09-26-2018, 01:26 PM
Hi everyone, I'm at CA's house, we just got done fighting and making up, he read everything here and was extremely upset at me but.
Well he wanted to say one thing to you all, but well... Here it is...
He wishes you all the best, but would like you all to energetically cease and desist, he said he would've deleted every post here if possible like others have to severe the cord of energy linking him here, and he directly blames this place, it's community, and L/L for showing him what true darkness is....... He will never return and is extremely upset that I've exposed myself to this place even for his benefit.
Plus side I have a boyfriend now though! And further plus side he has admitted and confirmed what I thought, and apologized for lying to me and was surprised I figured it out. Then not surprised when he read how.
He however refuses to get 'fake professional' help and says he would honestly prefer letting me take a whack at his 'dark game of the mind' but only because of the love I've shared for him here, had he not known that we probably wouldn't be friends at this moment, his words. I don't know if he's able to get on AHCCCS (Arizona's medicaid program) as they do have income requirements of which he currently would not pass, I will however look into it as he stopped his antidepressants believing he doesn't have access to them now that he's uninsured, and I'd prefer him getting back on them.
It was funny (well not really but funny in a serious way) because he was livid at first when I told him I made an account here, and then he saw I was in love with him, and he just lowered his phone and stared straightforward dumbfounded. I was speechless (Okay I said 'I love you' as quietly as a mouse) and he just looked up at me and asked 'why'.
And I told him he knew why. And then we started fighting because he was trying to tell me how bad of a person he was. How he's a failure of an incarnation and all of these things and I just let him start yelling about it, trying to convince me, and in a moment of silence to respond I told him I want him to yell as much as he needs, and just like that the yelling stopped and the tears began because he realized I understand him, that all of his intentional acts to push me away only draw me in closer because I see right through him.
He's watching star trek at this moment while I respond to you guys. He said he'll only be okay with me staying here so long as I avoid the lot of bad information harvested here. I told him I'm only here to dig up the cause of his dark game, after that I'd like to help him finish his books and hopefully get published.
He said my way of describing the problem, his dark game, described what was happening internally dead on (and even said pun intended with a chuckle) and says having described it that way made him realize that such a dark game didn't exist in his mind, but began forming just before he showed up here. He says he picked up something bad from a chakra session reader he contacted here, and that the reader themself (he won't say who...) accidentally brought that energy into his system. Since then it dug it's roots in he says and now the result after a few years is the growth of that energy into an influence that drives him down roads of self infliction.
He 'posits' that the egregore is responsible and because of that he asks you all to cease and desist energetically with him so he can finally have a moment of peace internally..... He also warned me at the first notice of such energy linking to me, we will no longer be friends. Which I cannot accept so I too am a temporary visitor here invested in only finding the answers to better understand how to heal him.
He is very adamant that L/L is a cult and a business scheme, and because of that is very concerned for my mental health (and some other's mental health here). For that reason he has told me he doesn't want his accounts messed with except to be deleted with all posts included on every account including his 'only' account.
Soooooooo you all probably get the idea. I'm sorry for his attitude, he holds this place more responsible than I do for his suffering.
@Aion, those professionals in that place disturbed him greatly. Even I noticed they talked down to him the few times I saw him interact with them. Our healthcare system is very sick.
Well he wanted to say one thing to you all, but well... Here it is...
He wishes you all the best, but would like you all to energetically cease and desist, he said he would've deleted every post here if possible like others have to severe the cord of energy linking him here, and he directly blames this place, it's community, and L/L for showing him what true darkness is....... He will never return and is extremely upset that I've exposed myself to this place even for his benefit.
Plus side I have a boyfriend now though! And further plus side he has admitted and confirmed what I thought, and apologized for lying to me and was surprised I figured it out. Then not surprised when he read how.
He however refuses to get 'fake professional' help and says he would honestly prefer letting me take a whack at his 'dark game of the mind' but only because of the love I've shared for him here, had he not known that we probably wouldn't be friends at this moment, his words. I don't know if he's able to get on AHCCCS (Arizona's medicaid program) as they do have income requirements of which he currently would not pass, I will however look into it as he stopped his antidepressants believing he doesn't have access to them now that he's uninsured, and I'd prefer him getting back on them.
It was funny (well not really but funny in a serious way) because he was livid at first when I told him I made an account here, and then he saw I was in love with him, and he just lowered his phone and stared straightforward dumbfounded. I was speechless (Okay I said 'I love you' as quietly as a mouse) and he just looked up at me and asked 'why'.
And I told him he knew why. And then we started fighting because he was trying to tell me how bad of a person he was. How he's a failure of an incarnation and all of these things and I just let him start yelling about it, trying to convince me, and in a moment of silence to respond I told him I want him to yell as much as he needs, and just like that the yelling stopped and the tears began because he realized I understand him, that all of his intentional acts to push me away only draw me in closer because I see right through him.
He's watching star trek at this moment while I respond to you guys. He said he'll only be okay with me staying here so long as I avoid the lot of bad information harvested here. I told him I'm only here to dig up the cause of his dark game, after that I'd like to help him finish his books and hopefully get published.
He said my way of describing the problem, his dark game, described what was happening internally dead on (and even said pun intended with a chuckle) and says having described it that way made him realize that such a dark game didn't exist in his mind, but began forming just before he showed up here. He says he picked up something bad from a chakra session reader he contacted here, and that the reader themself (he won't say who...) accidentally brought that energy into his system. Since then it dug it's roots in he says and now the result after a few years is the growth of that energy into an influence that drives him down roads of self infliction.
He 'posits' that the egregore is responsible and because of that he asks you all to cease and desist energetically with him so he can finally have a moment of peace internally..... He also warned me at the first notice of such energy linking to me, we will no longer be friends. Which I cannot accept so I too am a temporary visitor here invested in only finding the answers to better understand how to heal him.
He is very adamant that L/L is a cult and a business scheme, and because of that is very concerned for my mental health (and some other's mental health here). For that reason he has told me he doesn't want his accounts messed with except to be deleted with all posts included on every account including his 'only' account.
Soooooooo you all probably get the idea. I'm sorry for his attitude, he holds this place more responsible than I do for his suffering.
@Aion, those professionals in that place disturbed him greatly. Even I noticed they talked down to him the few times I saw him interact with them. Our healthcare system is very sick.