Heart chakra development tips? - EvolvingPhoenix - 12-24-2018
I look at myself and I see someone who's been quite self absorbed and if you go back enough, even toxic in the past.
I look at my self absorbed neediness and don't like it.
I wanna be of service to others, but I don't know if that just comes from a place of self judgement and guilt or if it comes from a sincerely opened green ray.
I want to open my heart chakra, I really do.
And I wonder if mine's really open. Sure, I'm a nice guy, but am I really loving and compassionate? Maybe sometimes...
I just find myself wondering if my heart chakra's truly open, you know? Or if I'm just a needy person with a wounded inner child?
So I'm wondering if anybody has any tips on how I can better develop my heart chakra.
I'm tearing up right now. I don't wanna be selfish.
Maybe it's this sacral chakra meditation music I've got playing in the background, I dunno.
But I swear, I want to be a more loving person.
I don't just wanna be nice. I don't just wanna behave in a manner that serves others. I want to actually BE more loving and compassionate.
Does anybody have any tips for developing my heart chakra?
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - JerryF - 12-24-2018
I’m not posting these comments claiming to be someone who knows what love or the heart chakra is all about.
When I think about how I acted when younger, I sometimes notice the selfishness, the lack of interest in serving others. I don’t dwell on that. Beating myself up for acting in unloving ways doesn’t help.
In my opinion, incarnating here is basically jumping into an sts environment, so it’s natural for us to also express much that is sts, at least until we begin to get educated on what sto is.
Feeling and expressing gratitude is a great way to start to get things evolving.
I find much value in studying definitions and ideas on service. The books and transcripts at L/L Research are loaded with teachings on service.
Choosing the Rules You Live By
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Anodyne - 12-24-2018
EF, I felt the love just reading your post. Your desire is true and honorable. I am sure it is heard as a call, and will be answered -- is already being answered!!!
Sending you much LOVE from my own part of this sphere.
❤ ❤ ❤
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - auntiemable - 12-24-2018
There are countless ways to open the heart chakra, but it really depends on what resonates for you. In my experience, it hasn't been just one thing that magically opened it, but a combination of things, and it seems to be a gradual evolution for the most part at least for me. I also find that I need to continually work at it, although it seems to come more naturally of late.
Some people seem to just know how to be loving and compassionate, and others, like me, have to work at it. The more I practice kindness, love and compassion, the more I feel it inside. Maybe, practice makes perfect? I try to perform different things to help increase love and compassion in my life whether it be crystals, music, volunteering my time, donating money or items to those in need, waving to other people as they drive by, giving a smile to people in the grocery store or elsewhere, etc.
Meditation seems to help me, so if you aren't already doing that, you might try it.
If you are interested in crystals, then try rose quartz. You can wear it or slip a piece into your pillowcase that you sleep on at night. Any of the green crystals are also good for the heart chakra. A book called Every Day Crystal Rituals by Naha Armady has a heart activator ritual you can use.
You spoke of music, so this may be a good one for you. Create a playlist of songs that evoke feelings of love in you. Play it whenever you feel less than loving and compassionate or just need a boost. There's a great book called The Secret Language of the Heart by Barry Goldstein that you might look into.
In Living the Law of One on page 141, Carla Rueckert tells a story about her first job as a librarian. She didn't get along with her boss until she convinced herself that she "loved her dearly". In short, the change in her view of the woman made all the difference. The book is free on LOO website. This is one of my favorite stories as the power of the mind can change everything. Perhaps, you could apply it to being more loving and compassionate.
Good luck to you. Don't give up. Peace, love and happiness!
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - EvolvingPhoenix - 12-24-2018
(12-24-2018, 10:12 PM)Anodyne Wrote: EF, I felt the love just reading your post. Your desire is true and honorable. I am sure it is heard as a call, and will be answered -- is already being answered!!!
Sending you much LOVE from my own part of this sphere.
❤ ❤ ❤
Thanks for sending the love. I hope you're right about the call being answered. There's a desire to be more loving and then there's actually being more loving. I hope to be loving and compassionate.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - EvolvingPhoenix - 12-24-2018
Auntiemable, thank you for the useful tips.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Tae - 12-25-2018
I spent some time questioning if my heart was really as open as I thought it was, and then spent a bunch of time meditating on it and blasted it open and I can now sense the heart energy quite powerfully. If you don't feel like it's open, it probably isn't, aligning myself with my heart was energetically clear that is was what I did. You're thinking about it, which should make it easier to align with over time; you are hearing the call, you're responding to the call, don't doubt your love. The trick seems to be to balance it so you love yourself and others the same amount, viewing everyone as your other-self in the fine tradition of this material.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - EvolvingPhoenix - 12-25-2018
Thanks for your honest feedback, Tae. I shall do my best to answer the call.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Infinite - 12-25-2018
Quote:Group question: How can we live from the open heart?
