unity100 Wrote: montalk seems to have it about right.

If one is interested in such things like approaching situations in a balanced manner as opposed to selfless service, the best way to do it is to start learning and observing to understand. That's the way of the blue.

but you see thats the thing. if i start standing up for myself say i have a boss or professor who is not very nice ill probably lose my job/and make things even harder for me and have no backup. that wouldnt work out so im stuck not doing anything. worst case scenario would be to end up on the street which is a very real possibility for most people these days just look up statistics on workplace bullying by their boss. over half of americans feel it every day Sad

whats the approach there?

RE: turning the other cheek? - dexter101 - 06-18-2020

(06-18-2020, 12:23 AM)Black Dragon Wrote: I'll have to check out more of this Montalk guy. The name's familiar, I've probably read some of his material before, but that bit about polarity is exactly what I've been trying to explain to some people, and part of my own seeking. I've referred to it as "false STO", which is basically being a martyr/doormat/prey, and makes one an accessory to the STS system of principles(or lack thereof...), which are a zero-sum way of thinking where somebody has to "lose" for somebody else to "win". True STO is more of a zero point way of thinking, a symbiotic "give AND receive" axis rather than "take OR lose".
but the thing is as long as we live in the system(financially, politically even geographically) we re bound to follow the rules because if we do not theyll make us starve. i mean maybe some would be able to live off grid but thats very hard.
like say you need to get a job at some company who makes phones with child labour in a third world country. if you dont get the job well life is not going to be nice. and the jobs that are actually sto-orientated make less money and so on and on. you see my point. how do you find the balance. maybe its up to each individual but i cant help but think there must be some way out of the matrix if you get what i mean. out of the hierarchy and the power structures. you know the scene in the matrix movie where neo and morpheus walk in the city?

morpheus just flows through the crowd but neo bumps shoulders with every one.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Infinite - 06-18-2020

The green ray entity has much of compassion and is more likely to be a martyr, to accept everything from someone else. The blue ray entity has balanced love and wisdom, and is then able to properly handle other selfs and their distortions.

Quote:The green-ray entity is ineffectual in the face of blockage from otherselves. The blue-ray entity is a co-Creator.

RE: turning the other cheek? - AnthroHeart - 06-18-2020

My understanding is that indigo-ray was balanced love and wisdom and that blue-ray was pure wisdom.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Infinite - 06-18-2020

(06-18-2020, 09:41 AM)Great Central Sun Wrote: My understanding is that indigo-ray was balanced love and wisdom and that blue-ray was pure wisdom.

Yes, your definition is more correct. It is because it is necessary to balance love in order to stabilize in the blue.

RE: turning the other cheek? - dexter101 - 06-18-2020

(06-18-2020, 10:27 AM)Infinite Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 09:41 AM)Great Central Sun Wrote: My understanding is that indigo-ray was balanced love and wisdom and that blue-ray was pure wisdom.

Yes, your definition is more correct. It is because it is necessary to balance love in order to stabilize in the blue.

so it would be wise not to go after ones superiors who are abusing their power?
you know the hierarchy here in earth. i mean it would not be wise to go against some armed criminal or ceo i guess. it is definitely a battle the average guy would lose. so whats the play here? just give up?
i really dont want people to lose their jobs because they think they have to adequately express themselves and then end up on the street. life is so rough here in the us and its eat or die.

maybe ive experienced just too much of it but i find it difficult to believe that there is always a way to find balance. like someone wiser before me once said:

‘I don’t understand,’ I interrupted. ‘I thought that it wasn’t possible to jump
categories in a forward direction, but that it would be possible to go to inferior
planets.’ ‘No, Michel, neither forwards nor backwards. If you go forward, disregarding
Universal Law, you will die; if you go backwards, you expose yourself to worse
conditions because your advanced spirituality can’t exist in a materialistic

‘If you like, I can give you an analogy in the form of a childish
comparison. Imagine a man immaculately dressed in polished shoes, white socks
and pressed suit. You oblige this man to walk through a farmyard, 30 centimetres
deep in mud. Further, you insist that he put this mud into a wheelbarrow with his
hands. No need to ask what state he will be in when he has finished.

maybe someone can enlighten me. i sure hope so Smile

If i may use an even simpler analogy.
we all eat meat, fish,plants. in essence we eat things that are alive. even if were trying to be vegeterians or vegans even we still eat stuff thats alive.

