12-24-2010, 04:02 AM
(12-23-2010, 08:38 PM)Ankh Wrote: HH recognizes Ra: s teachings to be 85-95% accurate. HH: s STS orientation is a cause of carmic events that their Social Memory Complex agreed upon when request was made to them by Council of Saturn. They are in service of others and are of 6D, but had agreed to come here in this lower sphere and leave the 6D to act as a negative force, because they chose to be of service of others instead of progressing to 7D. Their explanation is that if there wouldn't be any negative force, ie them, then the souls couldn't develop and seek the Creator. In Eden that was here in the beginning was no suffering, and unfortunatly is that suffering is what makes entities to seek the Creator.
excuse me, but how is the above any different from saying 'god gave me this mission' and going on a conquest to conquer entire world and 'unite' it under a banner ?
there is no difference.
'hey council of saturn asked us to be evil'.
'we are being of service, by being evil and self serving'
at BEST, this could be desperate justification of an early 6d entity to make the orientation it is in work, before having to let go of it.
however, the 'council of saturn asked us' part, also invalidates it. had it been a valid early 6d negative orientation crisis, it would involve 'god' and 'meaning of existence' and whatever.