(Carla channeling)
We are known to you as those of the principle of Q’uo. We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We thank each of you most profoundly for gathering and calling us to share our thoughts with you at the gathering. It is our blessing and our privilege to share these thoughts with you. As always, we ask that you remain careful in what you take in from that which we or any source might say, for you are the guardian of your temple. You will recognize the truth that is your own. The rest you may leave behind without a second thought.
You ask us this day concerning how to live with the heart opened and vulnerable, and we say to you that this question is central in attempting to make the choice of service to others or the choice of service to self that this incarnation that you are now experiencing is so much concerned with. There is always an abundance of ways in which we may speak of the ways of service and the ways of polarization, and yet nothing is more direct a way of addressing the issue of polarity than to speak of the open heart. Those who wish to serve the Creator by serving others are those who truly wish to open the heart. Those who wish to follow the path of service to self find a closed heart necessary in order to polarize negatively. Now, as we speak of polarization in consciousness it might be helpful to think about polarization in more familiar terms.
If there is a weight hung in space it is, first of all, going to respond to gravity and will hang directly downward. If the pendulum that this represents is very heavy it might take a great deal to get it to sway from side to side. And the first time that the effort is made to swing towards one or the other extreme will most likely be barely sufficient to break the lack of momentum of the downward hanging pendulum, and there will be just a slight movement. What happens with most entities, and this includes those who seek most earnestly after truth, is that [with] the effort made to polarize towards a radiance of being, a generosity and an openness of being, there is an equal and opposite reaction that contracts against fears and makes separations betwixt one thing and another in order to feel more safe. This brings the pendulum back so that there is a slight movement towards service to self. And the pendulum never gets very far in either direction.
What you hoped to do as you attempt to work with you own consciousness in order to accelerate the rate of evolution of your own spirit is to be enough consistent in opening and radiating love that the pendulum begins to move more and more towards the extreme. The more polarized the reactions, the more obvious it will be to you when you make an error. And this means that it can be very poor judgment to become involved in gauging one’s polarity or assessing one’s progress. You have heard that a watched pot is slow to boil, and the over-concern with how one is doing in polarizing will actually be a brake upon the very activity that you had hoped to emphasize.
So the first thing that we would suggest to those who wish to open the heart and to live in the open heart is to refrain from attempting to give the self a spiritual grade. Avoid thoughts of how you are doing. They will come regardless of whether you encourage them or not, but it is your choice if you are wise to allow those thoughts to come and go, for within the illusion that you have worked so hard to enter it is almost impossible to be aware of how one is actually serving. One must simply serve in faith and allow that faith to be sufficient.
There is within your earthly condition a great array of choices which face you every day, every hour even. And it is easy to begin to look at the things that occur and to think these things have no spiritual nature. “These things are of the world and do not need my attention but only my activity.” And yet we say to you that all things are full of the Creator and by this we mean every stone, every bit of earth, every iota of the wind that blows, and the rains that fall, every diaper changed, every dish washed, every chore, every onerous task, all of these things are instinct with the magical, utter life and that life is love. And the life within you is love also.
When one is attempting to live with the open heart every missed step seems to be a difficulty, and this is because the attempt to live with an open heart is neatly and fully circumscribed about by the perils and tests and round robins of a very active spirit that watches over each with the firm intent of offering the maximum amount of helpful catalyst. When this catalyst hits the sensory input of your being the earthly, normal thing that one does is to contract around that thing, assess it, and decide what to do concerning it. These actions tend to close the heart. This is not to say that the way of the open heart has no input from intelligence or thought but, rather, to emphasize that much of one’s care in assessing incoming data has much to do with the lower energies of the body, and as one gives these concerns priority the self tends to continue acting from a place within what this instrument would call the head. And, using that terminology, we can say that the spiritual life of third density is a journey from head to heart.
And we have noted before that the energy that comes into your being is infinite, but that there are ways in which each of you, by the choices that you make, contract and narrow and limit the amount of energy that can come into the body and move up the spine. The first center—we will simply summarize—has to do with issues of life and death, breathing, eating, the sexual polarity. These are the concerns of red ray. The concerns of the next ray, the orange ray, are those that the person has with himself or herself, and the person in relationship with one other person, the dynamics betwixt self and self, and self and other self, without reference to groups, but just one person and another. These are the concerns of orange ray. The concerns of yellow ray, this being a yellow-ray density, take on a good deal of centrality of importance. This is the heart, shall we say, of third density—the relating of self to groups, the opening of self that will in fourth density become the social memory complex when thoughts are shared, private thoughts simply skirted about, seen, appreciated, respected and left alone. There will be other lessons to learn in fourth density, but this lesson that you now work upon, of opening the self without fear, this one you will work upon until you are able to feel that contact with other selves as an identity of one to one, heart to heart, and love to love.
Now, those issues of red ray, orange ray, and yellow ray are neatly designed and most tidily packaged to maximize your confusion and to limit the power that you may bring and allow up to the heart center, the next one after red, orange and yellow. Each time that you put yourself down, each time that you are harsh, each time that you feel so isolated and alienated that you deny your brotherhood with all that is, you close down a little bit of that channel which is bringing in infinite creative energy to your body, and each time that occurs there is less energy into the heart. So, basically, those who have not worked through the issues that confront them at these three levels—self, self with another, and self with its groups—each time that you allow these issues to come and to be feared you have shut off some of the power that you need in your heart in order to live the life that you wish to live.