RE: turning the other cheek? - AnthroHeart - 06-18-2020

(06-18-2020, 10:41 AM)dexter101 Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 10:27 AM)Infinite Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 09:41 AM)Great Central Sun Wrote: My understanding is that indigo-ray was balanced love and wisdom and that blue-ray was pure wisdom.

Yes, your definition is more correct. It is because it is necessary to balance love in order to stabilize in the blue.

so it would be wise not to go after ones superiors who are abusing their power?
you know the hierarchy here in earth. i mean it would not be wise to go against some armed criminal or ceo i guess. it is definitely a battle the average guy would lose. so whats the play here? just give up?
i really dont want people to lose their jobs because they think they have to adequately express themselves and then end up on the street. life is so rough here in the us and its eat or die.

maybe ive experienced just too much of it but i find it difficult to believe that there is always a way to find balance. like someone wiser before me once said:

‘I don’t understand,’ I interrupted. ‘I thought that it wasn’t possible to jump
categories in a forward direction, but that it would be possible to go to inferior
planets.’ ‘No, Michel, neither forwards nor backwards. If you go forward, disregarding
Universal Law, you will die; if you go backwards, you expose yourself to worse
conditions because your advanced spirituality can’t exist in a materialistic

‘If you like, I can give you an analogy in the form of a childish
comparison. Imagine a man immaculately dressed in polished shoes, white socks
and pressed suit. You oblige this man to walk through a farmyard, 30 centimetres
deep in mud. Further, you insist that he put this mud into a wheelbarrow with his
hands. No need to ask what state he will be in when he has finished.

maybe someone can enlighten me. i sure hope so Smile

If i may use an even simpler analogy.
we all eat meat, fish,plants. in essence we eat things that are alive. even if were trying to be vegeterians or vegans even we still eat stuff thats alive.

I always say use the intention repeater I made if you like, and create your preferred reality. The link is in my signature.
You could use intentions like "I get along with my superiors" or "I resonate strongly with my superiors" or "My superiors are really cool."

I've seen it change weather. Dropped 10 degrees in 5-10 minutes when it was hot. Python version is more powerful.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Black Dragon - 06-18-2020

(06-18-2020, 10:41 AM)dexter101 Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 10:27 AM)Infinite Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 09:41 AM)Great Central Sun Wrote: My understanding is that indigo-ray was balanced love and wisdom and that blue-ray was pure wisdom.

Yes, your definition is more correct. It is because it is necessary to balance love in order to stabilize in the blue.

so it would be wise not to go after ones superiors who are abusing their power?
you know the hierarchy here in earth. i mean it would not be wise to go against some armed criminal or ceo i guess. it is definitely a battle the average guy would lose. so whats the play here? just give up?
i really dont want people to lose their jobs because they think they have to adequately express themselves and then end up on the street. life is so rough here in the us and its eat or die.

maybe ive experienced just too much of it but i find it difficult to believe that there is always a way to find balance. like someone wiser before me once said:

‘I don’t understand,’ I interrupted. ‘I thought that it wasn’t possible to jump
categories in a forward direction, but that it would be possible to go to inferior
planets.’ ‘No, Michel, neither forwards nor backwards. If you go forward, disregarding
Universal Law, you will die; if you go backwards, you expose yourself to worse
conditions because your advanced spirituality can’t exist in a materialistic

‘If you like, I can give you an analogy in the form of a childish
comparison. Imagine a man immaculately dressed in polished shoes, white socks
and pressed suit. You oblige this man to walk through a farmyard, 30 centimetres
deep in mud. Further, you insist that he put this mud into a wheelbarrow with his
hands. No need to ask what state he will be in when he has finished.

maybe someone can enlighten me. i sure hope so Smile

If i may use an even simpler analogy.
we all eat meat, fish,plants. in essence we eat things that are alive. even if were trying to be vegeterians or vegans even we still eat stuff thats alive.
Sounds like you've got specific situations in your life rather than just inquiring about this from a philosophical standpoint. There's no one-size-fits-all answer, and the appropriate course of action would depend on a lot of factors, a large one being your own happiness and sanity. So it seems people above you in the hierarchy of your workplace or career path are behaving in ways that go against your principles and create stress for at least you, and probably others as well. You need to ask yourself if their behaviors are causing mostly minor stresses and annoyances, or whether it's bad enough to be outright wrong and unacceptable. As much as you need the income your career provides, you have to ask yourself if it's worth being miserable and not standing up for your principles.

