05-28-2020, 10:15 AM
Quote:If you would improve your plant, farm, animal and mineral life, you would simply make contact in love with those things which you know to be there but which you cannot see, sending them love and asking for their help. This they will appreciate greatly, and they will give you of their bounty.
This part reminds me of Findhorn, an experiment in Scotland where a few people turned non-arable land into arable land and created a super garden by doing just this—honoring and contacting the elemental world for help.
It is yet another reason to be better caretakers of land, and have more compassion for 1st and 2nd density life.
Quote:Feeding six people on unemployment benefit was difficult, so Peter decided to grow vegetables. The land in the caravan park was sandy and dry but he persevered. In her meditation, Dorothy discovered she was able to intuitively contact the overlighting intelligence of plants – which she called angels, and then devas – who gave her instructions on how to make the most of their fledgling garden. She and Peter translated this guidance into action, with amazing results. In the barren sandy soil of the Findhorn Bay Caravan Park they grew huge plants, herbs and flowers, most famously the now-legendary 40-pound cabbages. Word spread, horticultural experts came and were stunned, and the garden at Findhorn became famous.