Fear? Nonacceptance of self so the possibility another might accept you could be to much a risk? Often the open heart is rejected.
Most people cannot meet themselves in that place of vulnerability, and acceptance so it's bold to offer the opportunity to another.
The more people reject themselves for the most part they will also reject others. In our current social climate that tips into the likelihood of the open heart not meeting another in kind. The moments you do connect though and sisters/brothers of the heart meet each others gaze in open sharing is surely worth it. Besides that, those with the closed heart perhaps need the experience of acceptance even more than those that are there ready to share with you in the moment.
Recently I found a group that does authentic relating. Its a pretty amazing atmosphere. The energy of a room of 30 people opening up to themselves and each other is palpable. I could see it becoming a contagious condition and changing the world to that 4D one we crave.
Most people cannot meet themselves in that place of vulnerability, and acceptance so it's bold to offer the opportunity to another.
The more people reject themselves for the most part they will also reject others. In our current social climate that tips into the likelihood of the open heart not meeting another in kind. The moments you do connect though and sisters/brothers of the heart meet each others gaze in open sharing is surely worth it. Besides that, those with the closed heart perhaps need the experience of acceptance even more than those that are there ready to share with you in the moment.
Recently I found a group that does authentic relating. Its a pretty amazing atmosphere. The energy of a room of 30 people opening up to themselves and each other is palpable. I could see it becoming a contagious condition and changing the world to that 4D one we crave.