May we say that the conversation preceding this message was, we felt, most enlightened, for each was speaking of the being as opposed to the doing. You see, it is the love with which you do things that radiates; it is not the things that you do. Among your peoples this has been much misunderstood, for people look to see if there is some service that can be their spiritual gift to the world. They are looking for a dramatic role to play, to teach or to heal or to prophesy. And yet these things are forever secondary to the primary mission of each of you upon this particular planet in this particular density at this time. The mission before each of you is simply to address all of that which comes to you with an open heart, just that. And yet just that is the work of lifetime upon lifetime, for how can a person in a heavy illusion such as you now enjoy be fearless? It is not within the physical body to be fearless. It is not within the earthly brain, that choice-maker, to be fearless. Indeed, only the foolish are fearless, and yet the teacher known to you as Jesus the Christ has said that it is only to the foolish that the wisdom comes. It is only to those who live as little children that the kingdom is inherited.
How can a sensible, sane person, gazing upon a rather dangerous world, feel no fear? This is the crux. Here is the center. Just here, where fear shuts the door of the heart, here lies the opportunity to learn. This instrument has moved past the death experience and returned. Consequently, this instrument’s life since that experience has been relatively fearless. We bring this up to emphasize that what each fears in an archetypical sense is the cessation of being. When one feels threatened those emotions which do not have intelligence but are simply instinctual rise up to defend and protect. And it takes a great deal of care and discipline and perseverance to teach the self to lay down its arms and to be peaceful with the self.
Each of you has the issues of all the world within you. This instrument is concerned for the peace of the world and prays for it often, and yet if this instrument prayed for peace within itself, it would be the same prayer. Indeed, it is our humble opinion that the most efficient way to bring the world to peace is to learn peace within the self, for as you think, as you are, so your universe in toto is also, for your consciousness is as a field and each bit of fear that you are able to let drop, each time that you find your heart expanding, the consciousness of your planet is being lightened. There is no lag time between the open heart of self and service to the planet, that lightening of the consciousness of planet Earth. You came among these entities of flesh and bone. You took that flesh upon yourself and buried yourself in a world of shadows because you wished to make a difference. You heard the sorrow of those who dwell with you now. And you wished to stand among them as a witness and as one who was a channel for love. This is your great chance. These are the days you hoped and prepared for, and now the time is upon you, and how quickly, my friends, it is going. Is it not?
You have sped through childhood and adolescence and adulthood, and each is thinking to the self that, “Well, it’s all downhill from here.” And yet we say to you that as the physical vehicle hews less and less to the electrical body’s blueprint, so the heart, so much more experienced [than] when new to the planet, has its time to open and flower and blossom. You see about you so many entities who have maturity but without joy. Who have wisdom but without love. Who have become bitter rather than sweet, and tart rather than mellow. Learn from these people how not to be, for these are the entities who are forever attempting to move out of the gravity well of neither service to self nor service to others but just back and forth, good days and bad days. You are hoping through your life to bear witness to a love that loved you first. You are hoping to be as the keepers of lighthouses, that your love, that love that flows through you, not from you, may shine upon that sea of confusion in which all are swimming and might warn entities of those rocks of despair, and anguish, and hopelessness.
There is suffering involved in each door you open in life, wherever you look, in whatever land, in whatever subject you find that those who would be true servants have made tremendous sacrifices, even unto giving up the life for others. You find people in each situation whose heart has remained open regardless of the circumstances. And you feel the strength of inspiration from those entities, those people who make the news for a day or two because they have leapt into the water and saved five people before they drowned or went into a prison and released the prisoners, paying with their lives. And these stories touch deeply within your being and let you know of the depth and profundity of love that you have within you and [that] resonates and exalts and expresses the light and joy for knowing the beauty of those spirits and their great gifts.
But we say to you that there are many, many millions more whose sacrifices and suffering you never see, for they suffer emotionally, and mentally, and spiritually, bearing witness to love, being givers of light regardless of the circumstances that would fell a lesser being. And each of you has opportunity after opportunity to meet situations without fear, to open to any catalyst whether it seems positive or painful. The faith to remain steady is to be prized for there is in steadiness a vision, clear sight, and in persistence of openness, healing and forgiveness. And these do not come from you, for from you can come very little until you run completely out.
These things must come through your channel. You simply have to allow that channel within not to get clogged up with the lower energy concerns. If we could leave one thought with you this day it would be not to despise your lower self but to love, support, respect and make allowances for the instinctual behavior, the needful behavior of that being that you are, part animal, part angel, and rather a hash between the two, holding you together. Love, care for, and nurse this physical vehicle of yours. Know that this is the building wherein the Creator now lives, and the ground on which you stand, or upon which you sit, is holy ground; not somewhere else, not when you were better, but now, exactly as you are. This is your moment of holiness, and all moments are potentially sanctified, and what sanctifies but the recognition of love in all things.
