Usually, the results of any personality test I take is different every time I take the same test
Had never taken the Enneagram test, so I did it. And the first result is 9w8 (Peacemaker + Challenger? haha! so I thought )
But they say themselves: "No personality test is completely accurate. Although several measures were taken to make this test as accurate as possible, there's always a chance that you are not typed correctly by it."
Anyhow, details of the illusion are not important enough to me to spend much of my attention on them
Had never taken the Enneagram test, so I did it. And the first result is 9w8 (Peacemaker + Challenger? haha! so I thought )
But they say themselves: "No personality test is completely accurate. Although several measures were taken to make this test as accurate as possible, there's always a chance that you are not typed correctly by it."
Anyhow, details of the illusion are not important enough to me to spend much of my attention on them