12-20-2010, 09:50 PM
(12-20-2010, 09:54 AM)Ankh Wrote: This is human understanding of it.
it isnt 'human understanding' or anything. first, there is no such separate understandings like 'human understanding' or 'alpha centauri centhropod' understanding. logic is logic. mind is mind. it has the same mechanic everywhere.
the guardians that are sitting in the rings of saturn, and governing this locale of the galaxy, which are called the nine, have thought that it was not a good idea to leave the planet unguarded, and allow it to get totally destroyed like the other planets in this solar system.
ra says, the higher energy field governs the lower.
that means this council of nine, are at 6th density or much higher, very probably either in between 6-7, or, maybe even 7-8.
so, this is their understanding too. they think that, a mass level extinction event should not happen.
moreover, 60+ million wanderers from mostly 6th density have come here to prevent a need for extinction level event happening again.
that makes a huge array of entities in a spectrum from early 6th, to probably mid 7th, working for an extinction level event prevention.
and here we have, 3d entities on the planet saying that 'everything is okay', because, well, just 'because'.
the entities which are on the verge of returning back to 'the creator' and probably seeing numerous timelines and numerous totalities in 7d, are preventing a mass extinction level event, but, the entities which are being protected from a mass level extinction event are saying that 'it is okay because, 'everything becomes ok in 7d'.
well, the entities who are looking into 7d, are thinking otherwise.
Quote:Imagine then the consciousness each of us have here and level of it's expansion after the death of the physical body. Further expansion of that consciousness when we fuse with a social memory complex of any kind. Think further of the consciousness that a 7D memory complex has.
refer to the above block. the further consciousness that the 7d memory complex has, in this locale, does not want this planet to get destroyed.
apparently, everything is not 'ok'.
Quote:Then 8D. Imagine further the consciousness of the Creator. In this picture there are no misstakes. However, there are boundaries. The loss of a single spirit is not acceptable to the Infinite One.
if your soul gets destroyed in the middle of a nuclear blast, there wont be any social memory complex you are fusing with. and the 7d consciousness memory complex, will not be there.
this is what we understand from what Ra says regarding the nagasaki and hiroshima blasts. they say that they did not lose one fragment of the creator. apparently, fragments, souls can be totally lost.
it is also absolutely contradictory that first you are saying that 'in this picture there are no mistakes' and then saying that 'the loss of a single spirit is not acceptable to the infinite one'.
if there is no mistakes in 'this picture', then the loss of a single spirit or other is acceptable to the infinite one.
if, the loss of a single spirit is not acceptable to the infinite one, then it means that there CAN be mistakes in a picture.
Quote:Why do you worry about planet flopping again? Do you think that we here and now can do something about it, what would it then be? And if it would be the case, it would still not be seen as a misstake in the eyes of the One. As we gain experience by living here and now, the One gain the experience through All. Our existens is certainly not unprotected/unguarded. The One didn't create all of this and then got unconscious.
i have expressed my viewpoint in the first post.
(12-20-2010, 02:44 PM)Protonexus Wrote: Dear unity100:
There is no extinction if the record lives on.
Transmutation is the concious conversion of the polarity of energy.
There are particular limitations of the mind, that is what is referenced by the term.
a nuclear war destroying a portion of souls in this planet entirely, and removing the population of the planet and putting them into a tangle of fear, and then destroying the planet is also a conscious conversion of the polarity of energy.
however apparently that is not something desirable. for :
Quote:I am speaking the truth I have witnessed. The guardians are every bit a part of you as me, you can ask them yourself. The quarantine is there to further the potential of development of conscious souls within the vessel, not necessarily the vessel itself. The quarantine is enacted to protect the integrity of the entire octave of this solar system and consequent logoi. This is so because Earth is the last planet that is hospitable to a mind/body/spirit complex for third density experience.
are you aware that you are contradicting yourself ?
you are saying that 'everything is okay in greater picture', yet, you are saying that because earth is the last planet that is hospitable to a mind body spirit complex for third density experience, the guardians, answering your query, have allowed you to 'witness a truth' in which you have discovered that they have quarantined this planet.
if there are no mistakes in 'greater picture', it wouldnt matter anything if this planet was the last planet that is hospitable to 3d entities or not. the planet just could be let to be destroyed.
it wasnt.
you are contradicting yourself by saying what is above.
Quote:Earth's conditions are very peculiar, those of Mars, Venus, Maldek and more are all here. The memories of their origin lives on, there is no extinction.
oh yes. this is probably why the guardians, who you have queried, revealed to you that they quarantined earth because it was the last planet that was hospitable to 3d entities.
Quote:May I apologize if my tone is not appropriate for your mental gymnastics exercises. Based upon experience I find your interpretations to be needlessly limiting and argumentative. Please do not take this to imply insult, it is merely an observation.
spotting a contradiction is not a mental exercise.
first you have preached that 'everything is ok, "because"', then you have said that there has been put a quarantine because earth was the last planet hospitable to 3d entities. and, moreover, you say that the guardians revealed you as such.
it is beyond logical that, actually i first said that this planet was quarantined in order to prevent another catastrophe, yet, you have come up and objected to that saying that 'everyhing would be okay in the end', but then again turned around and said that guardians have told you that they have quarantined this planet because it was the last in this solar system that was hospitable to 3d entities.
it appears like you dont know what you are objecting to, and then, contradicting yourself, in your objection. and then you are calling being queried on this as 'mental gymnastics'.
maybe you also need to do some mental gymnastics. after all, mind/body/spirit is a complex that also has the mind complex as an inseparable part of it.