We do not want you to think that we consider this easy. We do not. We remember most keenly being in third density, living without the memory of things as they really are, and having only that yearning of desire and that movement of faith to rely upon. In this you are wise to encourage relationships with those who have the same concerns, for the gift of one entity to another, both being spiritually concerned, is the gift of the clear mirror that lets the other self see what it is doing, how it is coming across. You cannot see yourself. You must depend upon others to help you, and this is profoundly the work of third density.
Source: http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1997/1997_0119.aspx
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - flofrog - 12-25-2018
Thank you Infinite, so wonderful.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - EvolvingPhoenix - 12-25-2018
Gonna need to take some time to read all that on my laptop rather than quickly looking at it on my phone. But it's definitely a nice contribution. Thank you for posting that Infinite!
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - AnthroHeart - 12-25-2018
(12-25-2018, 12:36 PM)Infinite Wrote: Quote:Group question: How can we live from the open heart?
(Carla channeling)
We are known to you as those of the principle of Q’uo. We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We thank each of you most profoundly for gathering and calling us to share our thoughts with you at the gathering. It is our blessing and our privilege to share these thoughts with you. As always, we ask that you remain careful in what you take in from that which we or any source might say, for you are the guardian of your temple. You will recognize the truth that is your own. The rest you may leave behind without a second thought.
You ask us this day concerning how to live with the heart opened and vulnerable, and we say to you that this question is central in attempting to make the choice of service to others or the choice of service to self that this incarnation that you are now experiencing is so much concerned with. There is always an abundance of ways in which we may speak of the ways of service and the ways of polarization, and yet nothing is more direct a way of addressing the issue of polarity than to speak of the open heart. Those who wish to serve the Creator by serving others are those who truly wish to open the heart. Those who wish to follow the path of service to self find a closed heart necessary in order to polarize negatively. Now, as we speak of polarization in consciousness it might be helpful to think about polarization in more familiar terms.
If there is a weight hung in space it is, first of all, going to respond to gravity and will hang directly downward. If the pendulum that this represents is very heavy it might take a great deal to get it to sway from side to side. And the first time that the effort is made to swing towards one or the other extreme will most likely be barely sufficient to break the lack of momentum of the downward hanging pendulum, and there will be just a slight movement. What happens with most entities, and this includes those who seek most earnestly after truth, is that [with] the effort made to polarize towards a radiance of being, a generosity and an openness of being, there is an equal and opposite reaction that contracts against fears and makes separations betwixt one thing and another in order to feel more safe. This brings the pendulum back so that there is a slight movement towards service to self. And the pendulum never gets very far in either direction.
What you hoped to do as you attempt to work with you own consciousness in order to accelerate the rate of evolution of your own spirit is to be enough consistent in opening and radiating love that the pendulum begins to move more and more towards the extreme. The more polarized the reactions, the more obvious it will be to you when you make an error. And this means that it can be very poor judgment to become involved in gauging one’s polarity or assessing one’s progress. You have heard that a watched pot is slow to boil, and the over-concern with how one is doing in polarizing will actually be a brake upon the very activity that you had hoped to emphasize.
So the first thing that we would suggest to those who wish to open the heart and to live in the open heart is to refrain from attempting to give the self a spiritual grade. Avoid thoughts of how you are doing. They will come regardless of whether you encourage them or not, but it is your choice if you are wise to allow those thoughts to come and go, for within the illusion that you have worked so hard to enter it is almost impossible to be aware of how one is actually serving. One must simply serve in faith and allow that faith to be sufficient.
There is within your earthly condition a great array of choices which face you every day, every hour even. And it is easy to begin to look at the things that occur and to think these things have no spiritual nature. “These things are of the world and do not need my attention but only my activity.” And yet we say to you that all things are full of the Creator and by this we mean every stone, every bit of earth, every iota of the wind that blows, and the rains that fall, every diaper changed, every dish washed, every chore, every onerous task, all of these things are instinct with the magical, utter life and that life is love. And the life within you is love also.
When one is attempting to live with the open heart every missed step seems to be a difficulty, and this is because the attempt to live with an open heart is neatly and fully circumscribed about by the perils and tests and round robins of a very active spirit that watches over each with the firm intent of offering the maximum amount of helpful catalyst. When this catalyst hits the sensory input of your being the earthly, normal thing that one does is to contract around that thing, assess it, and decide what to do concerning it. These actions tend to close the heart. This is not to say that the way of the open heart has no input from intelligence or thought but, rather, to emphasize that much of one’s care in assessing incoming data has much to do with the lower energies of the body, and as one gives these concerns priority the self tends to continue acting from a place within what this instrument would call the head. And, using that terminology, we can say that the spiritual life of third density is a journey from head to heart.
