hello mayojojo, welcome here,
I meditate pretty regularly and I'm like Diana, an artist, and feel like her, that there is definitely a meditative state while creating.
when I started to meditate in my twenties I had a really difficult time because I was trying to 'empty ' my mind and of course thoughts would come like in a huge loving excited crowd towards me, lol.... I, at the times was studying buddhism and one well known buddhist monk had said, meditation is one of the most boring thing not a very entrancing prospect !!! Years passed but then I found Kriya yoga, still studying buddhism, had an initiation and then I devised myself that instead of emptying my mind, focusing on sounds around me would just shut out the thought process.
Today I stil meditate because I get into a blissful state where I feel this love from Gaia, Creator and it is so blissful, that... lol I am not going to stop and yet I can be lazy at times.
Best wishes mayjojo... if you find you cannot empty your mind, just focus intently on sounds around you while eyes are closed, really intently like second after second after second... it might work for you to get rid of thoughts !! lol
I meditate pretty regularly and I'm like Diana, an artist, and feel like her, that there is definitely a meditative state while creating.
when I started to meditate in my twenties I had a really difficult time because I was trying to 'empty ' my mind and of course thoughts would come like in a huge loving excited crowd towards me, lol.... I, at the times was studying buddhism and one well known buddhist monk had said, meditation is one of the most boring thing not a very entrancing prospect !!! Years passed but then I found Kriya yoga, still studying buddhism, had an initiation and then I devised myself that instead of emptying my mind, focusing on sounds around me would just shut out the thought process.
Today I stil meditate because I get into a blissful state where I feel this love from Gaia, Creator and it is so blissful, that... lol I am not going to stop and yet I can be lazy at times.
Best wishes mayjojo... if you find you cannot empty your mind, just focus intently on sounds around you while eyes are closed, really intently like second after second after second... it might work for you to get rid of thoughts !! lol