If you could just go somewhere else or change your career path in any reasonable manner, that might be the required action. You may have to make some sacrifices of a monetary and material comfort type of nature, so you'll have to weigh which sacrifice is more acceptable-your principles and sanity, or those other concerns. Another thing to look at is whether the [problem lies in you entire organization from the top down, or whether it is only one or a handful of individuals directly above you. If the latter is the case, there are some crafty ways in which you can deploy your blue ray wisdom to circumvent and undermine the a*******.

If they are doing stuff of a truly unethical nature, there could be a way to expose it to somebody in a position to take action. You could go to HR, or if there are smart and reasonable people above them in the "food chain", you could prove yourself to these people and "go over their heads", either getting them in trouble, or simply landing yourself in a position in which you'd no longer be under their direct influence. Sometimes you need to be a little devious for the good. Maybe you can't handle the situation "head on", but there are plenty of ways to maneuver.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Navaratna - 06-18-2020

I'm not a huge fan of the phrase "turning the other cheek"

It could mean ignoring someone by turning your head away and walking off, or it could be interpreted as being complete passive in the face of dangerous people.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Infinite - 06-18-2020

(06-18-2020, 10:41 AM)dexter101 Wrote: so it would be wise not to go after ones superiors who are abusing their power?
you know the hierarchy here in earth. i mean it would not be wise to go against some armed criminal or ceo i guess. it is definitely a battle the average guy would lose. so whats the play here? just give up?
i really dont want people to lose their jobs because they think they have to adequately express themselves and then end up on the street. life is so rough here in the us and its eat or die.

maybe ive experienced just too much of it but i find it difficult to believe that there is always a way to find balance. like someone wiser before me once said:

‘I don’t understand,’ I interrupted. ‘I thought that it wasn’t possible to jump
categories in a forward direction, but that it would be possible to go to inferior
planets.’ ‘No, Michel, neither forwards nor backwards. If you go forward, disregarding
Universal Law, you will die; if you go backwards, you expose yourself to worse
conditions because your advanced spirituality can’t exist in a materialistic

‘If you like, I can give you an analogy in the form of a childish
comparison. Imagine a man immaculately dressed in polished shoes, white socks
and pressed suit. You oblige this man to walk through a farmyard, 30 centimetres
deep in mud. Further, you insist that he put this mud into a wheelbarrow with his
hands. No need to ask what state he will be in when he has finished.

maybe someone can enlighten me. i sure hope so Smile

If i may use an even simpler analogy.
we all eat meat, fish,plants. in essence we eat things that are alive. even if were trying to be vegeterians or vegans even we still eat stuff thats alive.

Ra talked about the fourth density type of compassion. This does not mean that it must be followed at all times, but that it is the minimum requirement for the Harvest. The blue entity is very wise and is able to judge how to act in front of another entity. The green entity just loves everyone unconditionally. I would say that in the face of an inevitable fight, we cannot shield our hearts with hatred and separation, but love the one who attacks us, even if we need to fight back in some way.

RE: turning the other cheek? - dexter101 - 06-19-2020

(06-18-2020, 06:53 PM)Black Dragon Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 10:41 AM)dexter101 Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 10:27 AM)Infinite Wrote:
(06-18-2020, 09:41 AM)Great Central Sun Wrote: My understanding is that indigo-ray was balanced love and wisdom and that blue-ray was pure wisdom.

Yes, your definition is more correct. It is because it is necessary to balance love in order to stabilize in the blue.

so it would be wise not to go after ones superiors who are abusing their power?
you know the hierarchy here in earth. i mean it would not be wise to go against some armed criminal or ceo i guess. it is definitely a battle the average guy would lose. so whats the play here? just give up?
i really dont want people to lose their jobs because they think they have to adequately express themselves and then end up on the street. life is so rough here in the us and its eat or die.

maybe ive experienced just too much of it but i find it difficult to believe that there is always a way to find balance. like someone wiser before me once said:

‘I don’t understand,’ I interrupted. ‘I thought that it wasn’t possible to jump
categories in a forward direction, but that it would be possible to go to inferior
planets.’ ‘No, Michel, neither forwards nor backwards. If you go forward, disregarding
Universal Law, you will die; if you go backwards, you expose yourself to worse
conditions because your advanced spirituality can’t exist in a materialistic