And we have noted before that the energy that comes into your being is infinite, but that there are ways in which each of you, by the choices that you make, contract and narrow and limit the amount of energy that can come into the body and move up the spine. The first center—we will simply summarize—has to do with issues of life and death, breathing, eating, the sexual polarity. These are the concerns of red ray. The concerns of the next ray, the orange ray, are those that the person has with himself or herself, and the person in relationship with one other person, the dynamics betwixt self and self, and self and other self, without reference to groups, but just one person and another. These are the concerns of orange ray. The concerns of yellow ray, this being a yellow-ray density, take on a good deal of centrality of importance. This is the heart, shall we say, of third density—the relating of self to groups, the opening of self that will in fourth density become the social memory complex when thoughts are shared, private thoughts simply skirted about, seen, appreciated, respected and left alone. There will be other lessons to learn in fourth density, but this lesson that you now work upon, of opening the self without fear, this one you will work upon until you are able to feel that contact with other selves as an identity of one to one, heart to heart, and love to love.
Now, those issues of red ray, orange ray, and yellow ray are neatly designed and most tidily packaged to maximize your confusion and to limit the power that you may bring and allow up to the heart center, the next one after red, orange and yellow. Each time that you put yourself down, each time that you are harsh, each time that you feel so isolated and alienated that you deny your brotherhood with all that is, you close down a little bit of that channel which is bringing in infinite creative energy to your body, and each time that occurs there is less energy into the heart. So, basically, those who have not worked through the issues that confront them at these three levels—self, self with another, and self with its groups—each time that you allow these issues to come and to be feared you have shut off some of the power that you need in your heart in order to live the life that you wish to live.
May we say that the conversation preceding this message was, we felt, most enlightened, for each was speaking of the being as opposed to the doing. You see, it is the love with which you do things that radiates; it is not the things that you do. Among your peoples this has been much misunderstood, for people look to see if there is some service that can be their spiritual gift to the world. They are looking for a dramatic role to play, to teach or to heal or to prophesy. And yet these things are forever secondary to the primary mission of each of you upon this particular planet in this particular density at this time. The mission before each of you is simply to address all of that which comes to you with an open heart, just that. And yet just that is the work of lifetime upon lifetime, for how can a person in a heavy illusion such as you now enjoy be fearless? It is not within the physical body to be fearless. It is not within the earthly brain, that choice-maker, to be fearless. Indeed, only the foolish are fearless, and yet the teacher known to you as Jesus the Christ has said that it is only to the foolish that the wisdom comes. It is only to those who live as little children that the kingdom is inherited.
How can a sensible, sane person, gazing upon a rather dangerous world, feel no fear? This is the crux. Here is the center. Just here, where fear shuts the door of the heart, here lies the opportunity to learn. This instrument has moved past the death experience and returned. Consequently, this instrument’s life since that experience has been relatively fearless. We bring this up to emphasize that what each fears in an archetypical sense is the cessation of being. When one feels threatened those emotions which do not have intelligence but are simply instinctual rise up to defend and protect. And it takes a great deal of care and discipline and perseverance to teach the self to lay down its arms and to be peaceful with the self.
Each of you has the issues of all the world within you. This instrument is concerned for the peace of the world and prays for it often, and yet if this instrument prayed for peace within itself, it would be the same prayer. Indeed, it is our humble opinion that the most efficient way to bring the world to peace is to learn peace within the self, for as you think, as you are, so your universe in toto is also, for your consciousness is as a field and each bit of fear that you are able to let drop, each time that you find your heart expanding, the consciousness of your planet is being lightened. There is no lag time between the open heart of self and service to the planet, that lightening of the consciousness of planet Earth. You came among these entities of flesh and bone. You took that flesh upon yourself and buried yourself in a world of shadows because you wished to make a difference. You heard the sorrow of those who dwell with you now. And you wished to stand among them as a witness and as one who was a channel for love. This is your great chance. These are the days you hoped and prepared for, and now the time is upon you, and how quickly, my friends, it is going. Is it not?
You have sped through childhood and adolescence and adulthood, and each is thinking to the self that, “Well, it’s all downhill from here.” And yet we say to you that as the physical vehicle hews less and less to the electrical body’s blueprint, so the heart, so much more experienced [than] when new to the planet, has its time to open and flower and blossom. You see about you so many entities who have maturity but without joy. Who have wisdom but without love. Who have become bitter rather than sweet, and tart rather than mellow. Learn from these people how not to be, for these are the entities who are forever attempting to move out of the gravity well of neither service to self nor service to others but just back and forth, good days and bad days. You are hoping through your life to bear witness to a love that loved you first. You are hoping to be as the keepers of lighthouses, that your love, that love that flows through you, not from you, may shine upon that sea of confusion in which all are swimming and might warn entities of those rocks of despair, and anguish, and hopelessness.
