02-28-2020, 09:43 AM
(02-12-2020, 07:59 AM)Lisa from Gaia Wrote: Hey everyone, if a person was neutral polarity and then they suddenly discovered the Ra material and realized that it was harvest time soon, so they changed their actions to become more STO, with the intention of evolving to 4th, and not having to come back to 3d reality, then does that make their actions STS,
If a neutral person comes across Ra and that motivates them to help others more one of two things will happen, either they will like the feeling they get from helping people (which is kind of STS when you think about it) and will keep doing it or they will not like the feeling they get and continue on as they were. Don't forget the universe hates pretense and always flushes it out.
However there is also the psychological revelation aspect to Ra. How many people can have a revelation just from reading a text and not from direct experiences (like happens in NDEs) I don't know - I'm guessing it's very low. Think about it - aliens from the future and past living on Venus coming down to build the pyramids, channeling through someone in the 80s - really, not many people in an agnostic or atheist position are going to buy it let alone be transformed by it. But if say there was such a person and they were utterly transformed by reading Ra and suddenly their life and the universe all made sense and they committed themselves 100% to Ra's teachings, then yes that person would reach 4D. Because again there is an aspect of STS driving STO. This person obviously felt life was meaningless before they found Ra, then Ra showed them life wasn't - this is a huge gift and to both repay and to realise this gift (STS) they commit themselves to STO.