06-07-2019, 09:07 PM
I feel like some of us are talking about 1 version of unity. The all encompassing of every part and every distortion, and the others are talking about a different form of unity where all parts of creation are seen as needing to be taken into the heart so one neither seeks to control/oppress or be controlled/oppressed.
Remember we are in 3D trying to move the planet forward in opening the heart to all so the movement would be to no longer act sts distortions abuse/manipulation/cruelty upon self or other-self.
Of course at 6D perspective one can see all things are one and the shadow is needed to expand the light but that isn’t what 3D is about. It’s about making the choice, sts or sto. So healing or resolving distortions that hurt self or other willfully (closed heart) is the step we are heading for when the ego moves towards 4D positive.
Not judgement of parts that are sts or separation consciousness but slowly opening the heart to be holding all in the heart and not wanting any to be hurt or controlled or oppressed.
Even at 6D - consciousness realizes the folly is necessary but it isn’t glad about the suffering, it simply understands it and it moves towards 7D where eventually distortions are so erased there is no distortions so no ego, just allness without personification.
We are in 3D though moving to 4D so yes manipulating others, enslaving others even if willingly is a negative distortion so a blockage in the open heart 4D positive.
We could talk all day about this because clearly in different instances both are correct but the question was wether it was a distortion signifying blockage(of the heart) and it is as Ra even said.
From 6D sure whatever but we are not seeking the path that is not, even though that path is needed for the path that is.
Again my 2cents not really needing to change anyone’s mind I just feel both 4D interpretation and the all is well version others offer should be offered.
Certainly all is well but that’s not why we are here, we are here to open green ray and move to 4D society.
Remember we are in 3D trying to move the planet forward in opening the heart to all so the movement would be to no longer act sts distortions abuse/manipulation/cruelty upon self or other-self.
Of course at 6D perspective one can see all things are one and the shadow is needed to expand the light but that isn’t what 3D is about. It’s about making the choice, sts or sto. So healing or resolving distortions that hurt self or other willfully (closed heart) is the step we are heading for when the ego moves towards 4D positive.
Not judgement of parts that are sts or separation consciousness but slowly opening the heart to be holding all in the heart and not wanting any to be hurt or controlled or oppressed.
Even at 6D - consciousness realizes the folly is necessary but it isn’t glad about the suffering, it simply understands it and it moves towards 7D where eventually distortions are so erased there is no distortions so no ego, just allness without personification.
We are in 3D though moving to 4D so yes manipulating others, enslaving others even if willingly is a negative distortion so a blockage in the open heart 4D positive.
We could talk all day about this because clearly in different instances both are correct but the question was wether it was a distortion signifying blockage(of the heart) and it is as Ra even said.
From 6D sure whatever but we are not seeking the path that is not, even though that path is needed for the path that is.
Again my 2cents not really needing to change anyone’s mind I just feel both 4D interpretation and the all is well version others offer should be offered.
Certainly all is well but that’s not why we are here, we are here to open green ray and move to 4D society.