One last comment re:unity
Unity awareness out of ego is knowing shadow is used to being light. Pain of a woman sold into sexual slavery(one of the kinks mentioned here) will big picture either make her so wounded and destroyed she could never hurt a fly, but likely will find trust hard or being loved impossible, but will never hurt another because she knows the pain, still immense suffering, or make her so cruel she hurts many and maybe those people will be broken and suffering enough to never hurt another. It is not joyous and hoping for pain and suffering to be caused. It’s the shadow being healed, the not understood being experienced for understanding.
It is not thinking that causing pain and suffering are in and of themselves wonderful expressions of the creator. They are the shadow, the unconscious wounds that drive growth and light. They are loved deeply as the wounded aspects that need to be viewed with compassion, understood(light) and love be found where there was none so healed.
So from unity perspective we want love peace and happiness for all but understand these wounds need to be explored and healed and often in doing so greater awareness is given.
I find it odd people argue so hard for the closed heart in many threads, here even more really to be seen as equally healthy parts of the creator. Equal yes but not an end to them selves, light must be found in the shadow. Really these are sex games of slavery, abuse, torture, hate of other, and if offering self, then self.
Making it safe and in a set up of trust does not remove the fact these games are fantasies of harm. If you still think it’s not a closed heart why not include the children fantasies. Yes safer to play that out as adults in crib and diaper(available for adults at your sex show or bdsm store)
but it is still an urge to violate a child or be violated as a child.
To view it as not closing the heart or not a blockage because we are imagining adults being treated this way does not change it is games of exerting power over and suffering upon another even if make believe.
Obviously I care about this more than I thought.
Here is maybe why. Both self and other abused as children felt the most security when our abusers used us. We “knew” we had value so were “loved” as long as we let them do what they needed.
When I finally loved someone so deeply I saw myself in them and we were on equal footing, no separation, both fully 1 in my heart I no longer wanted to be treated as an object because I now knew through loving other so deeply and seeing self so completely in them that I too was worthy of love uncorrupted by another’s need to hurt and demean me.
He was not there yet. He could love me that way but still could not feel love in that secure sense unless it was through being used and thrown away. I could not do that to him. I could not hurt him. We explored it a bit through me telling him stories of it instead.
Thankfully with relentless application of love he no longer wants the abuse version either. He can now accept love in small but intense doses, to much frightens him like it couldn’t be true but the love he can accept he revels in. It’s very sad. At least he no longer needs to revisit that wound to feel a twisted version of love.
So even healthy non abused folks playing these games. They have no idea the real suffering they are role playing. It’s like thinking you like rape fantasies, talk to someone who has been raped. It’s fucking brutal.
Just because you are both consenting adult playing, does not negate the fact it’s a game of the closed hearts. Play away, shadows need light to heal but yes it’s a sign of a blockage, maybe not a huge one, but still a blockage.
Unity awareness out of ego is knowing shadow is used to being light. Pain of a woman sold into sexual slavery(one of the kinks mentioned here) will big picture either make her so wounded and destroyed she could never hurt a fly, but likely will find trust hard or being loved impossible, but will never hurt another because she knows the pain, still immense suffering, or make her so cruel she hurts many and maybe those people will be broken and suffering enough to never hurt another. It is not joyous and hoping for pain and suffering to be caused. It’s the shadow being healed, the not understood being experienced for understanding.
It is not thinking that causing pain and suffering are in and of themselves wonderful expressions of the creator. They are the shadow, the unconscious wounds that drive growth and light. They are loved deeply as the wounded aspects that need to be viewed with compassion, understood(light) and love be found where there was none so healed.
So from unity perspective we want love peace and happiness for all but understand these wounds need to be explored and healed and often in doing so greater awareness is given.
I find it odd people argue so hard for the closed heart in many threads, here even more really to be seen as equally healthy parts of the creator. Equal yes but not an end to them selves, light must be found in the shadow. Really these are sex games of slavery, abuse, torture, hate of other, and if offering self, then self.
Making it safe and in a set up of trust does not remove the fact these games are fantasies of harm. If you still think it’s not a closed heart why not include the children fantasies. Yes safer to play that out as adults in crib and diaper(available for adults at your sex show or bdsm store)
but it is still an urge to violate a child or be violated as a child.
To view it as not closing the heart or not a blockage because we are imagining adults being treated this way does not change it is games of exerting power over and suffering upon another even if make believe.
Obviously I care about this more than I thought.
Here is maybe why. Both self and other abused as children felt the most security when our abusers used us. We “knew” we had value so were “loved” as long as we let them do what they needed.
When I finally loved someone so deeply I saw myself in them and we were on equal footing, no separation, both fully 1 in my heart I no longer wanted to be treated as an object because I now knew through loving other so deeply and seeing self so completely in them that I too was worthy of love uncorrupted by another’s need to hurt and demean me.
He was not there yet. He could love me that way but still could not feel love in that secure sense unless it was through being used and thrown away. I could not do that to him. I could not hurt him. We explored it a bit through me telling him stories of it instead.
Thankfully with relentless application of love he no longer wants the abuse version either. He can now accept love in small but intense doses, to much frightens him like it couldn’t be true but the love he can accept he revels in. It’s very sad. At least he no longer needs to revisit that wound to feel a twisted version of love.
So even healthy non abused folks playing these games. They have no idea the real suffering they are role playing. It’s like thinking you like rape fantasies, talk to someone who has been raped. It’s fucking brutal.
Just because you are both consenting adult playing, does not negate the fact it’s a game of the closed hearts. Play away, shadows need light to heal but yes it’s a sign of a blockage, maybe not a huge one, but still a blockage.