‘If you like, I can give you an analogy in the form of a childish
comparison. Imagine a man immaculately dressed in polished shoes, white socks
and pressed suit. You oblige this man to walk through a farmyard, 30 centimetres
deep in mud. Further, you insist that he put this mud into a wheelbarrow with his
hands. No need to ask what state he will be in when he has finished.

maybe someone can enlighten me. i sure hope so Smile

If i may use an even simpler analogy.
we all eat meat, fish,plants. in essence we eat things that are alive. even if were trying to be vegeterians or vegans even we still eat stuff thats alive.
Sounds like you've got specific situations in your life rather than just inquiring about this from a philosophical standpoint. There's no one-size-fits-all answer, and the appropriate course of action would depend on a lot of factors, a large one being your own happiness and sanity. So it seems people above you in the hierarchy of your workplace or career path are behaving in ways that go against your principles and create stress for at least you, and probably others as well. You need to ask yourself if their behaviors are causing mostly minor stresses and annoyances, or whether it's bad enough to be outright wrong and unacceptable. As much as you need the income your career provides, you have to ask yourself if it's worth being miserable and not standing up for your principles.

If you could just go somewhere else or change your career path in any reasonable manner, that might be the required action. You may have to make some sacrifices of a monetary and material comfort type of nature, so you'll have to weigh which sacrifice is more acceptable-your principles and sanity, or those other concerns. Another thing to look at is whether the [problem lies in you entire organization from the top down, or whether it is only one or a handful of individuals directly above you. If the latter is the case, there are some crafty ways in which you can deploy your blue ray wisdom to circumvent and undermine the a*******.

If they are doing stuff of a truly unethical nature, there could be a way to expose it to somebody in a position to take action. You could go to HR, or if there are smart and reasonable people above them in the "food chain", you could prove yourself to these people and "go over their heads", either getting them in trouble, or simply landing yourself in a position in which you'd no longer be under their direct influence. Sometimes you need to be a little devious for the good. Maybe you can't handle the situation "head on", but there are plenty of ways to maneuver.

yes i suppose you are right i will have to change my career path.
unfourtnately i can not deploy blue ray wisdom. all my chakras are blocked. i am in the process of working on that but i really need a break from everything. its all been weighing down on me and i cant bear the stress any longer.

RE: turning the other cheek? - AnthroHeart - 06-19-2020

Are you good at visualizing?
I like to imagine I am in a lagoon and there's a waterfall. I stand in the waterfall and the water washes away my angst.
You can also do this when you are showering. Let the water carry your troubles down the drain.

RE: turning the other cheek? - dexter101 - 06-19-2020

hey great central sun,
yea im good at visualizing and yea i do what you have mentioned when i meditate.
unfourtnately this is exactly the opposite as to what im trying to achieve. it temporarily removes my troubles but its a quick fix.
in my opinion there are two times of meditation
anything below alpha is like trance and very relaxing.
anything above gamma is hyper focus. basically your vibration starts increasing, literally. this is what we all want. there have been studies which have proven monks who are in the gamma rave and above all the time even when they are not meditating. they have reached enlightenment and science has proven it.
here is a good video on it:
ive been trying to meditate with that kind of focus but its very hard to keep it for more than a dozen seconds and not fall into trance(its very tempting). im working on it and i believe willpower to be very important for it and a strong why. i also believe that this kind of focusing meditation can help one develop strong willpower which in my opinion is key to all spiritual development.
if one falls into a hole people can throw you a rope but it is you who has to climb up that rope. maybe there is no rope at all so you will have to climb out of it yourself which makes willpower even more important.

RE: turning the other cheek? - AnthroHeart - 06-19-2020

You could use my Intention Repeater. It's good for a start. It repeats your intention up to a million times per second. It's like saying a prayer a million times per second (the Python version).
The web version is easy to use. It's in my signature.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Dtris - 06-19-2020

I am going to be a bit harsh.

Worry solves nothing. Fretting over what ifs and what other people might do solves nothing. You create your reality. If you believe that you can't leave because everything will be s***, then that will be your reality. If you believe there are opportunities around every corner and you can work anywhere and succeed, then you can.

