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Something the Confederation of Planets... "has not told you" - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Thread: Something the Confederation of Planets... "has not told you" (/showthread.php?tid=18231) |
Something the Confederation of Planets... "has not told you" - NoBodyNoThing - 05-08-2020 I love the intelligence of Ra, so I decided to use my intelligence in the same way Ra used his intelligence while he was contacted for the Law of One work by Carla, Don and Jim. I love you guys to give this message. Words don't teach, experience teaches. That is why most humans are no where near competency. Unless it is experiential, it is just a story. You can help yourself but without competency, you won't gain the knowing. Spirit is always there with us but we are the ones making the choices. Ra cares yet it is not his issue. Ra and all the others are only such observers. Here is something Ra and his buddies did not tell you. When you humans focus on being good and positive, anything lower than your idea of positive is well, always be negative. So things less than your ideal will always become polarized as less than ideal. Understand that? Being polarized in such manner will keep you in samsara. Which is the cycle of life and death, and the cycles of suffering. Your task to transcend it is to remove yourself from that polarization. So service to self or others doesn't even matter. It is all pieces and part of simply service. Having polarities keeps you "wandering in that samsara cycle." When you want to be good, notice you want good is due to you seeing the bad. Then you want to maintain good but what's less than your bottom line will always be viewed as bad. Well the moment you make yourself seem smart, someone calls you stupid. Because your sense of smart is less than someone else's sense of smart. People get called stupid regardless its because their sense of intelligence is below the standards of others. The key thing lies in how you're loving yourself, but you're sick in illusions set off by yourself. Makes you mentally ill. Busy getting stuck in desires without clarity. Yelling, kicking, and struggling through it blaming the world for your lack of clarity. Most haven't even begun to explore the Law of Confusion. Instead they get into illusions. You may as well get checked into a mental illness hospital. People struggle despite silence and shutting up being the goal. How will you gain clarity if you keep struggling in your own self righteous BS? Because most are drowning in confusion. Clarity in knowing what you want and reaching for it will make you smarter. Regurgitating crap from memory without the slightest idea of how you can use it makes you stupid. Just because people memorized occult stuff and then regurgitate it, they get called stupid. It means a person only memorized but has not learned how they're using it. There is useful knowledge and there's trash knowledge which equate to asking stupid questions. Stop seeking knowledge that isn't useful to you, that makes you a stupid cultist. The questions you need to ask are the ones you can use to direct your life, those are known as questions for clarity. You "getting to work to raise yourself to meet or exceed that standard(s)," that is samsara as well. It is not to catch up. But to truly become greater intelligence. You must be beyond the cycles of polarity, our samsara. That's why people haven't figured out what true meditation is. It is to achieve no thing, or nothing. Nothing is the state in between creation and destruction. The Creator is light when It is engaged with Creation. The Creator is darkness when It is not engaged in Creation. The pulse of nothingness has no light. This is not the kind of darkness that is evil as humans think, it is simply nothing. God and Devil is just the same different faces of the one same thing. To return to nothing is to understand and dissolve into everything. And finally reach the dimension that has no dimension, that's what "Shiva" means. That which is not. Or in human understanding, no thing. Being dimensionless is the ultimate state and that's where Source is. Because it is the edge that creates and destroys all at once. The Hermetics call the Creator, The All. Even All isn't a good word for the Creator. No thing is the best term. So nothing is the best term for short. I just want to become that which is not. That is where the Creator truly is. Not a thing or anything. Just pure unlimited potential. That's what nothing really is, unbounded by anything. Every point in history the population is at its highest. Humans at this point in time is at its highest point this far in population and comforts. And yet humanity is always having the potential for evolution and yet is making very slow progress in developing the intelligence further. Humans have always had the ability to realize their evolution. But have been blinded by their pursuit for comforts that they sink into a very unstable situation of illusory sense of safety. Just remember this. Man has always had the ability to develop his greatest tool, that is intelligence. However through his intelligence, and his pursuit of ease and comfort, man has become a slave to his creations. Buddha means one who transcended his identity, humans think it's the enlightened one. Nope, the Buddha came to align with his true senses and raised above it. He became his higher self, that's what it means to have a cosmic mind. To become your higher self. You guys want to connect like the Buddha? Stop thinking. It is called "silence" for a reason. Once you're in complete silence then maybe you'll realize stillness. If you can't think things through then stop thinking all together. In order for your mind to work for you, you must be the master of your thoughts. Most have not spent the time and energy to observe their own mind and see their own thought patterns. So what that