(01-03-2011, 11:20 AM)@ndy Wrote: I understand from this thread and others that not all think this way and I'm trying to learn why some of us feel happier making judgments on the actions of other selves and some of us don't.
without what people - maybe due to extreme political correctness that grips some societies - dub as 'judging', there would be no evaluation of right, or wrong. if you do not evaluate actions, and decide on the nature of those actions according to their process and results, there is nothing to perceive, nothing to base anything on, nothing to understand.
even if one goes way far to dub 'right and wrong are inapplicable in the context of infinity', we are not infinite. where we stand, as individual manifesting entities, there are rights and wrongs, according to the path we are walking.
just as how an entity walking the positive path consciously, cannot go on enslaving people 'for their own good' and then expect to remain in the positive path, a negative path follower cannot go making friends with everyone and then expect to fulfill its path.
so, rights and wrongs are there, and they depend on the direction the entity (or entities) are intending to move towards.
in the context of yahweh guardians, this was helping graduation of entities, increasing vibrations and so on. however, what they did, slighting other entities in favor of the entities they were feeling close to, has been wrong, in the direction they were wanting to follow.
a true state of 'there is no right or wrong' exists only in chaotic (yet infinitely organized) state, from infinite intelligence towards above to infinity. yet, this state, is only reachable by following the path of limitedness towards infinity, on and on, by seeing, feeling, understanding and learning. without wisdom - aka what you evaluate as 'judgment', there can be no learning. at maximum, entity can keep feeling on and on. on and on on and on forever, not moving an inch higher above 4d. understanding of the 'dance' of existence, is needed, for progress.
someone may realize the understanding pertaining to this case at hand, by looking at the example of yahweh, some may realize it by looking at a relative slighting 9 kids s/he has, in favor of 2 others, and causing great turmoil and dysfunctionality for later life.
with the 'nonjudgmental' mindset, that relative should just keep giving to the 2 spoiled children, wanting on and on and being destructive, and then 'not judging' the children, ignoring what they are doing.
the moment that relative says 'im giving a lot to these two, but they are not only slighting their brothers/sisters, but also hurting the entire household', it becomes a judgment given regarding a case.
it seems more like that, the political correctness that is so significant in america, lumps up the 'judgment' regarding an act or a character, with a negative/hateful/disliking attitude taken towards that person as a result of that judgment. it is probably due to societal traits of that particular country, a lot of different ethnicities and differences living together, and a lot of discrimination in between societal groups occurring in between each other with 2d herd behavior, and often sometimes, due to rightful reasons. so, the society seems to have adopted a political correctness that evades any kind of evaluation that would lead to concentrating on any kind of differences, and ignoring them, because the society tends to always practice that kind of noticing of differences, with an attitude of hatred accompanying it.
so it seems to me that, judging/evaluating/understanding the true nature of an entity, AND adopting a negative attitude towards that entity as a result of this, have been merged in the meaning of the word 'judgment' at some point in recent social history, which word now seems to be carrying them both at the same time.
it not the judgment that matters, its what you do with it.