05-08-2020, 04:25 PM
(05-08-2020, 12:44 AM)NoBodyNoThing Wrote: I love the intelligence of Ra, so I decided to use my intelligence in the same way Ra used his intelligence while he was contacted for the Law of One work by Carla, Don and Jim. I love you guys to give this message.
There's a large number of scattered points there. Mostly difficult to agree or disagree with.
A whole lot of it revolves around usefulness vs. uselessness, smart vs. stupid, etc. The only thing I'd like to note about that is that souls play a large number of different games. Whether something is worthwhile depends on the game being played, is in relation to it. Some games are smaller, come or go as learning proceeds. Some are larger, tied to the reason someone is here in life.
I've also seen how some like to replace the STO and STS duality with non-duality and freedom vs. duality and being bound to illusion. In a way, that can actually be done, STO being the path towards unity, STS the path towards (to the length the path is pursued) separation. Either way, a duality between two options remains.
Eastern philosophy ideas about non-duality vs. duality tend to flatten the view of the cosmos much more than the ideas of the Ra material, however. Instead of a larger range of modes of existence, and a very open-ended view of a creation extending far beyond the human level, there ends up being more of a plain duality. Though there's subtleties in terms of human development which take ideas beyond a simpler duality of duality and non-duality.
Some parts, like the short text which mentions gurus, make it look like bits and pieces of a whole bunch of reading on eastern philosophy in included in a fairly random way along with thoughts on life and the many ways in which it may be lived and what that may mean in a variety of ways.