Latwii on TV! - Printable Version

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Latwii on TV! - Sacred Fool - 05-28-2020

Well it's really Latwii on the topic of television.  Or, even more accurately, Latwii using TV as a metaphor for the outstanding richness of consciousness around us. 

It's really crazy, when you think of it, how we limit our travels....or our perceptions.....or, even more accurately, the scope of our love. Wrote:Questioner: I’ve been reading lately about gnomes that we humans don’t see because we’re afraid of them, and I want to know (inaudible).

Yes, my sister, they do indeed appear. They are, as we, members of a vibration which is unseen among your peoples, just as—to use an analogy of which you must be aware, for this channel is aware of it—the television. You are aware of the sound of a channel coming from another domicile within this dwelling place. It is on a certain channel. At the same time there are other channels being broadcast which that particular set is not at this time picking up. However, with the simple turn of a dial it would pick up another channel, and you would see a different universe, populated largely by soap commercials, so we understand.

In our universe we have such forms which are the spirit formations of plants, animals, the thoughts of humans, the thoughts of masters, and, at the very highest levels, the discarnate entities themselves, who are the true masters of your world and who teach in the realms. There are many, many levels to this channel. It is more complex than a television channel. But what it has in common with a television channel is that it is not seen by those who are on another television channel. Thus, the dimensions directly involved with your Earth plane, which are invisible to you, are those which give the sphere of energy, which you call your planet, its life. Elves, gnomes, fairies, devas and spirits of all kinds are the elemental forms which govern the growth, the health, and the life of such things as rocks, flowers, trees, grasses and animal life.

When we come to the thoughts of man, we come to a different realm, and then above that realm is the realm of the so-called masters.

If you would improve your plant, farm, animal and mineral life, you would simply make contact in love with those things which you know to be there but which you cannot see, sending them love and asking for their help. This they will appreciate greatly, and they will give you of their bounty.

RE: Latwii on TV! - Navaratna - 05-28-2020

Not a fan of Latwii

RE: Latwii on TV! - Diana - 05-28-2020

Quote:If you would improve your plant, farm, animal and mineral life, you would simply make contact in love with those things which you know to be there but which you cannot see, sending them love and asking for their help. This they will appreciate greatly, and they will give you of their bounty.
This part reminds me of Findhorn, an experiment in Scotland where a few people turned non-arable land into arable land and created a super garden by doing just this—honoring and contacting the elemental world for help.

It is yet another reason to be better caretakers of land, and have more compassion for 1st and 2nd density life.

Quote:Feeding six people on unemployment benefit was difficult, so Peter decided to grow vegetables. The land in the caravan park was sandy and dry but he persevered. In her meditation, Dorothy discovered she was able to intuitively contact the overlighting intelligence of plants – which she called angels, and then devas – who gave her instructions on how to make the most of their fledgling garden. She and Peter translated this guidance into action, with amazing results. In the barren sandy soil of the Findhorn Bay Caravan Park they grew huge plants, herbs and flowers, most famously the now-legendary 40-pound cabbages. Word spread, horticultural experts came and were stunned, and the garden at Findhorn became famous.

RE: Latwii on TV! - Navaratna - 05-28-2020

All is one, no distortion in Ra's message.

RE: Latwii on TV! - flofrog - 05-29-2020

Findhorn is just an exquisite experiment Heart

On édit : a few years ago, after gardening a whole afternoon, I found a fresh leaf from a ficus that I had most probably torn while cleaning under and I took her inside and laid it on my desk.. for about three weeks I looked at it everyday and sent her love, she looked really fresh green and so lovely. She stayed this way for three weeks without any other (!) nourishment, then I gave her back to her own and wished her safe passage and the next day she was neatly dried and withered. Lol. That was sort of sad but destiny is destiny Wink

RE: Latwii on TV! - Aaron - 05-29-2020

Also Latwii on TV (I think):