There is suffering involved in each door you open in life, wherever you look, in whatever land, in whatever subject you find that those who would be true servants have made tremendous sacrifices, even unto giving up the life for others. You find people in each situation whose heart has remained open regardless of the circumstances. And you feel the strength of inspiration from those entities, those people who make the news for a day or two because they have leapt into the water and saved five people before they drowned or went into a prison and released the prisoners, paying with their lives. And these stories touch deeply within your being and let you know of the depth and profundity of love that you have within you and [that] resonates and exalts and expresses the light and joy for knowing the beauty of those spirits and their great gifts.
But we say to you that there are many, many millions more whose sacrifices and suffering you never see, for they suffer emotionally, and mentally, and spiritually, bearing witness to love, being givers of light regardless of the circumstances that would fell a lesser being. And each of you has opportunity after opportunity to meet situations without fear, to open to any catalyst whether it seems positive or painful. The faith to remain steady is to be prized for there is in steadiness a vision, clear sight, and in persistence of openness, healing and forgiveness. And these do not come from you, for from you can come very little until you run completely out.
These things must come through your channel. You simply have to allow that channel within not to get clogged up with the lower energy concerns. If we could leave one thought with you this day it would be not to despise your lower self but to love, support, respect and make allowances for the instinctual behavior, the needful behavior of that being that you are, part animal, part angel, and rather a hash between the two, holding you together. Love, care for, and nurse this physical vehicle of yours. Know that this is the building wherein the Creator now lives, and the ground on which you stand, or upon which you sit, is holy ground; not somewhere else, not when you were better, but now, exactly as you are. This is your moment of holiness, and all moments are potentially sanctified, and what sanctifies but the recognition of love in all things.
We do not want you to think that we consider this easy. We do not. We remember most keenly being in third density, living without the memory of things as they really are, and having only that yearning of desire and that movement of faith to rely upon. In this you are wise to encourage relationships with those who have the same concerns, for the gift of one entity to another, both being spiritually concerned, is the gift of the clear mirror that lets the other self see what it is doing, how it is coming across. You cannot see yourself. You must depend upon others to help you, and this is profoundly the work of third density.
We would like, before we open to questions, to address a concern which was given in the conversation preceding this session. And that is the concern that perhaps we of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator get bored or tired of saying the same thing over and over. We assure you that we do not. Each group that calls to us is in an unique position, even if you are the same group time after time. The point at which you are within moves and the combination changes each time so that while there is a stability of recognizable dynamic in the interplay of each of your vibrations which makes up this circle, there is also something new each time that the circle meets, for you are other and more than you were before. That is what the illusion of time is for: to enable entities such as you and we to have that illusion of sequence and to see, if only illusorily, that progress is being made.
So each time that the question is asked to us that may have been asked before, we speak to entities who are in a new place, who are looking at the same subject but from a different level. And there are as many levels of being to you as there are to an onion, and you are a big onion with many, many layers, and as you peel each away it looks so smooth and whole and clear. And yet it too falls away, and there is a deeper truth, and so forth. And this goes on, as far as we know, infinitely.
Each opportunity that we have to speak is unique. And we ask you never to fear that we are weary of your concerns. This is why we have come among your people in the inner planes of this planet. This is why we have placed ourselves here, simply to talk with those who would find what we have to say possibly useful. This we do with an open and loving heart, and we assure you that we shall not tire of speaking about love.
Source: http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1997/1997_0119.aspx
Do you have a TL;DR?
It's a bit much to read.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Glow - 12-25-2018
2 things fear closes the heart, notice when you go to fear how the heart is less accepting, forgiving, trusting. The ego jumps in to protect and then the mind give a thousand more reasons to fear and move to separation vs unity.
So when a fearful thought has taken hold find one of love to balance it.
The ego and mind are like grioves in a record. The more well worn the path the more habitual the thought will be. To change the path you must make new paths and use them.
Second forgiveness, forgivenesses is like cleaning out the garage. You make more room for love.
Sitting before or after meditation and thinking of someone even yourself and extending forgiveness for all things that may not be perfect about the being, truly offering that self compassion for their weaknesses or lack of understanding or love, will make room in you heart for the love to fill it.
Like the record you are blazing paths and even if you feel you have forgiven someone do it anyways and you will feel a lightening of that load.
Love in the heart happens naturally at its own time and when it happens it happens but we can put up barriers, old habits or patterns that can stifle it again.
These are two you can deal with conciously.
Be well
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Infinite - 12-25-2018
(12-25-2018, 04:21 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Do you have a TL;DR?
It's a bit much to read.
I'm from Brazil.
What does TL and DR means?
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - EvolvingPhoenix - 12-25-2018
(12-25-2018, 05:00 PM)Infinite Wrote: (12-25-2018, 04:21 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Do you have a TL;DR?
It's a bit much to read.
I'm from Brazil.
What does TL and DR means?
Too Long; Didn't Read.
He's asking if you would be willing to summarize what you posted.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Glow - 12-25-2018
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Infinite - 12-25-2018
(12-25-2018, 04:21 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Do you have a TL;DR?
It's a bit much to read.
I edited my comment and highlighted the important points. Q'uo is basically saying that in order to have an open heart is necessary the three lower energy centers cleaned. Any concern from these three centers prevent the opening of heart chakra.