You sound like you have given up your autonomy to other people. If it bothers you stand up for what you believe is right and leave, or report it, or whatever. If someone else is engaging in behavior you disagree with you don't participate. I don't care if someone is threatening me, or will kill me, there is a line I won't cross and I will die with my convictions and I would kill to protect them. I know this is not a common message on this forum but its how I feel.

If you can't trust in the creator to provide for you on your chosen path, then you lack faith, and all the meditation and learning about chakras and densities in the world will not help you. The world is what you make of it, and you can be a co-creator and make the world better, or you can whine about things and watch as people do horrible things. Not choosing is still a choice.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Diana - 06-19-2020

(06-17-2020, 10:51 AM)dexter101 Wrote: i read that it means to simply turn away and avoid a fight but sometimes in life you can't avoid a fight know how it goes
i would really know what you guys think of this?
i personally to put it mildy disagree with this. any thoughts on this? 

my question simply do you hit the sweet spot for any given situation. its not like there are any instruction lying around or your higher self giving you advice. i read of people who can talk to their higher self but im not yet capable of doing so Sad
ive been struggling with this for a very long time
so whats the advice for the average human?

Detachment from outcomes + self-honesty is the ideal mindset to have, in my opinion.

The starting point is self-honesty. This isn't easy. A good question is: Who do you see yourself as, compared to how you act in the world? Self-knowledge is a good thing to be aware of and work toward.

I agree with the quote you posted about STA, in that the self is an other-self. Otherwise there is separation. Therefore, service to others includes self. So there must be a balance between what is acceptable to self and what self is offering to others. Know one's self is key to this concept.

Part of knowing one's self is setting healthy boundaries. Without boundaries, a person may just do whatever presses in them from others (partners, bosses, family members) in order to avoid conflict and in an effort to always be helping. But in reality this often causes feelings of resentment, because in truth, no clear decision was made about whether or not any such help was a viable or healthy option for self. This resentment then, whether it is conscious or below the surface, causes problems.

Knowing self, being confident in this knowing, and being honest with others and self is a great goal to work toward. It was easy for me to develop this state of mind because I started working as a freelancer from home in my 20s. I had to create boundaries and be honest with others about what I was willing to do outside of my work (which involved pressing deadlines), and I also developed detachment (a thick skin) because hardly anybody understood it. But I knew why they didn't—because they had not experienced my situation and were all employees that went home from their jobs every night—so I was detached from the drama of their judgments. 

Developing detachment from outcomes is not the same as not caring—it is acceptance. But acceptance must be coupled with action or intention. It isn't ideal to just be a leaf blowing at the whim of the wind, unless that is exactly what the self wants to experience. So knowing self is key. Who do you want to be, and how does that square with how you act in the world?

RE: turning the other cheek? - AnthroHeart - 06-19-2020

Check out these enlightening quotes from the old Kung Fu series.

They cover this topic about turning the other cheek, with words of wisdom and love:

RE: turning the other cheek? - dexter101 - 06-19-2020

thank you great central sun
the clips were extremely helpful to me.
also thank you to all the others who responded to my question Smile

RE: turning the other cheek? - Infinite - 06-21-2020

Rereading some excerpts from LOO, it seems to me that martyrdom or accepting everything from others is not ideal in Ra's view.

Quote:May we note that martyrdom is not necessarily helpful.

Quote:When the entity Jehoshua decided to return to the location called Jerusalem for the holy days of its people, it turned from work mixing love and wisdom and embraced martyrdom, which is the work of love without wisdom.

Quote:For those who seek further, the consequences of martyrdom must be considered, for in martyrdom lies the end of the opportunity, in the density of the martyr, to offer love and light. Each entity must seek its deepest path.

Quote:84.4 QUESTIONER The instrument asked the following question: “Ra has implied that the instrument is on a path of martyrdom, but since all die are we not all martyr to something? When, if ever, does martyrdom partake of wisdom?”

RA I am Ra. This is a thoughtful query. Let us use as exemplar the one known as Jehoshua. This entity incarnated with the plan of martyrdom. There is no wisdom in this plan, but rather understanding and compassion extended to its fullest perfection.

The one known as Jehoshua would have been less-than-fully understanding of its course had it chosen to follow its will at any space/time during its teachings. Several times, as you call this measure, this entity had the possibility of moving towards the martyr’s place which was, for that martyr, Jerusalem. Yet in meditation this entity stated, time and again, “It is not yet the hour.”

