(12-25-2018, 12:36 PM)Infinite Wrote: Do you have a TL;DR?Okay. I simplify!
It's a bit much to read.
Greetings in love and light. Mind what you take from any source, recognize the truth that is your own, leave behind the rest.
How to live with the heart opened? The question is central to deciding between STO or STS. It is necessary to keep your heart closed to polarize as STS.
Imagine a heavy pendulum hanging in space. The effort to move the pendulum is barely sufficient to move it from its lack of momentum. This results in only slight movement. What happens with most entities is, with the effort to swing this pendulum in one direction there is an equal and opposite reaction. For example you may be afraid and contract back into service to self, causing the pendulum to never swing very far in either direction.
When you work with your own consciousness it becomes consistent and therefore easier to move towards the extreme of one polarity or the other. However, the more extreme your position, the more you know about love, and it is more obvious to you when you make an error. Therefore it is poor judgement to try gauge your own polarity. Becoming focused on that takes you out of the headspace of love and moves you into this space of self-critique, preventing you from progressing as easily.
Avoid thoughts of how you are doing. They will come regardless of whether you encourage them or not, but it is your choice to allow those thoughts to come and go. From your perspective it’s almost impossible to “grade yourself”. Serve in faith and allow that faith be sufficient.
Try to look at all things as full of the creator, every chore is full of life, and life is love.
The normal earthly reaction when faced with the opportunity to offer help. to another is to assess it and decide what to do with it. This action tends to close the heart. Assessing incoming data is a priority of the lower energies of the body. Not to say the open heart has no input from intelligence, just that they would like you to recognize where these different sorts of thoughts and input come from within your body. Opening the heart is making the journey down from using your head voice, to using your heart voice.
Each time you put yourself down or are harsh with yourself, or you are isolated and denying your family that is everything, you close a little bit of the corresponding channel, which for the sake of the TL;DR I’m not going to recant. So when these issues come up inside of yourself and you allow yourself to fear them, this slightly blocks your lower related channels, doesn’t allow this energy to rise properly, shutting off some of the power of your heart. And that is power you need in your heart to live the life you wish to live.
By using love to do things, you do things that radiate, and the love travels beyond what you personally can do alone. People look to play a dramatic role, but the role of the open heart is to greet and address all that comes before you with an open heart. This heavy illusion we live in, it’s not within the physical body to be fearless. Only the foolish are fearless. So how can a sensible, sane person, gazing on a dangerous world, feel no fear? This is the center. Where fear shuts the door to the heart, lies the opportunity to learn. When one feels threatened, their instincts rise up to defend them. It takes a great deal of discipline and perseverance to teach the self to lay down its arms and be peaceful with the self.
Everyone has concerns and issues with the surrounding world. Carla often prayed for the peace of the world. Q’uo is of the mind that if she prayed for peace within herself it would be the same prayer. It is their humble opinion that the most efficient way to bring the world to peace is to learn peace within the self. As you think, as you are, so your universe is also. Your consciousness is a field and with each bit of fear that you leave behind, with each time you feel your heart expanding, the consciousness of the planet is being lightened. There is no lag between the open heart and service to the planet.
If you are a wanderer, you took flesh because you heard the sorrow of those who you live with now. You wanted to stand among them as a witness and channel for love. This is your chance. This is what you hoped and prepared for, and now the time is upon you.
When you meet people who have maturity without joy, wisdom but no love, bitterness and no sweetness, learn from them how not to be. They are attempting to move out of the initial lack of movement of the pendulum, they have yet to polarize. Your example will bear witness to the love that flows through you, not from you, and may shine on that sea of confusion and hopelessness to warn others of the rocks.
There is suffering everywhere. You will find people in all situations whose hearts remain open regardless of how difficult it is, and you feel the strength of inspiration from them. There are many millions of sacrifices and sufferings you never see. They too suffer and bear witness to love, being givers of light.
Do your best to not let your heart channel get clogged up with lower energy concerns. Don’t despise your lower self. Love and make allowances for it. You are part animal, part angel. Love, care for, and nurse your body. It’s the building where the creator lives. Where you are right now is holy ground. Not somewhere else, not when you were better, but now, exactly as you are.
Qu’o would like you to know they don’t consider it easy. They remember what it’s like to be third density. They encourage relationships with those who have similar concerns because you cannot see yourself clearly, you must depend on others to help you, it’s the work of third density.
We are like onions. Layers.