He is talking also about not to have fear in any situation and that the service to others isn't seek for a service, but maintaining the heart open at each moment to any kind of opportunity to serve.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - EvolvingPhoenix - 12-26-2018
Thank you very much, Infinite for the super helpful posts!
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Tae - 12-26-2018
(12-25-2018, 12:36 PM)Infinite Wrote: Do you have a TL;DR?
It's a bit much to read. Okay. I simplify!
Greetings in love and light. Mind what you take from any source, recognize the truth that is your own, leave behind the rest.
How to live with the heart opened? The question is central to deciding between STO or STS. It is necessary to keep your heart closed to polarize as STS.
Imagine a heavy pendulum hanging in space. The effort to move the pendulum is barely sufficient to move it from its lack of momentum. This results in only slight movement. What happens with most entities is, with the effort to swing this pendulum in one direction there is an equal and opposite reaction. For example you may be afraid and contract back into service to self, causing the pendulum to never swing very far in either direction.
When you work with your own consciousness it becomes consistent and therefore easier to move towards the extreme of one polarity or the other. However, the more extreme your position, the more you know about love, and it is more obvious to you when you make an error. Therefore it is poor judgement to try gauge your own polarity. Becoming focused on that takes you out of the headspace of love and moves you into this space of self-critique, preventing you from progressing as easily.
Avoid thoughts of how you are doing. They will come regardless of whether you encourage them or not, but it is your choice to allow those thoughts to come and go. From your perspective it’s almost impossible to “grade yourself”. Serve in faith and allow that faith be sufficient.
Try to look at all things as full of the creator, every chore is full of life, and life is love.
The normal earthly reaction when faced with the opportunity to offer help. to another is to assess it and decide what to do with it. This action tends to close the heart. Assessing incoming data is a priority of the lower energies of the body. Not to say the open heart has no input from intelligence, just that they would like you to recognize where these different sorts of thoughts and input come from within your body. Opening the heart is making the journey down from using your head voice, to using your heart voice.
Each time you put yourself down or are harsh with yourself, or you are isolated and denying your family that is everything, you close a little bit of the corresponding channel, which for the sake of the TL;DR I’m not going to recant. So when these issues come up inside of yourself and you allow yourself to fear them, this slightly blocks your lower related channels, doesn’t allow this energy to rise properly, shutting off some of the power of your heart. And that is power you need in your heart to live the life you wish to live.
By using love to do things, you do things that radiate, and the love travels beyond what you personally can do alone. People look to play a dramatic role, but the role of the open heart is to greet and address all that comes before you with an open heart. This heavy illusion we live in, it’s not within the physical body to be fearless. Only the foolish are fearless. So how can a sensible, sane person, gazing on a dangerous world, feel no fear? This is the center. Where fear shuts the door to the heart, lies the opportunity to learn. When one feels threatened, their instincts rise up to defend them. It takes a great deal of discipline and perseverance to teach the self to lay down its arms and be peaceful with the self.
Everyone has concerns and issues with the surrounding world. Carla often prayed for the peace of the world. Q’uo is of the mind that if she prayed for peace within herself it would be the same prayer. It is their humble opinion that the most efficient way to bring the world to peace is to learn peace within the self. As you think, as you are, so your universe is also. Your consciousness is a field and with each bit of fear that you leave behind, with each time you feel your heart expanding, the consciousness of the planet is being lightened. There is no lag between the open heart and service to the planet.
If you are a wanderer, you took flesh because you heard the sorrow of those who you live with now. You wanted to stand among them as a witness and channel for love. This is your chance. This is what you hoped and prepared for, and now the time is upon you.
When you meet people who have maturity without joy, wisdom but no love, bitterness and no sweetness, learn from them how not to be. They are attempting to move out of the initial lack of movement of the pendulum, they have yet to polarize. Your example will bear witness to the love that flows through you, not from you, and may shine on that sea of confusion and hopelessness to warn others of the rocks.
There is suffering everywhere. You will find people in all situations whose hearts remain open regardless of how difficult it is, and you feel the strength of inspiration from them. There are many millions of sacrifices and sufferings you never see. They too suffer and bear witness to love, being givers of light.
Do your best to not let your heart channel get clogged up with lower energy concerns. Don’t despise your lower self. Love and make allowances for it. You are part animal, part angel. Love, care for, and nurse your body. It’s the building where the creator lives. Where you are right now is holy ground. Not somewhere else, not when you were better, but now, exactly as you are.
Qu’o would like you to know they don’t consider it easy. They remember what it’s like to be third density. They encourage relationships with those who have similar concerns because you cannot see yourself clearly, you must depend on others to help you, it’s the work of third density.
We are like onions. Layers.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Tae - 12-26-2018
Oops. Double post.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - EvolvingPhoenix - 12-26-2018
Thank you Tae for summarizing it like that. VERY helpful!