means is you don't know yourself enough to even be your own master. Sometimes the more a person thinks they know, the more stupid they become. To reach the utter darkness where the Creator lies when not creating takes many years of practice. This isn't the type of darkness that man deems as evil. It's not dirty. It's nothing. Most humans are not dedicated. Most only want the quick approach. Which is why you'll not achieve stillness anytime soon. The Creator is complete and utter darkness when it's not in creation, when you go beyond light, it's just black. Because you're asking outside of yourself, you won't know because you're not silent meaning you have not shut the F word up. Whatever your identity is, higher self, lower self. You people make it sound like you're separated into bits and pieces. Self is indeed totality, as united totality. If you don't understand that, never mind. People are just refusing instead of understanding. Discern and cognize for yourself. Start thinking for yourself, which is discern and cognition. The word guru means darkness dispeller. They don't teach you anything but forces you to seek. That's all a guru does. They don't teach you anything, instead they purposefully confuse you. Make you angry, are mean to you. There is no teaching intent. But the only thing they do is stimulate your seeking of knowledge earnestly. Kind of like how if someone calls you stupid all the time, while you get tired of it, you actively seek knowledge or the meaning of what one tells you. Shiva means nothingness, or not formed. When you seek Shiva, you're seeking nothing. No form doesn't mean not physical. Air has no form but is physical. Sadhguru does nothing. He only practices nothing. And he is in unity with the cosmic mind. He makes sitting still look very easy. Most couldn't do it. All they only need to do is shut the F word up and prolong it. Then empty the mind of all thoughts. Simple. If you were to sit still for 13 days in America, doing that will send you to the ER. Homeless people will rob you, other people will physically hit you, and the ER will give you a hefty bill. Most sages and enlightened ones have their own personalities. And they'd be strict if they were to take on disciples. Then they'd ignore the disciples again. The masters like Buddha and Jehoshua (Jesus) were human. If they're only speaking from spirit side, then they're not human. So they don't carry human emotions. But as humans, they'd have their human qualities. It's different back then, they went traveling the word and lecturing in the past. This day and age is different. Sadhguru is enlightened so he is connected with infinite intelligence as a human. He is not biased and stupid like most people. He embraces connection to unlimited consciousness. The Veil is no obstacle. You're only working towards unity with consciousness. I just want to become that which is not. That is where the Creator truly is. Not a thing or anything. Instead of working on the profoundness of your current life, you people only want to see glory and you're not really gaining wisdom. You're only seeking a shelter for your mind. Most people only focus on things that resonate. That means a person will remain stupid because they will only resonate on the engine and forget how a radiator works. Take it all in and put it together in a cohesive manner. What resonates with a person in their stupidity is only stupid parts instead of seeing the whole blueprint. Point of meditation is to first mentally shut the f word up, then it is to make connection. Once you gain clarity, then you focus. Then you enjoy being within your own existence. Then eventually doing all that all at once, which is the "point of mastery." There is much for you to do, you haven't gained clarity within yet. Because you seek shortcuts! Only masters have shortcuts because they've placed appropriate investments to what they've mastered clarity over. If you tell me "no more seeking shortcuts," I would call you a breast feeder. You want the nourishment given easily. You muddy infest upon yourself the willingness and effort to truly connect. Otherwise you're using something less than dial up lol. Use your intelligence, not your stupid brain. Your brain makes you stupid. Brain is a survival device to store memory of experiences. It doesn't like having to do more work to understand things beyond it's reality. Grids are nothing more than 2D fields, grids make better sense to the brain than multidimensional fields intertwining like a tapestry. You humans have no understanding of the Logos. There is no reporting back to Source. Source is always present experiencing everything. There is no report needed. Information mingles with the field, the field contains it's own information. And no, you don't do a life review the way you think after the cessation of your physical body, your physical death. The veil is fully removed, you find yourself resting in your indigo-ray body. The life review happens as information from the body returns to Source in which case, Gaia moderated and imprints that information into the crystalline grid and ties it with the soul grid. All of which follows back to Source. Hence the review is happening as the soul is returning to Source. Because soul and your consciousness is literally swimming in your life experience memories while it is mixing in with Source. But it is moving through Gaia's grid first. All is already known by Spirit. But not known by you until you're swimming in that energy return to Source. Hence you as the human consciousness doesn't know or remember until that information starts flowing. It is not really life review, it is just returning as the life info shows itself and the soul regains unity with energy flow. What use and user are you in humanity? Notice it is in not in society, but for humanity. It comes down to a person giving empty response as a reason. Develop yourself so that you are capable