The entity could also have, when the hour came, walked another path. Its incarnation would then have been prolonged but the path for which it incarnated somewhat confused. Thusly, one may observe the greatest amount of understanding, of which this entity was indeed capable, taking place as the entity in meditation felt, and knew, that the hour had come for that to be fulfilled which was its incarnation.

It is indeed so that all mind/body/spirit complexes shall die to the thirddensity illusion; that is, that each yellow-ray physical-complex body shall cease to be viable. It is a misnomer to, for this reason alone, call each mind/body/spirit complex a martyr, for this term is reserved for those who lay down their lives for the service they may provide to others. We may encourage meditation upon the functions of the will.

It seems to me then that I was somehow correct. The fifth level or blue level is about love with wisdom, wise love I would say. While the fourth level is a foolish love so to speak.

I wonder if an entity balanced in the heart chakra (harvestable) is the type to love so much that it would lose its life for an enemy. I think so. This highlight that I made in question 84.4 seems to me to be evidence of this. It is also interesting to note that, as the kundalini rises to the upper chakras, the entity's polarity increases, that is, it goes up more and more from 51% STO, the polarity is not purely how much you love, but how much you are able to do service to others.

With all this, it becomes clear why the balancing of the higher chakras is necessary (blue, indigo and the penetration of the violet ray).

RE: turning the other cheek? - flofrog - 06-21-2020

Could it be, Infinite, that anyway an entity with balanced all chakras to the green, ( so harvestable ), will anyway already have started some polarisation and balance in blue and indigo ?

Most probably as nothing comes in block and stops at each chakra leaving the rest untouched ?... Wink

RE: turning the other cheek? - Infinite - 06-21-2020

(06-21-2020, 11:23 AM)flofrog Wrote: Could it be, Infinite, that anyway an entity with balanced all chakras to the green, ( so harvestable ), will anyway already have started some polarisation and balance in blue and indigo ?  

Most probably as nothing comes in block and stops at each chakra leaving the rest untouched ?... Wink

I confess that I still find some Ra's descriptions of chakras a little confusing. In most responses the development of the chakras seems sequential, but at times it seems that it is a parallel development of all chakras. Particularly I believe that it is something sequential. For example:

Quote:once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual. The indigo ray is opened only through considerable discipline and practice largely having to do with acceptance of self, not only as the polarized and balanced self but as the Creator, as an entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the indigo ray.

Quote:The patterns of activation of an entity of high seniority will undoubtedly move with some rapidity to the green-ray level which is the springboard to primary blue. There is always some difficulty in penetrating blue primary energy, for it requires that which your people have in great paucity; that is, honesty. Blue ray is the ray of free communication with self and with other-self.

Having accepted that an harvestable or nearly harvestable entity will be working from this green-ray springboard, one may then posit that the experiences in the remainder of the incarnation will be focused upon activation of the primary blue ray of freely given communication; of indigo ray, that of freely shared intelligent energy; and, if possible, moving through this gateway, the penetration of violet-ray intelligent infinity

That is, as soon as the green ray is activated, blue is available. Indigo is something more difficult and laborious, having to do with the adepthood. These responses, the concept of green, blue entities, etc., the levels of study as well as Ra's description of kundalini, lead me to believe that it is a sequential process.

Also, at the moment it seems to me that there is a minimum level of activation / cleaning / opening of the energy centers. But in addition, there is a balance between these centers. I do not know whether the rise of the kundalini requires only opening or whether it is necessary for all chakras to be balanced with each other.

Quote:However, the fully activated being is rare. Much emphasis is laid upon the harmonies and balances of individuals. It is necessary for graduation across densities for the primary energy centers to be functioning in such a way as to communicate with intelligent infinity and to appreciate and bask in this light in all of its purity.

However, to fully activate each energy center is the mastery of few, for each center has a variable speed of rotation or activity. The important observation to be made, once all necessary centers are activated to the minimal necessary degree, is the harmony and balance between these energy centers.

RE: turning the other cheek? - dexter101 - 06-22-2020

(06-21-2020, 12:28 PM)Infinite Wrote:
(06-21-2020, 11:23 AM)flofrog Wrote: Could it be, Infinite, that anyway an entity with balanced all chakras to the green, ( so harvestable ), will anyway already have started some polarisation and balance in blue and indigo ?  