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - AnthroHeart - 12-26-2018
Thanks for summarizing.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Infinite Unity - 12-26-2018
If one does not have the lower triad balanced and energy flowing through it relatively unblocked, then it will practically be impossible to live from/in the heart space. It will be like a turbulent ocean, with the gate closing and the loss of heart ray energy flowing.
Each ray has an extensive force/energy that is the complimentary or coupled conscience/mental. Each ray is infinite energy, and is a powerful force that can be felt or has a very real reality. Were not just talking about conscience or mental levels of concrete and abstract thought. These energies are very powerful and have an actual energetic effect. When one actually really opens the heart ray, a very powerful energy can be felt to be bursting/flowing out. It isn't just an attitude/thought/action its a powerful energetic force that can be felt.
Every single ray has similar powerful energetic qualities.
Each ray has a "pressure" threshold, that is similar to bodily organs and interrelated pressure aspects, such as blood pressure, pressure of the lungs and so forth, and in actuality these two aspects are interrelated.
Now if you can enjoy the light/energy/thought of heart ray, is to evoke/invoke this configuration and live from it as much as possible. When instances occur where you feel the heart ray threatening of closing, this is the time to exam the situation all the entities and variables involved. Work with it until you can identify what about the situation that triggered, or is the blockage/distortion with in you, and come to a point were you can begin to accept it, and change how you view the instance/occurrence. This is where The Law of One comes into its primal essence. Each situation that causes blockage is an illusion of an other. When one examines the occurrence through the lenses of: All is One, then the parameter's of the situation can be seen for truer and truer. You are the only One. So thoughts/actions/energy seemingly being directed, or judging an "other", is none other than YOU. The only One.
The Law is One.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Diana - 12-26-2018
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Tae - 12-26-2018
(12-26-2018, 10:29 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Thank you Tae for summarizing it like that. VERY helpful!
You're welcome. I've thought of trying to do it to the whole LOO because they are quite dense for non-educated, ESL, etc type of readers but the information contained within can often be distilled to something simpler to understand. What a project that would be.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - EvolvingPhoenix - 12-26-2018
(12-26-2018, 06:47 PM)Tae Wrote: (12-26-2018, 10:29 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Thank you Tae for summarizing it like that. VERY helpful!
You're welcome. I've thought of trying to do it to the whole LOO because they are quite dense for non-educated, ESL, etc type of readers but the information contained within can often be distilled to something simpler to understand. What a project that would be.
That would be a good project indeed! If you did that, I'd use the material to introduce my dad to the Law of One. If you ever do undertake such a project, let me know!
Anyway, thanks for contributing as you have to this thread.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Glow - 12-26-2018
The problem with that is that even Ra said the words were chosen specifically for a purpose. We have had this discussion in other years and you can read the same passage year after year and find nuance because of the specific if not unusual wording. To reword that would lose all the nuance, and the gradual deepening of understanding.
Besides that any time you let another person condense or prefilter information for you it takes on their own filters. Some info will be lost some of their distortion amplified. The beauty of the Ra channeling is the lack of Carla's distortions being added unlike most other channels since she was not "present" to add them.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - Tae - 12-27-2018
(12-26-2018, 09:59 PM)Glow Wrote: The problem with that is that even Ra said the words were chosen specifically for a purpose. We have had this discussion in other years and you can read the same passage year after year and find nuance because of the specific if not unusual wording. To reword that would lose all the nuance, and the gradual deepening of understanding. I don't argue with that, however, the original material would never cease to exist and be enjoyed. While it sounds good and well to be able to enjoy it that way, and that is in fact how I have had my learning of the LOO. It was impossible for me to get through the first time I encountered it and took literally years of percolating for it to begin to make any sense. It does now. It's simply impossible for some people to get anywhere into it due to its writing style. It is highly over-written, with extensive run-on sentences which use complex vocabulary. I love that the new edition defines troublesome words in the footnotes.
The words were also chosen to specifically answer the questions, which means that there was distortion, though not from Carla. I believe there is a significant amount of the material in the LOO which is unimportant due to the questioner's bias. I imagine such a reader would use a simpler resource to enter, to come to understand the language and then in time read the original as the vocabulary and storytelling begins to make more sense to them.
Yes. That's correct. Me condensing material does add my own distortion and reduces from the whole. That's something I would be inclined to acknowledge up front. In this incident it was requested so I assumed it was unnecessary to add a disclaimer that obviously, me doing a "tl;dr" version would be my interpretation of the channeling in a simpler fashion. If I were to create abridged material, I would place along side it a disclaimer indicating this was my personal summary of the session, and make sure that the original material was easily accessible right beside it to compare for the learning.
Sometimes other people's filters are desirable. If that were not so we would not be here discussing anything at all.
RE: Heart chakra development tips? - loostudent - 12-31-2018
(12-26-2018, 06:47 PM)Tae Wrote: I've thought of trying to do it to the whole LOO because they are quite dense for non-educated, ESL, etc type of readers but the information contained within can often be distilled to something simpler to understand. What a project that would be.
Or you have the Hatonn material in L/L Research transcripts library.