03-01-2020, 11:11 AM
(02-28-2020, 08:39 AM)Bora137 Wrote: Hi, new here and just trying to get my head round this fascinating material.
So I have a question around a Ra answer (book 1 session 16):
Questioner: I am assuming that it is not necessary for an individual to understand the Law of One to go from the third to the fourth density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. It is absolutely necessary that an entity consciously realize it does not understand in order for it to be harvestable.
Understanding is not of this density.
So above there is a bit of misunderstanding on Ra's part on what the questioner is asking. However Ra's answer is nonetheless very interesting. He seems to be saying that is very important that we consciously know that we do not understand the Law of One in order to be harvested. However the whole content of the Ra material seems to be around the questioner trying to understand the Law of One. As 3D beings we can never fully know it because it is known only through direct experience but as we are attempting to understand it then our minds will form some conclusion as to the extent to which it does understand it. I know I don't understand it because it is beyond my capacity to but in as far as I understand the Ra material then to an extent I do understand it. Help
Greetings Bora,
The way I make sense of the very valid point / question you raise is that in / as 3rd Density we cannot truly and totally understand anything, yes we can sort of understand certain aspects of reality, but not totally and completely.
An example: We can know enough about a car to drive it and we can even know enough to repair it, but we we don't know how exactly the atoms that make up the material components of that car are made. I would liken our driving of these vehicles we incarnate into, to this analogy of understanding cars. So our understanding can reach a certain point, but for 3rd Density entities, this understanding cannot be true and complete.
However, we can become dual-activated whilst incarnate ( develop bodies that are capable of existing in 3rd AND 4th Density and eventually procreate fully 4th Density entities ) and you might then begin to grasp certain simple understandings.
For example; I've known since I was 15 that I am not this physical body. Not in a way that I can prove to anyone else, but in a way that has taken me beyond faith that I will still live when this body perishes. But as to exactly WHAT that I am, I am far from truly understanding. That's when teachings such as Ra's become useful for filling in the gaps.
Hope this helps!
L & L