Most probably as nothing comes in block and stops at each chakra leaving the rest untouched ?... Wink

I confess that I still find some Ra's descriptions of chakras a little confusing. In most responses the development of the chakras seems sequential, but at times it seems that it is a parallel development of all chakras. Particularly I believe that it is something sequential. For example:

Quote:once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual. The indigo ray is opened only through considerable discipline and practice largely having to do with acceptance of self, not only as the polarized and balanced self but as the Creator, as an entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the indigo ray.

Quote:The patterns of activation of an entity of high seniority will undoubtedly move with some rapidity to the green-ray level which is the springboard to primary blue. There is always some difficulty in penetrating blue primary energy, for it requires that which your people have in great paucity; that is, honesty. Blue ray is the ray of free communication with self and with other-self.

Having accepted that an harvestable or nearly harvestable entity will be working from this green-ray springboard, one may then posit that the experiences in the remainder of the incarnation will be focused upon activation of the primary blue ray of freely given communication; of indigo ray, that of freely shared intelligent energy; and, if possible, moving through this gateway, the penetration of violet-ray intelligent infinity

That is, as soon as the green ray is activated, blue is available. Indigo is something more difficult and laborious, having to do with the adepthood. These responses, the concept of green, blue entities, etc., the levels of study as well as Ra's description of kundalini, lead me to believe that it is a sequential process.

Also, at the moment it seems to me that there is a minimum level of activation / cleaning / opening of the energy centers. But in addition, there is a balance between these centers. I do not know whether the rise of the kundalini requires only opening or whether it is necessary for all chakras to be balanced with each other.

Quote:However, the fully activated being is rare. Much emphasis is laid upon the harmonies and balances of individuals. It is necessary for graduation across densities for the primary energy centers to be functioning in such a way as to communicate with intelligent infinity and to appreciate and bask in this light in all of its purity.

However, to fully activate each energy center is the mastery of few, for each center has a variable speed of rotation or activity. The important observation to be made, once all necessary centers are activated to the minimal necessary degree, is the harmony and balance between these energy centers.
Hey you seem to know your way around so I'd like to ask about meditation:
I've been meditating with singular focus and it feels very boring, there are times when I get into a state in which my focus increases and all my other senses dissapear. I am completely focused on it. It feels repetitive and boring and I don't see the benefit in that.
Is this really what meditation is like or am I doing it wrong?

RE: turning the other cheek? - Diana - 06-22-2020

(06-22-2020, 09:42 AM)dexter101 Wrote: I've been meditating with singular focus and it feels very boring, there are times when I get into a state in which my focus increases and all my other senses dissapear. I am completely focused on it. It feels repetitive and boring and I don't see the benefit in that.
Is this really what meditation is like or am I doing it wrong?

Although you asked Infinite for a comment, here is my opinion:

You can't expect immediate gratification from meditation. Expectations have no place at all in contacting infinite intelligence, the higher self, the subconscious, the wave function—whatever you want to call it.

To put this in terms of the wave function, the wave is in superposition wherein all possible outcomes exist in suspension, whereas in the particle function, the wave has collapsed to one outcome. Staying in the wave function is ideal; but when there is an expectation, belief, or other limiting thinking, the door is closed to possibilities and the expectation is the collapsed particle. This is precisely what is desired to be avoided in meditation—the collapsing of the wave and re-entering the world of 3D reality one is trying to expand beyond.

In my opinion, it's best to meditate just because one realizes there is something more than this 3D reality, and one wants to connect to that. A good way to do that is to shut off the internal dialogue, which keeps one anchored to the 3D drama.

I have found that meditation slowly yields a different experience of life. It could be said to be cumulative. One may have experiences in meditation, but it's also true that one will be more open to perceiving experiences outside of the human noise in regular life.

I would suggest that aside from official meditation, which I think is effective and important, one can also reach meditative states while doing creative things and communing with nature. If one does something such as painting or drawing, or composing music, or any creative endeavor done out of love of it, one will reach timeless states, and this is a form of meditation. I think creatives that do this get into states of channeling, for lack of a better way to put it. It is accessing also the wordless/languageless parts of the brain which we as modern-day people have been trained to ignore. This, along with the addictions to media that most experience these days, anesthetizes people. So, limiting media (phones, social media, news, TV); pursuing creative hobbies; communing with nature—are all ways to enhance the meditative experience.