to be of service to humanity. Making jobs and businesses sounds nice politically and yet most are as blind as everyone else. People should look within for their answers, instead of giving bogus reasoning. A person is told to find that stillness inside, and a person answers from their silly desires. A person wants to be a billionaire because they are blind by materialism. You want to think you're powerful and believe that money is power. How utterly stupid. People have not found stillness, they've found reasoning for more illusions. You think your reasoning, thoughts, money, and such is life. It is none of that. You haven't even lived, you humans are only going through the throes of survival, and think being naturally rich is true wealth. Talk about completely powerless in belief that's of no true worth to anything. If you wanted to be truly rich, you'd dedicate yourself to the wealth of life. But many only want this concept of money and material riches. Find that stillness and you'll have answers to everything. But if you're not still, you're stuck in figuring out causality. Enjoy this stupid illusion. People thought Nikola Tesla died of despair from not being recognized, but he died of despair because he did not have enough time to figure out and work on the rest of his projects. It is all about waking up. When the Buddha was asked if he was enlightened, he said he woke up. People think they are so smart, when they are only using what others said and twist it with their silly logic. What does unity mean? It is a sort of merger but not really. It is like dissolving but not really. Feels like life and death quiche, but it is not really. Just live your life joyfully, and commit your life energies to the best you can. That is the meaning of life. It just is. Otherwise be worthless and stupid where you'll only live by chance. If that is the case, I curse you with good luck. Rather than bless you with may your dreams not come true. Stay in the lower consciousness and continue to take remedial classes. That is all. RE: Something the Confederation of Planets... "has not told you" - Sunclarity - 05-08-2020 Service to self and service to others I think is a rather imprecise terminology. One that leads to confusion easily because it doesn't mean what the lexical items imply. Service to self is not being selfish and service to others is not being selfless. The first is meant as distorted love or love with a direction. The second is meant as pure love or love without a direction. Think this way. If you allow yourself to be enslaved, and thus do service to others as per the lexical items, you won't do a service to yourself for you'll see you as inferior. If you do in the other direction, enslave, you'll see yourself as superior but for that to be, inferiority must follow. Is there love in either case? Yes, a form of it, but a very distorted kind. It's complicated intellectually, but in practice, one feels like love and the other like something other than love. That's how you can tell the difference. So, feeling-wise, one is love, the other isn't. It's not much about objects as in to whom or what you direct the feeling, even if the idea of direction can be mentioned for understanding purposes. RE: Something the Confederation of Planets... "has not told you" - Asolsutsesvyl - 05-08-2020 (05-08-2020, 12:44 AM)NoBodyNoThing Wrote: I love the intelligence of Ra, so I decided to use my intelligence in the same way Ra used his intelligence while he was contacted for the Law of One work by Carla, Don and Jim. I love you guys to give this message. There's a large number of scattered points there. Mostly difficult to agree or disagree with. A whole lot of it revolves around usefulness vs. uselessness, smart vs. stupid, etc. The only thing I'd like to note about that is that souls play a large number of different games. Whether something is worthwhile depends on the game being played, is in relation to it. Some games are smaller, come or go as learning proceeds. Some are larger, tied to the reason someone is here in life. I've also seen how some like to replace the STO and STS duality with non-duality and freedom vs. duality and being bound to illusion. In a way, that can actually be done, STO being the path towards unity, STS the path towards (to the length the path is pursued) separation. Either way, a duality between two options remains. Eastern philosophy ideas about non-duality vs. duality tend to flatten the view of the cosmos much more than the ideas of the Ra material, however. Instead of a larger range of modes of existence, and a very open-ended view of a creation extending far beyond the human level, there ends up being more of a plain duality. Though there's subtleties in terms of human development which take ideas beyond a simpler duality of duality and non-duality. Some parts, like the short text which mentions gurus, make it look like bits and pieces of a whole bunch of reading on eastern philosophy in included in a fairly random way along with thoughts on life and the many ways in which it may be lived and what that may mean in a variety of ways. RE: Something the Confederation of Planets... "has not told you" - Stranger - 05-09-2020 The author sounds frustrated. RE: Something the Confederation of Planets... "has not told you" - Infinite Unity - 05-10-2020 (05-08-2020, 12:44 AM)NoBodyNoThing Wrote: I love the intelligence of Ra, so I decided to use my intelligence in the same way Ra used his intelligence while he was contacted for the Law of One work by Carla, Don and Jim. I love you guys to give this message. There is no right or wrong. No lower or higher. We are all apart of The Creator, doing are part of inquiring, experiencing, and exploring The Creator. In my opinion there is just something The Creator is avidly perseuing. These aren't people, There vehicles being piloted by The same exact One piloting you. Creator is One, as One the only limiter is One. |