12-23-2019, 05:23 PM
(12-23-2019, 02:09 PM)Loki Wrote: I believe humans capacity for compassion was somewhat short circuited by the need of producing quick bodies for 3D experience in order to accommodate Maldek, and especially Mars entities. Most of Mars entities though it seems that evolved beyond 3D level at this point. This process of genetic acceleration caused some of the violent characteristics specific to early 2D species from Earth to be preserved in 3D bodies besides the Mars DNA.
It seems more logical, to me, that less compassion was the occurrence that led to incarnation on this planet. The degree of bellicosity, seems irrelevant. It was the catalyst which created the need for incarnation here.
If Earth species would have had time to progress at normal speed through 2D, most of violent characteristics related to yellow chemical bodies would have been eliminated and the capacity for compassion would have been at Venus entities level.
This seems like quite a stretch.
I feel that the bigfoot had an effect on the rest of the planetary consciousness. This is cause n effect.
That we would've "ironed out" violent characteristics, without the Martian influence, seems presumptuous, to me.
For starters...how violent were we?
I mean...do you have a basis for this proposition? Or is it an educated guess? And if so, what made you feel that the capacity for compassion, would be at the level of venus?
I only ask because every creation is unique and to say we would automatically end up there, if left to our natural path, seems contradictory to the law of free will or presumptuous.
I believe Ra belongs to a strong class of higher selves who created civilizations on all suitable planets of our Solar system.
From Ra's material I believe that Venus complexes completed already their trip back to higher selves and they cannot be wanderers anymore. There are clearly Ra wanderers which are currently on Earth and they might have originated on Mars or Maldek. There are also Earth originated complexes which might be at 2D and 3D level which are also belonging to higher selves that created Ra.
If there are Ra wanderers here, how can they not be wanderers?
Do you believe the higherself of Ra, isn't capable of bi-location?
How would they have incarnated on Maldek or Mars, if they didn't come from their higherself? Considering they are in a 75 million year cycle, of which they only have 2.5 million, left?
As you can see there is a good reason for Ra to help the development of Earth entities as we might all be related and belonging to the same higher selves created by the Sun before the space/time started. I believe Ra will continue to help the 3D entities from Earth on the new planet they will go while Earth become 4D, because I think current 2D and 3D from Earth are Ra's little brothers and sisters and they belong to the same class of higher selves.
Have you considered the possibility that Ra is the entity from the sun who placed bodies on venus, to have incarnate experiences through?
Have you considered that Ra has wanderers not yet awake?
They help because their evolution has become just as involved with this planet, as ours. They have aspects here and were part of the reason Maldek was destroyed.
They're just as much us as the reptilians, from what I understand...All is one.
In a way the violent nature of human yellow bodies might have be a mater of luck. If Mars conditions for life would have lasted then the Earth entities would have evolved harmoniously from 2 to 3 density and most of the violent characteristics of the yellow bodies would have been eliminated by natural selection.
Do you have evidence that backs this up? It seems to be missing the point of incarnation in duality.
Why would we evolve in a harmonious manner, when the whole point of this forgetting, is to realize what is, through experiencing what we are not?