(01-01-2011, 06:06 PM)unity100 Wrote: when a solar system is destroyed ... well ... no group of incarnates can be allowed to go around and keep destroying/wrecking planets. maybe this is another reason why it is being tried so hard to make a graduation in this planet as much in numbers as can be had. the crowd here have developed to be so dangerous or undesirable that, other logoi are not wanting to accept them into their 3d experience nexus, lest they shatter it or destroy the planet entirely.
Oh WOW. I hadn't thought of that.
(01-01-2011, 07:07 PM)Turtle Wrote: I have a feeling that the current parameters of the veil of Earth will no longer be repeated after this, at least in this galaxy, for two reasons.
1. It is a fairly unique experiment of the veil, and 3 times over it has led to very unwise, unloving results for the souls involved on a given planet. It is a shocking experiment to say the least.
2. (more importantly) Now that millions of entities, who came directly from the social memory complex Ra have incarnated here, there will be quite a vivid and honest account of this particular veiled experience once all those of Ra finish their current incarnations. When all those of Ra return to time/space reality, the numbers will be counted...and who knows how many will have gotten caught up in the cycle of karma again and will be unable to return to 6th density. I believe that no matter what, not all will return, because this veiled experience is very brutal, and it is foolish to incarnate here when you are from a higher density. Some may say it is brave, I understand, but bravery can still get you caught up in the cycles of karma here, once you deal with other selves behind the veil.
This I believe, will have a tremendous "eye opening effect" on not only Ra, the confederation of planets/angels in service to the one infinite creator, but also our local logos. Whey then did they not realize this before with Maldek and Mars? To that I say, did mass incarnations occur on those planets from beings who are 6d and above? Did they step down from heaven and really, really experience the so called "humoring oneself behind the veil"? No, I think not, and a few wanderers might not have been enough to sway "the management's" opinion....maybe now that millions of Ra, not to mention of 4th and 5th density are here now, they/we will return to time/space and create a revolution in the way things are done.
At the very least, I expect the higher authorities to allow any and all beings alive on this planet now who, once deceased, realize they must repeat 3rd density, the option of incarnating on another 3rd density planet which is lightly veiled.
WOW, Turtle, WOW!!!
I totally resonate with all that you just said...but hadn't articulated it like that. I have been saying that I plan to report back, when I leave this incarnation, that, no matter how much growth results from this type of veiled experience, from the perspective of the individual, such extreme suffering sucks!
Thank you for such an astute and optimistic assessment, Turtle! And thank you, unity100, for leading the way on such a huge, important issue as this.