02-22-2020, 05:29 PM
(02-22-2020, 10:34 AM)Nau7ik Wrote:Paul F. Case is an excellent writer! Wonderful quote from his book!(02-21-2020, 03:42 AM)rinzler Wrote: When I look at Jesus life and the lives of other good people during their time they were treated very badly.
I think this is the nature of this world. Resources have to be taken instead of being asked. The beast wins. The strong survive and the weak die. At least until earth becomes uninhabitable for 3D humans.
How do you cope with this? How do you manage not to lose yourself in anger for those who are too ignorant and blind to the truth.
It’s very unfortunate, isn’t it, that “nice guys finish last” in this world? You’re right. So many people act without moral decency because they don’t think it matters. They take what they want without any thought about others. They abuse and mistreat others for their own self gain. And they are rewarded for it. They reap the benefits of the worldly and materialistic.
I can’t shake it off my mind, though, that this world is prime testing ground. We have the opportunities to practice morality and service to others, even against the seeming odds of STS.
I will share something I read that really resonated with me:
Quote:Yet pain itself is friendly, because it is educative. Suffering, poverty, disease, disharmony and death all have their lessons for us. These are the goads that prod the race onward in its search for truth. We do not fully understand why this is the method, but we can see that the very fact of manifested existence necessitates temporary limitations, with suffering as an inevitable consequence of such limitations. One does not need to be a philosopher to know that civilization is the result of human reaction against pain, the consequences of the human quest for ways to overcome limitation. Disease teaches us the laws of health, frictions in human relationships goad us into the discovery of harmony, and the wise declare that in the mystery of death lies hidden the secret of immortality.
Thoughts like these are the exact reverse of what most persons think. Practices in mind-control and body-direction such as are taught by psychologists and occultists are laughed at by the world, and people who take them seriously are jeered at as men upside-down. Yet the world’s ridicule should be the best evidence that the occultists are right. For the world is sick unto death, writhing in pain, hag-ridden by war, pestilence, and famine; but the wise have found the way of health, of happiness and peace.
—[i]The Tarot, Paul Foster Case[/i]